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debug odjitter 413 #458

Closed Robinlovelace closed 1 month ago

Robinlovelace commented 1 month ago
Robinlovelace commented 1 month ago

Heads-up @wangzhao0217 this is good to go, tested and works!

Details on the diagnostic tests below, useful debugging info in here for .qmd files that can live in code/tests:

--- format: gfm execute: cache: false message: false --- The code here is designed to debug the following target: ```r tar_target(od_shopping, { od_shopping = make_od_shopping(oas, os_pois, grid, trip_purposes, intermediate_zones, parameters,region_boundary_buffered, odjitter_location = parameters$odjitter_location) od_shopping }), ``` Which fails with the error: ``` errored target od_shopping ✖ errored pipeline [16.653 seconds] Warning message: 1 targets produced warnings. Run targets::tar_meta(fields = warnings, complete_only = TRUE) for the messages. Error: ! Error running targets::tar_make() Error messages: targets::tar_meta(fields = error, complete_only = TRUE) Debugging guide: How to ask for help: Last error message: Cannot open "/tmp/RtmpCdX9jT/od_jittered.geojson"; The source could be corrupt or not supported. See `st_drivers()` for a list of supported formats. Last error traceback: make_od_shopping(oas, os_pois, grid, trip_purposes, intermediate_zones, ... odjitter::jitter(od = od_adjusted, zones = zones_shopping, zones_d = sho... sf::read_sf(output_path) st_read(..., quiet = quiet, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, as... st_read.character(..., quiet = quiet, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactor... CPL_read_ogr(dsn, layer, query, as.character(options), quiet, type,... stop(list("Cannot open \"/tmp/RtmpCdX9jT/od_jittered.geojson\"; The sour... (function (condition) { state$error <- build_message(condition) ... ``` We can reproduce the state that led to the crash as follows: ```{r} library(sf) library(tidyverse) library(targets) ``` ```{r} if (!dir.exists("_targets")) { setwd("../..") } tar_source() tar_load(parameters) tar_load(oas) tar_load(os_pois) tar_load(grid) tar_load(trip_purposes) tar_load(intermediate_zones) tar_load(region_boundary_buffered) tar_load(zones) tar_load(zones_boundary_buffered) ``` Let's give it a go: ```{r} #| error: true od_shopping = make_od_shopping(oas, os_pois, grid, trip_purposes, intermediate_zones, parameters,region_boundary_buffered, odjitter_location = parameters$odjitter_location) od_shopping ``` Let's step through the code in the function `make_od_shopping` to see where the error is coming from. ```{r} #| eval: false make_od_shopping function(oas, os_pois, grid, trip_purposes, intermediate_zones, parameters, study_area, odjitter_location = "odjitter"){ os_retail = os_pois %>% dplyr::filter(groupname == "Retail") # 26279 points os_retail = os_retail %>% sf::st_transform(27700) shopping = os_retail %>% dplyr::mutate(grid_id = sf::st_nearest_feature(os_retail, grid)) # calculate weighting of each grid point shopping_grid = shopping %>% sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% dplyr::group_by(grid_id) %>% dplyr::summarise(size = n()) # assign grid geometry grid_df = data.frame(grid) grid_df = tibble::rowid_to_column(grid_df, "grid_id") shopping_join = dplyr::inner_join(grid_df, shopping_grid) shopping_grid = sf::st_as_sf(shopping_join) shopping_grid = sf::st_transform(shopping_grid, 4326) # Estimate number of shopping trips from each origin zone # Calculate number of trips / number of cyclists shop_percent = trip_purposes %>% dplyr::filter(Purpose =="Shopping") %>% dplyr::select(adjusted_mean) shop_percent = shop_percent[[1]]/100 zones_shopping = intermediate_zones %>% dplyr::select(InterZone, ResPop2011) # from NTS 2019 (England) average 953 trips/person/year divided by 365 = 2.61 trips/day zones_shopping = zones_shopping %>% dplyr::mutate(shopping_trips = ResPop2011 * 2.61 * shop_percent) %>% dplyr::select(-ResPop2011) zones_shopping = sf::st_transform(zones_shopping, 4326) zones_shopping = sf::st_make_valid(zones_shopping) # Spatial interaction model of journeys # We could validate this SIM using the Scottish data on mean km travelled max_length_euclidean_km = 5 od_shopping_initial = simodels::si_to_od(zones_shopping, shopping_grid, max_dist = max_length_euclidean_km * 1000) od_interaction = od_shopping_initial %>% simodels::si_calculate(fun = gravity_model, m = origin_shopping_trips, n = destination_size, d = distance_euclidean, beta = 0.5, constraint_production = origin_shopping_trips) # Need to correct the number of trips, in accordance with origin_shopping_trips od_adjusted = od_interaction %>% dplyr::group_by(O) %>% dplyr::mutate( proportion = interaction / sum(interaction), shopping_all_modes = origin_shopping_trips * proportion ) %>% dplyr::ungroup() # Jittering shopping_polygons = sf::st_buffer(shopping_grid, dist = 0.0001) # Workaround for #445 sf::st_geometry(shopping_polygons) = "geom" # why does distance_euclidean drop so dramatically when we go from od_interaction to od_adjusted_jittered? od_adjusted_jittered = odjitter::jitter( od = od_adjusted, zones = zones_shopping, zones_d = shopping_polygons, # each polygon is a single grid point, so destinations are kept the same subpoints_origins = oas, subpoints_destinations = shopping_grid, disaggregation_key = "shopping_all_modes", disaggregation_threshold = parameters$disag_threshold, deduplicate_pairs = FALSE, odjitter_location = odjitter_location ) # Get mode shares # These are the overall means from the SHS Travel Diaries in table 16 of # transport-and-travel-in-scotland-2019-local-authority-tables.xlsx # car = driver + passenger # public_transport = bus + rail # taxi = taxi + other mode_shares = data_frame( bicycle = 0.012, foot = 0.221, car = 0.652, public_transport = 0.093, taxi = 0.022 ) od_shopping_jittered = od_adjusted_jittered %>% dplyr::rename( geo_code1 = O, geo_code2 = D ) %>% dplyr::mutate(bicycle = shopping_all_modes * mode_shares$bicycle, foot = shopping_all_modes * mode_shares$foot, car = shopping_all_modes * mode_shares$car, public_transport = shopping_all_modes * mode_shares$public_transport, taxi = shopping_all_modes * mode_shares$taxi ) od_shopping_subset = od_shopping_jittered %>% dplyr::rename(length_euclidean_unjittered = distance_euclidean) %>% dplyr::mutate( length_euclidean_unjittered = length_euclidean_unjittered/1000, length_euclidean_jittered = units::drop_units(st_length(od_shopping_jittered))/1000 ) %>% dplyr::filter( length_euclidean_jittered > (parameters$min_distance_meters/1000), length_euclidean_jittered < max_length_euclidean_km ) n_short_lines_removed = nrow(od_shopping_jittered) - nrow(od_shopping_subset) message(n_short_lines_removed, " short or long desire lines removed") od_shopping_subset = od_shopping_subset %>% dplyr::rename( origin_trips = origin_shopping_trips, all = shopping_all_modes ) %>% mutate(purpose = "shopping") od_shopping_subset } ``` ```{r} os_retail = os_pois %>% dplyr::filter(groupname == "Retail") # 26279 points os_retail = os_retail %>% sf::st_transform(27700) shopping = os_retail %>% dplyr::mutate(grid_id = sf::st_nearest_feature(os_retail, grid)) # calculate weighting of each grid point shopping_grid = shopping %>% sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% dplyr::group_by(grid_id) %>% dplyr::summarise(size = n()) # assign grid geometry grid_df = data.frame(grid) grid_df = tibble::rowid_to_column(grid_df, "grid_id") shopping_join = dplyr::inner_join(grid_df, shopping_grid) shopping_grid = sf::st_as_sf(shopping_join) shopping_grid = sf::st_transform(shopping_grid, 4326) # Estimate number of shopping trips from each origin zone # Calculate number of trips / number of cyclists shop_percent = trip_purposes %>% dplyr::filter(Purpose =="Shopping") %>% dplyr::select(adjusted_mean) shop_percent = shop_percent[[1]]/100 zones_shopping = intermediate_zones %>% dplyr::select(InterZone, ResPop2011) # from NTS 2019 (England) average 953 trips/person/year divided by 365 = 2.61 trips/day zones_shopping = zones_shopping %>% dplyr::mutate(shopping_trips = ResPop2011 * 2.61 * shop_percent) %>% dplyr::select(-ResPop2011) zones_shopping = sf::st_transform(zones_shopping, 4326) zones_shopping = sf::st_make_valid(zones_shopping) # Spatial interaction model of journeys # We could validate this SIM using the Scottish data on mean km travelled max_length_euclidean_km = 5 od_shopping_initial = simodels::si_to_od(zones_shopping, shopping_grid, max_dist = max_length_euclidean_km * 1000) od_interaction = od_shopping_initial %>% simodels::si_calculate(fun = gravity_model, m = origin_shopping_trips, n = destination_size, d = distance_euclidean, beta = 0.5, constraint_production = origin_shopping_trips) # Need to correct the number of trips, in accordance with origin_shopping_trips od_adjusted = od_interaction %>% dplyr::group_by(O) %>% dplyr::mutate( proportion = interaction / sum(interaction), shopping_all_modes = origin_shopping_trips * proportion ) %>% dplyr::ungroup() # Jittering shopping_polygons = sf::st_buffer(shopping_grid, dist = 0.0001) # Workaround for #445 sf::st_geometry(shopping_polygons) = "geom" ``` And the jittering command is: ```{r} #| error: true od_adjusted_jittered = odjitter::jitter( od = od_adjusted, zones = zones_shopping, zones_d = shopping_polygons, # each polygon is a single grid point, so destinations are kept the same subpoints_origins = oas, subpoints_destinations = shopping_grid, disaggregation_key = "shopping_all_modes", disaggregation_threshold = parameters$disag_threshold, deduplicate_pairs = FALSE ) ``` From that the error was found: ``` Error: No subpoints for zone jitterS02002357 ``` Let's take a look at the zone codes: ```{r} head(zones_shopping$InterZone) ``` As a test, let's try to jitter a subset of the data: ```{r} zones_1_3 = zones_shopping |> filter(InterZone %in% c(od_adjusted$O, od_adjusted$D)) |> slice(1:3) od_adjusted_z_1_3 = od_adjusted |> filter(O %in% zones_1_3$InterZone) # |> # filter(D %in% zones_1_3$InterZone # Try again: od_adjusted_jittered = odjitter::jitter( od = od_adjusted_z_1_3, zones = zones_1_3, zones_d = shopping_polygons, # each polygon is a single grid point, so destinations are kept the same subpoints_origins = oas, subpoints_destinations = shopping_grid, disaggregation_key = "shopping_all_modes", disaggregation_threshold = parameters$disag_threshold, deduplicate_pairs = FALSE ) ``` That demostrates the issue: it's edge cases were zones lack subpoints. The solution is add subpoints to the zones that lack them. ```{r} zones_with_od = zones_shopping |> filter(InterZone %in% od_adjusted$O | InterZone %in% od_adjusted$D) zones_with_subpoints = zones_with_od[oas, ] zones_without_subpoints = zones_with_od |> filter(!InterZone %in% zones_with_subpoints$InterZone) ``` ```{r} plot(sf::st_geometry(oas)) plot(sf::st_geometry(zones_without_subpoints), add = TRUE) plot(sf::st_geometry(zones_with_subpoints), add = TRUE, col = "red") ``` The results show that the zones with no subpoints are on the edge of the study area. Let's take a look at the zone datasets used: ```{r} tar_load(zones) waldo::compare(names(zones), names(zones_shopping)) summary(sf::st_area(zones)) / summary(sf::st_area(zones_shopping)) ``` The `zones_shopping` areas are much (~10x) bigger. We just need to ensure that shopping trips are taken only from the study area and go to the surroundings. ```{r} izs = sf::read_sf("inputdata/SG_IntermediateZone_Bdry_2011.gpkg") sf::st_crs(izs) izs_centroids = sf::st_centroid(izs) zones_projected = sf::st_transform(zones, 27700) izs_centroids_within = izs_centroids[zones_projected, ] izs = izs |> filter(InterZone %in% izs_centroids_within$InterZone) ``` Now let's try jittering again: ```{r} #| echo: false od_adjusted_jittered = odjitter::jitter( od = od_adjusted, zones = izs |> sf::st_transform(4326), zones_d = shopping_polygons, # each polygon is a single grid point, so destinations are kept the same subpoints_origins = oas, subpoints_destinations = shopping_grid, disaggregation_key = "shopping_all_modes", disaggregation_threshold = parameters$disag_threshold, deduplicate_pairs = FALSE ) ``` # Debug simplify_network target ```{r} ```

One question, in the code in there, are we missing this step?

  # TODO: do we need to do the step mentioned in the comment below?:
  # Subsetting 'rnet_xp' to include only those features that are within the buffer created around 'rnet_yp'.