Open EkoJuarlin opened 4 months ago
Could you share your input file? There is likely a typo or mistake in your source definition. Note that this output looks like it comes from trying to run the application, not from compilation.
I execute my file with egs_gui. Here is my input file:
:start geometry definition:
# The farmer chamber modeled using a cone stack
# along the X-axis with chamber midpoint positioned
# at (0,0,0). Note that there will be two versions of the
# chamber geometry. One version will be the bare chamber,
# the other will have an extra water shell around it for using
# XCSE. Adding the XCSE regions directly to the chamber geometry
# instead of having it as part of the phantom makes things
# slightly easier.
# Chamber including water XCSE shell.
# The cone stack has 9 layers with a maximum
# of 5 regions per layer => it will count as having 45 regions
# cavity regions = 10, 15, 21
# XCSE will be on in regions 0, 5,6, 10,11,12, 15,16,17
# 20,21,22,23, 25,26,27,28,29
:start geometry:
library = egs_cones
type = EGS_ConeStack
name = chamber_in_water_xcse
axis = 2.2417 0 0 -1 0 0
# region 0: a water region for XCSE
:start layer:
thickness = 1.0
top radii = 1.35
bottom radii = 1.35
media = H2O521ICRU
:stop layer:
# regions 5,6: the chamber tip + a XCSE region
:start layer:
thickness = 0.0417
top radii = 0. 1.35
bottom radii = 0.0858 1.35
media = 170C521ICRU H2O521ICRU
:stop layer:
# regions 10, 11, 12: chamber body + a XCSE region
:start layer:
thickness = 0.1283
top radii = 0. 0.0858 1.35
bottom radii = 0.3125 0.35 1.35
media = AIR521ICRU 170C521ICRU H2O521ICRU
:stop layer:
# regions 15, 16, 17: chamber body + a XCSE region
:start layer:
thickness = 0.2217
bottom radii = 0.3125 0.35 1.35
media = AIR521ICRU 170C521ICRU H2O521ICRU
:stop layer:
# regions 20, 21, 22, 23
:start layer:
thickness = 2.05
top radii = 0.050 0.3125 0.35 1.35
bottom radii = 0.050 0.3125 0.35 1.35
media = AL521ICRU AIR521ICRU 170C521ICRU H2O521ICRU
:stop layer:
# regions 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
# Note: this and the following layer belong to the same
# portion of the chamber stem. However, we split
# it into 2 parts. We will use XCSE in this layer
# and not use XCSE in all subsequent layers.
:start layer:
thickness = 1.0
top radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000 1.35
bottom radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000 1.35
:stop layer:
# regions 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
:start layer:
thickness = 0.305
top radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000 1.35
bottom radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000 1.35
:stop layer:
# regions 35, 36, 37, 38
:start layer:
thickness = 0.84
top radii = 0.050 0.35 0.4000 1.35
bottom radii = 0.050 0.35 0.4000 1.35
:stop layer:
# regions 40, 41, 42, 43
:start layer:
thickness = 1.655
top radii = 0.0750 0.3500 0.4000 1.35
bottom radii = 0.0750 0.3500 0.4000 1.35
:stop layer:
:stop geometry:
# The bare chamber without a XCSE shell around it.
# The cone stack has 8 layers with a maximum
# of 4 regions per layer => it will count as having 32 regions
# cavity regions = 4,8,13
:start geometry:
library = egs_cones
type = EGS_ConeStack
name = chamber
axis = 1.2417 0 0 -1 0 0
# region 0
:start layer:
thickness = 0.0417
top radii = 0.
bottom radii = 0.0858
media = 170C521ICRU
:stop layer:
# regions 4, 5
:start layer:
thickness = 0.1283
top radii = 0. 0.0858
bottom radii = 0.3125 0.35
media = AIR521ICRU 170C521ICRU
:stop layer:
# regions 8, 9
:start layer:
thickness = 0.2217
bottom radii = 0.3125 0.35
media = AIR521ICRU 170C521ICRU
:stop layer:
# regions 12, 13, 14
:start layer:
thickness = 2.05
top radii = 0.050 0.3125 0.35
bottom radii = 0.050 0.3125 0.35
media = AL521ICRU AIR521ICRU 170C521ICRU
:stop layer:
# regions 16, 17, 18, 19
:start layer:
thickness = 1.0
top radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000
bottom radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000
:stop layer:
# regions 20, 21, 22, 23
:start layer:
thickness = 0.305
top radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000
bottom radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000
:stop layer:
# regions 24, 25, 26
:start layer:
thickness = 0.84
top radii = 0.050 0.35 0.4000
bottom radii = 0.050 0.35 0.4000
:stop layer:
# regions 28, 29, 30
:start layer:
thickness = 1.655
top radii = 0.0750 0.3500 0.4000
bottom radii = 0.0750 0.3500 0.4000
:stop layer:
:stop geometry:
# The cavity needed for range rejection/Russian Roulette
:start geometry:
library = egs_cones
type = EGS_ConeStack
name = cavity
axis = 1.201 0 0 -1 0 0
:start layer:
thickness = 2.402
top radii = 0.313
bottom radii = 0.313
media = AIR521ICRU
:stop layer:
:stop geometry:
# The chamber surrounded by a huge air region
:start geometry:
library = egs_space
name = air_around_chamber
:start media input:
media = AIR521ICRU
:stop media input:
:stop geometry:
:start geometry:
library = egs_genvelope
name = chamber_in_air
base geometry = air_around_chamber
inscribed geometries = chamber
:stop geometry:
# The chamber surrounded by a XCSE water region + a huge
# water region
:start geometry:
library = egs_space
name = water_around_chamber
:start media input:
media = H2O521ICRU
:stop media input:
:stop geometry:
:start geometry:
library = egs_genvelope
name = chamber_in_water
base geometry = water_around_chamber
inscribed geometries = chamber_in_water_xcse
:stop geometry:
# A rectilinear "tube" of air, infinite along the beam axis,
# in which the chamber will be moving up and down.
:start geometry:
library = egs_ndgeometry
type = EGS_XYZGeometry
name = air_chamber_tube
x-planes = -5.001 1.2427
y-planes = -0.351 0.351
z-planes = -999 999
:start media input:
media = AIR521ICRU
:stop media input:
:stop geometry:
# A 30x30 cm^2 rectilinear region of air, infinite along the
# beam axis.
:start geometry:
library = egs_ndgeometry
type = EGS_XYZGeometry
name = air_slab
x-planes = -15 15
y-planes = -15 15
z-planes = -1000 1000
:start media input:
media = AIR521ICRU
:stop media input:
:stop geometry:
# The air "tube" inscribed into the above air region. This
# will become the air region above the water phantom when it is
# put in place in the final geometry using a CD geometry.
:start geometry:
library = egs_genvelope
name = air
base geometry = air_slab
inscribed geometries = air_chamber_tube
:stop geometry:
# A rectilinear "tube" of water, infinite along the beam axis,
# in which the chamber will be moving up and down.
:start geometry:
library = egs_ndgeometry
type = EGS_XYZGeometry
name = water_chamber_tube
x-planes = -5.001 1.2427
y-planes = -0.351 0.351
z-planes = -998 998
:start media input:
media = H2O521ICRU
:stop media input:
:stop geometry:
# Another rectilinear "tube" of water, infinite along the beam axis,
# which will be used for cross section enhancement.
:start geometry:
library = egs_ndgeometry
type = EGS_XYZGeometry
name = water_xcse_tube
x-planes = -5.002 2.2427
y-planes = -1.351 1.351
z-planes = -999 999
:start media input:
media = H2O521ICRU
:stop media input:
:stop geometry:
# A 30x30 cm^2 rectilinear region of water, infinite along the
# beam axis.
:start geometry:
library = egs_ndgeometry
type = EGS_XYZGeometry
name = water_slab
x-planes = -15 15
y-planes = -15 15
z-planes = -1000 1000
:start media input:
media = H2O521ICRU
:stop media input:
:stop geometry:
# The chamber motion "tube" inscribed into the water XCSE "tube"
:start geometry:
library = egs_genvelope
name = water_xcse
base geometry = water_xcse_tube
inscribed geometries = water_chamber_tube
:stop geometry:
# The water chamber movement and XCSE "tubes" inscribed into
# the above water region. This will become the water phantom when
# it is put in place in the final geometry using a CD geometry.
:start geometry:
library = egs_genvelope
name = water
base geometry = water_slab
inscribed geometries = water_xcse
:stop geometry:
# 3 z-planes to be used in the CD geometry below
:start geometry:
library = egs_planes
type = EGS_Zplanes
name = base_z_planes
positions = -50 0.0 30
:stop geometry:
# The actual simulation geometry without the chamber. It consists
# from a 30x30 cm^2 air region between z=-50 and z=0 and a
# 30x30 cm^2 water region between z=0 and z=30.
# This is the geometry where the
# transport of particles coming from the particle source will
# begin. We will use XCSE in the entire air region and in the
# water_xcse sub-geometry defined above. We will also mark the
# regions defined as water_chamber_tube and air_chamber_tube
# as "cavity". The result of this will be that when a particle
# enters these region, its phase will be stored and the particle
# transport terminated. The phase space will then be used to
# initiate transport in geometries containing the chamber at
# different locations.
:start geometry:
library = egs_cdgeometry
name = phsp_scoring_geometry
base geometry = base_z_planes
set geometry = 0 air
set geometry = 1 water
:stop geometry:
# Constructs geometries for 5 chamber positions in air
# Note: we use input loop for this to avoid typing the same stuff
# over and over again. Input loops are a new feature in the
# egspp library available since Summer 2007. When an input
# loop is encountered, the content between :start input loop:
# and :stop input loop: is repeated the number of times
# specified in 'loop count = '. In each iteration the loop
# variables take a new value as defined by their definitions
# (see below).
:start input loop:
loop count = 5
# Define a floating point loop variable (type=1) named var1
# that takes values -45.0 + i*(-1) in the i'th loop.
# All occureneces of $(var1) will be replaced by this.
loop variable = 1 var1 -45.0 -1
# Similar as above but $(var2) = 5.0 + i*(-1)
loop variable = 1 var2 5.0 -1
# Similar as above but $(var4) = 5.5 + i*(-1)
loop variable = 1 var4 5.5 -1
# Similar as above but $(var3) = 35.0 + i*(-1)
loop variable = 1 var3 35.0 -1
# The z-planes to define the air region and the water phantom
# Note: we add a 0.5 cm thick region of water where we will
# be using XCSE. This will hopefully improve the statistics
# of backscattered dose.
:start geometry:
library = egs_planes
type = EGS_Zplanes
name = zplanes_-$(var2)cm
positions = $(var1) $(var2) $(var4) $(var3)
# i.e., in the avove the planes will be
# -45.0 5.0 5.5 35.0 in the first loop execution,
# -46.0 4.0 4.5 34.0 in the second loop execution, etc.
:stop geometry:
# The air + water phantom
:start geometry:
library = egs_cdgeometry
name = phantom_-$(var2)cm
# i.e., we will get geometries named phantom_-5cm, phantom_-4cm, etc.
base geometry = zplanes_-$(var2)cm
set geometry = 0 air_slab
set geometry = 1 water_slab
set geometry = 2 water_slab
:stop geometry:
# The chamber inscribed into the air above the water phantom
:start geometry:
library = egs_cdgeometry
name = dose_-$(var2)cm
# i.e., we will get geometries named dose_-4cm, dose_-3cm, etc.
base geometry = phantom_-$(var2)cm
set geometry = 0 chamber_in_air
:stop geometry:
:stop input loop:
# Constructs geometries for 15 chamber positions in water
# Same approach as above using an input loop
:start input loop:
loop count = 15
loop variable = 1 var1 -50.4 -0.2
loop variable = 1 var2 -0.4 -0.2
loop variable = 1 var3 29.6 -0.2
loop variable = 1 var4 0.4 0.2
# The z-planes to define the air region and the water phantom
:start geometry:
library = egs_planes
type = EGS_Zplanes
name = zplanes_$(var4)cm
positions = $(var1) $(var2) $(var3)
:stop geometry:
# The air + water phantom
:start geometry:
library = egs_cdgeometry
name = phantom_$(var4)cm
base geometry = zplanes_$(var4)cm
set geometry = 0 air_slab
set geometry = 1 water_slab
:stop geometry:
# The chamber inscribed into the water phantom
:start geometry:
library = egs_cdgeometry
name = dose_$(var4)cm
new indexing style = 1
base geometry = phantom_$(var4)cm
set geometry = 1 chamber_in_water
:stop geometry:
:stop input loop:
# Constructs geometries for 3 chamber positions where the chamber
# is partially in the air and partially in the water
:start input loop:
loop count = 3
loop variable = 1 var1 -49.8 -0.2
loop variable = 1 var2 0.2 -0.2
loop variable = 1 var3 30.2 -0.2
loop variable = 1 var4 -0.2 0.2
# The z-planes to define the air region and the water phantom
:start geometry:
library = egs_planes
type = EGS_Zplanes
name = zplanes_$(var4)cm
positions = $(var1) $(var2) $(var3)
:stop geometry:
# The air + water phantom
:start geometry:
library = egs_cdgeometry
name = phantom_$(var4)cm
base geometry = zplanes_$(var4)cm
set geometry = 0 air_slab
set geometry = 1 water_slab
:stop geometry:
# The chamber inscribed into the water phantom
:start geometry:
library = egs_cdgeometry
name = dose_$(var4)cm
base geometry = phantom_$(var4)cm
set geometry = 0 chamber_in_air
set geometry = 1 chamber_in_water
:stop geometry:
:stop input loop:
#simulation geometry = phsp_scoring_geometry
#simulation geometry = dose_-1cm
#simulation geometry = dose_1cm
simulation geometry = dose_0cm
#simulation geometry = phantom_1cm
:stop geometry definition:
########################################### The source:
# A parallel photon beam, 6MeV
# or
# A full BEAMnrc treatment head simulation
:start source definition:
# A BEAMnrc shared library source
# This source option is commented out by default, since it requires an
# extra step. To compile the BEAMnrc accelerator as a shared library
# so that it can be used as a source, navigate to the accelerator directory
# on a terminal (e.g. on linux "cd $EGS_HOME/BEAM_EX16MVp")
# Then compile the accelerator as a shared library using "make library".
# Note that on Windows, the make command may be different
# (e.g. on windows "mingw32-make library")
# :start source:
# library = egs_beam_source
# name = the_source
# beam code = BEAM_EX16MVp
# pegs file = 700icru
# input file = EX16MVp
# particle type = all
# weight window = 0 0.1 # This discards fat particles.
# :stop source:
# A parallel 10x10cm2 photon beam
# Note that this is defined at the origin (z=0), instead of at z=50 like the
# scoring plane in the BEAMnrc simulation, so we shift by 50 to line it up.
# In any case, this is just an example, and we don't expect the results
# to match the BEAMnrc source.
:start source:
library = egs_parallel_beam
name = the_source
charge = 0
:start shape:
library = egs_rectangle
rectangle = -5 -5 5 5
:start transformation:
translation = 0 0 50
:stop transformation:
:stop shape:
:start spectrum:
type = monoenergetic
energy = 2
:stop spectrum:
:stop source:
simulation source = the_source
:stop source definition:
############################################ Run control
:start run control:
ncase = 100000 # Increase this to reduce the uncertainty
:stop run control:
############################################# Scoring
:start scoring options:
silent = 0
# The simulation starts in the first calculation geometry
# If phase space scoring is set, which it is in our case,
# (see the variance reduction section below),
# then all particles entering the region specified as cavity are
# stored and then they are further transported in the additional
# calculation geometries specified
:start calculation geometry:
geometry name = phsp_scoring_geometry
cavity regions = 1 5
cavity mass = 1
cavity geometry = air_chamber_tube
enhance regions = 0 1 4 5
enhancement = 128 128 128 128
# Note: the transformation specified below is applied to particle
# positions before checking if the particle enters the geometry.
# In the case of a BEAMnrc simulation source, the particle positions
# are the positions when the particles cross the scoring plane
# i.e. at (x,y,50) in this case. The top of this geometry is at
# z=-50 => we must translate the particle positions by -100.
:start transformation:
translation = 0 0 -100.001
:stop transformation:
:stop calculation geometry:
# -------------------------------------- the actual calculation geometries
# Note: this is not a 'real' input loop because we only do it once.
# The purpose of using it is to define the cse loop variable, which will be
# used as the XCSE factor. This way, we only need to change it once here,
# instead of going to all 'enhancement = ...' inputs when we want to
# investigate the optimum XCSE factor.
:start input loop:
loop count = 1
loop variable = 0 cse 128 0
# The 5 chamber locations where the calculation geometries are named
# dose_-5cm, dose_-4cm, ..., and the chamber is completely in the air above
# the water phantom.
:start input loop:
loop count = 5
loop variable = 1 var1 -5 1
loop variable = 1 var2 5 -1
:start calculation geometry:
geometry name = dose_$(var1)cm
# Cavity regions in chamber are 4, 8, 13. chamber is inscribed
# via an envelope in chamber_in_air, so there cavity regions are
# 5, 9, 14. chamber_in_air is then put into region 0 of dose_$(var1)cm
# using a CD geometry => cavity regions are still 5, 9, 14
cavity regions = 5 9 14
cavity mass = 0.0008361
cavity geometry = cavity
# We want to use XCSE in most chamber regions (don't need XCSE in the portions
# of the stem that are too far away from the cavity) + in the air of
# dose_(var1)cm + in the 0.5 cm thick layer of water.
enhance regions = 0 1 5 6 9 10 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 33
enhancement = $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) \
$(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse)
# We need to add a translation applied to the particle position before its
# transport starts in this geometry from the phase space scored in
# phsp_scoring_geometry. This is so because in phsp_scoring_geometry the
# water surface is at z=0, wheras in dose_$(var1)cm the water surface is
# at -($var1)
:start transformation:
translation = 0 0 $(var2)
:stop transformation:
:stop calculation geometry:
:stop input loop:
# The 3 chamber locations where the calculation geometries are named
# dose_-0.2cm, dose_0cm and dose_0.2cm and where the chamber is partially in
# the water phantom and partially in the air
:start input loop:
loop count = 3
loop variable = 1 var1 -0.2 0.2
loop variable = 1 var2 0.2 -0.2
:start calculation geometry:
geometry name = dose_$(var1)cm
# Cavity regions in chamber_in_water_xcse are 10,15,21.
# chamber_in_water_xcse is inscribed
# via an envelope in chamber_in_water, so there cavity regions are
# 11, 16, 22. chamber_in_water is then put into region 1 of dose_$(var1)cm
# using a CD geometry with the new indexing style => cavity regions become
# 12, 17, 22
cavity regions = 5 9 14 57 62 68
cavity mass = 0.0008361
cavity geometry = cavity
# We want to use XCSE in most chamber regions (don't need XCSE in the portions
# of the stem that are too far away from the cavity) + in the air of
# dose_(var1)cm + in the 0.5 cm thick layer of water.
enhance regions = 0 \ # outside air
1 5 6 9 10 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 \ # chamber portion in air
47 52 53 57 58 59 62 63 64 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76
enhancement = $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) \
$(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) \
$(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) \
$(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse)
# We need to add a translation applied to the particle position before its
# transport starts in this geometry from the phase space scored in
# phsp_scoring_geometry. This is so because in phsp_scoring_geometry the
# water surface is at z=0, wheras in dose_$(var1)cm the water surface is
# at -($var1)
:start transformation:
translation = 0 0 $(var2)
:stop transformation:
:stop calculation geometry:
:stop input loop:
# The 15 chamber locations where the calculation geometries are named
# dose_0.4cm, dose_0.6cm, ..., and the chamber is completely in
# the water phantom.
:start input loop:
loop count = 15
loop variable = 1 var1 0.4 0.2
loop variable = 1 var2 -0.4 -0.2
:start calculation geometry:
