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How do we handle highway=path? #32

Closed Robinlovelace closed 6 months ago

Robinlovelace commented 7 months ago

Currently there are lots of bits of infra with highway=path in Scotland:


How would you tag that @mvl22 ?

I think it's too much to re-tag all of those at this point, and we can set a rule like

if (highway == "path)
  if(! | (bicycle=="designated" & segregated=="yes))) # Or is asphalt?
    # Then it's an along-road cycleway
Robinlovelace commented 7 months ago

Following #31

mvl22 commented 7 months ago

highway=path is a very junky tag ("generic path") which could mean almost anything, except in Germany, where they have a propensity to combine it with bicycle=designated. Little proper infrastructure outside Germany should be using this.

Highway values like footway/cycleway etc. are far clearer, and massively more common in the UK.

For the example given, normally a typical blue-sign-on-a-pavement -style shared-use path would be highway=footway, bicycle=yes, or (for higher-quality cycle tracks built as a cycleway that pedestrians are permitted to use) highway=cycleway, foot=yes.

Robinlovelace commented 7 months ago

So you'd recommend editing this section, right Martin? I suspect it's not worth it right now, less time to write the code than edit the tags, but great to know what's considered good practice. Maybe worth starting a discusson on OSM also?

mvl22 commented 7 months ago

So you'd recommend editing this section, right Martin?

I don't know what it's like on the ground, so I can't be sure. But it looks like a shared-use path to me, so one of the two above.

Personally I'd add a Note for local mappers to address, or source some photographs from a suitable source (i.e. not Google, etc.) which shows the location.

joeytalbot commented 7 months ago

I've excluded segments with highway = path or highway = pedestrian that have bicycle = yes or bicycle = permissive.

So now we only include highway = path and highway = pedestrian where they have bicycle = designated.

Look here to see what this removed in Leeds and Edinburgh:

mvl22 commented 7 months ago

highway=path with bicycle=yes may still be infrastructure used by cycles. Frankly highway=path may or may not imply bicycle=yes anyway. The whole tag is so vague it could mean almost anything that isn’t a road.

joeytalbot commented 6 months ago

The current method seems to work well. It excludes pedestrianised roads like Briggate in Leeds, where cycling is difficult (tagged bicycle=yes), but includes designated cycle paths across the Meadows in Edinburgh (tagged bicycle=designated).