npryce / adr-tools

Command-line tools for working with Architecture Decision Records
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Add decisions dir to TOC paths #44

Closed gaggle closed 6 years ago

gaggle commented 6 years ago

I'd like to output the TOC to an MD file on root of project, but links to the MD files are made so that file would have to be in the decisions dir itself.


* [1. Record architecture decisions](

I'd like a flag in generate toc to generate links with the decisions dir added, or perhaps relative to the current folder, or as a string to prefix every path. Which (if any) do you prefer?


* [1. Record architecture decisions](decisions/

(and thanks for making the tool, it's fun and useful :)

npryce commented 6 years ago

Great idea!

jmeijrink commented 6 years ago

Same for graph generation. Now the toc and graph should probably be placed in the decisions folder. IT would already be helpful to have some guidance on this point, how it was meant to be used.

npryce commented 6 years ago

The generate subcommands are meant to be used as part of a document publishing pipeline.

I usually have a Makefile that gathers into a temp directory ADR markdown files from the adr directory, the generated table of contents, figures generated from textual diagram formats in the adr directory (PlantUML, mermaid, dot, etc.), and so on; uses Pandoc to generate HTML and PDF; and then publishes to the team web site.