geometry name = dose_$(var1)cm
# Cavity regions in chamber_in_water_xcse are 10,15,21.
# chamber_in_water_xcse is inscribed
# via an envelope in chamber_in_water, so there cavity regions are
# 11, 16, 22. chamber_in_water is then put into region 1 of dose_$(var1)cm
# using a CD geometry with the new indexing style => cavity regions become
# 12, 17, 22
cavity regions = 12 17 23
cavity mass = 0.0008361
cavity geometry = cavity
# We want to use XCSE in most chamber regions (don't need XCSE in the portions
# of the stem that are too far away from the cavity) + in the air of
# dose_(var1)cm + in the 0.5 cm thick layer of water.
enhance regions = 0 2 7 8 12 13 14 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31
enhancement = $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) \
$(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse)
# We need to add a translation applied to the particle position before its
# transport starts in this geometry from the phase space scored in
# phsp_scoring_geometry. This is so because in phsp_scoring_geometry the
# water surface is at z=0, wheras in dose_$(var1)cm the water surface is
# at -($var1)
:start transformation:
translation = 0 0 $(var2)
:stop transformation:
:stop calculation geometry:
:stop input loop:
:stop input loop:
:stop scoring options:
############################################# Variance reduction
:start variance reduction:
cs enhancement = 1
TmpPhsp = 1 # i.e., score phase space and use it once in each specified
# geometry
:start range rejection:
# The 'rejection' must be larger than the largest enhancement factor,
# and it should be divisible by the enhancement factors
rejection = 512
Esave = 0.521 # i.e. no range rejection but Russian Roulette
cavity geometry = cavity # since each geometry can have its own
# cavity geometry this is just a dummy
rejection range medium = H2O521ICRU
:stop range rejection:
:stop variance reduction:
:start MC transport parameter:
# Define here parameters that should be different from their defaults.
:stop MC transport parameter:
Before executing that file, the file was compiled succesfully. Because I look problem concerning with random generator, also I share two random generator files listed below:
#include "egs_libconfig.h"
#include "egs_math.h"
#include "egs_functions.h"
class EGS_Input;
/*! \brief Base random number generator class. All random number generators
* should be derived from this class.
* \ingroup egspp_main
* A random number generator (RNG) is a central part of every Monte Carlo
* simulation. In order to have the possibility of using different
* RNGs, the egspp class library defines a RNG as an abstract class.
* However, for the sake of efficiency, the main method for drawing
* random numbers getUniform() is implemented as an inline function, which
* returns the next number in an array of random numbers, possibly after
* calling the pure virtual method fillArray() to fill the array with
* random numbers. Appart from getUniform(), which returns a random number
* uniformely distributed between zero (inclusive) and one (exclusive),
* EGS_RandomGenerator implements some frequently needed algorithms such
* as picking a random azimuthal angle ( getAzimuth() ) angle and picking
* a Gaussian distributed number ( getGaussian() ).
* \todo Should not EGS_RandomGenerator be derived from EGS_Object,
* so that dynamically loading RNG DSOs is automatically implemented?
class EGS_EXPORT EGS_RandomGenerator {
/*! \brief Construct a RNG that has an array of \a n points to
* hold random numbers.
* Memory gets allocated and #rarray points to it. The pointer
* #ip is set to point beyond the array (so that at the next call
* of getUniform() #rarray gets filled via a call to fillArray() ).
EGS_RandomGenerator(int n=128);
/*! \brief Copy constructor.
* Being able to save the state of a RNG is useful in advanced applications
* such as correlated sampling.
EGS_RandomGenerator(const EGS_RandomGenerator &r) : np(0) {
/*! \brief Destructor.
* Deallocates the memory pointed to by #rarray.
virtual ~EGS_RandomGenerator() {
delete [] rarray;
/*! \brief Returns a random number uniformly distributed between
* zero (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
* Uses the virtual method fillArray() to fill the array #rarray,
* if the pointer #ip points beyond the last element of #rarray.
inline EGS_Float getUniform() {
if (ip >= np) {
ip = 0;
return rarray[ip++];
/*! \brief Returns the number of random numbers generated so far.
* This is useful for simulation diagnostics purposes.
* \sa numbersUsed()
EGS_I64 numbersGenerated() const {
return count;
/*! \brief Returns the number of random numbers used so far.
* This is normally different than numbersGenerated() as some of the
* numbers in the array #rarray may not have been used yet.
EGS_I64 numbersUsed() const {
return ip<np ? count - np + ip : count;
/*! \brief Sets \a cphi and \a sphi to the cosine and sine of a random
* angle uniformely distributed between 0 and \f$2 \pi \f$.
