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Darwin Core of IOPAN legacy protist data from ARCEx2016 #58

Open cnrdh opened 2 years ago

cnrdh commented 2 years ago

107 prøver PHT-001 til PHT-107, samt PHT-HN1

cnrdh commented 2 years ago

The following 60 fieldNumbers are missing in samplelog:

cnrdh commented 2 years ago

Samplelog contains 42 Niskin and 5 Handnet

Niskin: PHT-001 to PHT-082 (ie. lots of holes in range)


cnrdh commented 2 years ago

Only 59 samples should be kept (those that are not "experiment"). 48 samples marked experiment should be thrown.

cnrdh commented 2 years ago

Based on input from AW/PA, "we have to assume that they [uknown samples] also belong to the experimental dataset and not include them".

Except PHT-HN1 from station vMf1:

{ "bottomDepth":65,"decimalLatitude":77.8317,"decimalLongitude":16.4865,"eventDate":"2016-05-18T04:00:00Z",
  "minimumDepthInMeters":0, "recordedBy":"Philipp Assmy",
  "sampletype":"Phytoplankton taxonomy",
  "type":"MaterialSample","year":2016 }

Data from following 11 samples not marked as experiment should therefore be excluded:
