nqminhuit / gis

Java Command Line Application which extends Git for supporting git-modules
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Can we bundle git inside gis? #5

Open nqminhuit opened 2 years ago

nqminhuit commented 2 years ago

To use gis user must install git under /usr/bin/git some people may install in different directory which make it harder to config. Explore if we can bundle git into the native image.

nqminhuit commented 8 months ago

One solution is to bundle the whole thing into a docker container then alias it. like aws cli:

alias aws='podman run --rm -it -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws -v $(pwd):/aws amazon/aws-cli'

Another solution is jgit: https://git-scm.com/book/uz/v2/Appendix-B:-Embedding-Git-in-your-Applications-JGit

nqminhuit commented 8 months ago

another one is "Foreign Function and Memory API" https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/20/core/foreign-function-and-memory-api.html#GUID-FBE990DA-C356-46E8-9109-C75567849BA8