* The default implementation uses a box method as this is faster on
* AMD and Intel CPUs. If the preprocessor macro FAST_SINCOS is defined,
* then an azimuthal angle \f$\phi\f$ is drawn uniformly between
* 0 and \f$2 \pi \f$ and \a cphi and \a sphi are calculated using the
* cosine and sine functions.
inline void getAzimuth(EGS_Float &cphi, EGS_Float &sphi) {
register EGS_Float xphi,xphi2,yphi,yphi2,rhophi;
do {
xphi = 2*getUniform() - 1;
xphi2 = xphi*xphi;
yphi = getUniform();
yphi2 = yphi*yphi;
rhophi = xphi2 + yphi2;
while (rhophi > 1);
cphi = (xphi2 - yphi2)/rhophi;
sphi = 2*xphi*yphi/rhophi;
EGS_Float phi = 2*M_PI*getUniform();
cphi = cos(phi);
sphi = sin(phi);
/*! \brief Returns a Gaussian distributed random number with mean zero
* and standard deviation 1.
inline EGS_Float getGaussian() {
if (have_x) {
have_x = false;
return the_x;
EGS_Float r = sqrt(-2*log(1-getUniform()));
EGS_Float cphi, sphi;
have_x = true;
the_x = r*sphi;
return r*cphi;
/*! \brief Create a RNG object from the information pointed to by
* \a inp and return a pointer to it.
* The input \a inp must either be itself, or it mist have a property
* with key <code>rng definition</code>, otherwise the return value
* of this function will be \c null. The \a sequence parameter is
* usefull to automatically adjust the initial random number seeds
* in parallel runs.
* Note: it is planned to extend this function to be able to create
* RNG objects by dinamically loading RNG dynamic shared objects,
* but this functionality is not there yet. For now, the only RNG
* type available is a ranmar RNG.
static EGS_RandomGenerator *createRNG(EGS_Input *inp, int sequence=0);
/*! \brief Returns a pointer to the default egspp RNG.
* The default egspp RNG is ranmar. The RNG is initialized with
* by increasing the second ranmar default initial seed by
* \a sequence.
static EGS_RandomGenerator *defaultRNG(int sequence=0);
/*! \brief Fill the array of \a n elements pointed to by \a array with
* random numbers.
* This pure virtual function must be implemented by derived RNG classes
* to fill the array \a array with \a n random numbers uniformly
* distributed between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). The reason for
* having the interval defined to exclude unity is the fact that
* traditionally RNGs used with the EGS system have had this property
* and therefore in many algorithms this behaviour is assumed
* (\em e.g. log(1-r) is used without checking if 1-r is 0).
virtual void fillArray(int n, EGS_Float *array) = 0;
//! \name state_functions
/*! \brief Functions for storing, seting and reseting the state of a RNG
* object.
* These functions are useful for being able to perform restarted
* calculations and to combine the result of parallel runs.
* They are used by the default implementations of the
* outputData(), readData(), etc. of the EGS_Application class.
* The base RNG class implementation stores/reads #count, #np, #ip and
* #rarray to the output or input stream \a data.
* Derived RNG classes should should store/read additional data needed
* to set their state to be the same as at the time of executing one
* of these functions by reimplementing the pure virtual functions
* storePrivateState() and setPrivateState().
bool storeState(ostream &data);
bool setState(istream &data);
bool addState(istream &data);
void resetCounter() {
count = 0;
/*! \brief Get a copy of the RNG */
virtual EGS_RandomGenerator *getCopy() = 0;
/*! \brief Set the state of the RNG from another RNG */
virtual void setState(EGS_RandomGenerator *r) = 0;
/*! \brief Save the RNG state */
virtual void saveState() = 0;
/*! \brief Reset the state to a previously saved state */
virtual void resetState() = 0;
/*! \brief The memory needed to store the rng state */
virtual int rngSize() const = 0;
/*! \brief Describe this RNG
* Derived RNG classes should reimplement this method to output
* some information about the RNG being used in ther simulation.
