nqanh / affordance-net

AffordanceNet - Multiclass Instance Segmentation Framework - ICRA 2018
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Error when running demo_img.py #1

Closed Tetsujinfr closed 6 years ago

Tetsujinfr commented 6 years ago

hi thanks for your code. So after compiling etc, I just reach the magic moment of running your demo_img.py

But then, after crunching about 30 seconds (or a bit more), I have the following errors:

~/affordance-net$ ./tools/demo_img.py
./tools/demo_img.py: line 4: $'\nSee README.md for installation instructions before running.\nDemo script to perform affordace detection from images\n': command not found
from: can't read /var/mail/fast_rcnn.config
from: can't read /var/mail/fast_rcnn.test
from: can't read /var/mail/fast_rcnn.nms_wrapper
from: can't read /var/mail/utils.timer
./tools/demo_img.py: line 19: CONF_THRESHOLD: command not found
./tools/demo_img.py: line 20: good_range: command not found
./tools/demo_img.py: line 23: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./tools/demo_img.py: line 23: `cwd = os.getcwd()'

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot


nqanh commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! I made a mistake in the readme file (sorry about that). To run the demo, after the installation, just do this:

Please see the updated Readme for details.

Tetsujinfr commented 6 years ago

Ok thanks, that did the trick :)

I have a few issues with memory and low detection confidence but I will post under a separate issue since I can now run the demo.

before I close this issue, do you save the result of the outputs somewhere or I need to tweak the code to output the opencv window as an image somewhere?

I see a "temp_output" folder under tools/ but it seems not used at all.


Tetsujinfr commented 6 years ago

Ok I did uncmment the code lines in demo.py which are saving down the results, useful.



I close this, thanks. Tets