Express my vision, mission, and brief story so far (in one paragraph)
State my core principles / guiding realities.
I believe that everyone has the capability to contribute to the world and enjoy life if provided with access to information, good teaching, holistic support. They may not want to or their contribution(s) may appear differently to what society tells you to expect. I work on providing that access to those who want it.
Placeholder issue to start my bio
Express my vision, mission, and brief story so far (in one paragraph)
State my core principles / guiding realities.
e.g. I believe that everyone has the capability to contribute to the world and enjoy life if provided with access to information, good teaching, holistic support. They may not want to or their contribution(s) may appear differently to what society tells you to expect. I work on providing that access to those who want it.
I am not comfortable in conflict