nproth / pin

A minimalistic note-taking app for android utilizing your phone's notification area.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Ability to share an item to make it a notification note #25

Open madduck opened 4 years ago

madduck commented 4 years ago

I don't know if this is even possible, but how awesome would it be if I could share e.g. a text or an email or anything really with this app, i.e. select this app as destination for sharing, and have that create a notification that links straight to the item I shared?

nproth commented 4 years ago

I'm sorry for the late response.

This is certainly possible and probably easiest to implement with text items like E-Mails, web-links, phone-numbers, etc.. It is theoretically also possible with files, like images, but this would require more work as p!n would have to include support for such "attachments".

The other direction, sharing notes from p!n to another app, is also easy to implement but only if those items are treated as generic text. You might then not be able to open URLs saved as notes if your browser only accepts shared URLs and not shared texts. Else p!n would have to recognize notes with a special format and advertise them accordingly upon sharing (which can be error prone) or would have to keep track of 'typed' notes (but users would not be able to create or edit these).

It's a great idea and I will definitively look into it.

madduck commented 4 years ago

Hey @nproth, no reason to apologise. I think 2 weeks is a perfectly good turnaround time in the context of open-source and voluntary involvement!

Instead of attaching images etc. to p!n's, I was hoping there'd be a way to link these, or else we just duplicate potentially big files.

I think URLs in p!n will be clickable. No need to "share them" with a browser.

But sure, if you're sharing a note that has an attachment or a link to an external resource, ideally that attachment or resource is also shared.

ltguillaume commented 3 years ago

This (share to & from p!n, open URLs) would make it my go-to solution for many occasions on a daily basis, while currently I feel handicapped when using the app. Has any progress on this been made since?

nproth commented 3 years ago

As stated elsewhere (e.g. #29), I plan to rewrite the app to incorporate feature requests such as this one and put the app on a more modern code base. This will, however, not happen before October (so this year at least :) ).

ltguillaume commented 3 years ago

Thx, sounds promising!