* This is handy for EGSnrc C++ applications.
virtual void describeRNG() const {};
EGS_I64 count; //!< random number generated so far
int np; //!< size of the array rarray
int ip; //!< pointer to the next rarray element in the sequence
EGS_Float *rarray;//!< array with random numbers of size np.
/*! \brief Store the state of the RNG to the output stream \a data.
* Derived RNG classes must implement this function to store as much data
* as needed to the output stream \a data so that a RNG
* object can be set to exactly the same using these data by
* invoking setPrivateState().
* \sa storeState(), setState().
virtual bool storePrivateState(ostream &data) = 0;
/*! \brief Set the state of the RNG object from the data in the input
* stream \a data.
* This method must be implemented in derived RNG classes. It should read
* the same data as stored by storePrivateState() in the same order from
* the input stream \a data.
virtual bool setPrivateState(istream &data) = 0;
void copyBaseState(const EGS_RandomGenerator &r);
void allocate(int n);
/*! \brief The memory needed to store the base state */
int baseSize() const {
return 2*sizeof(EGS_I32) + sizeof(EGS_I64) + sizeof(bool) +
sizeof(EGS_Float) + np*sizeof(EGS_Float);
bool have_x; //!< used for sampling Gaussian random numbers
EGS_Float the_x; //!< used for sampling Gaussian random numbers
2. Random generator file in cpp file
#include "egs_rndm.h"
#include "egs_input.h"
#include "egs_functions.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void EGS_RandomGenerator::allocate(int n) {
if (n < 1) {
egsFatal("Attempt to construct a RNG with n < 1\n");
rarray = new EGS_Float[n];
np = n;
ip = np;
void EGS_RandomGenerator::copyBaseState(const EGS_RandomGenerator &r) {
if (np > 0 && np != {
delete [] rarray;
np = 0;
if (np <= 0) {
ip = r.ip;
have_x = r.have_x;
the_x = r.the_x;
count = r.count;
for (int j=ip; j<np; j++) {
rarray[j] = r.rarray[j];
EGS_RandomGenerator::EGS_RandomGenerator(int n) : count(0), np(0) {
have_x = false;
for (int j=0; j<np; j++) {
rarray[j] = 0;
bool EGS_RandomGenerator::storeState(ostream &data) {
if (!egsStoreI64(data,count)) {
return false;
data << " " << np << " " << ip << endl;
for (int j=0; j<np; j++) {
data << rarray[j] << " ";
data << endl;
if (!data.good()) {
return false;
return storePrivateState(data);
bool EGS_RandomGenerator::setState(istream &data) {
if (!egsGetI64(data,count)) {
return false;
int np1;
data >> np1 >> ip;
if (!data.good() || || data.eof()) {
return false;
if (np1 < 1) {
return false;
if (np1 != np && np > 0) {
delete [] rarray;
rarray = new EGS_Float [np1];
np = np1;
for (int j=0; j<np; j++) {
data >> rarray[j];
if (!data.good()) {
return false;
return setPrivateState(data);
bool EGS_RandomGenerator::addState(istream &data) {
EGS_I64 count_save = count;
if (!setState(data)) {
return false;
count += count_save;
return true;
/*! \brief A ranmar RNG class.
* This RNG class implements the Zaman \& Marsaglia ranmar generator.
* ranmar has been the default EGS4 and EGSnrc RNG for many years.
class EGS_LOCAL EGS_Ranmar : public EGS_RandomGenerator {
/*! \brief Construct a ranmar RNG using \a ixx and \a jxx as the
* initial seeds.
EGS_Ranmar(int ixx=1802, int jxx=9373, int n=128) :
EGS_RandomGenerator(n), high_res(false), copy(0) {
EGS_Ranmar(const EGS_Ranmar &r) : EGS_RandomGenerator(r),
ix(r.ix), jx(r.jx), c(r.c), iseed1(r.iseed1), iseed2(r.iseed2),
high_res(r.high_res) {
for (int j=0; j<97; j++) {
u[j] = r.u[j];
~EGS_Ranmar() {
if (copy) {
delete copy;
/*! \brief Fill the array pointed to by \a array with random numbers
void fillArray(int n, EGS_Float *array);
/*! \brief Output information about this RNG using egsInformation() */
void describeRNG() const;
EGS_RandomGenerator *getCopy();
void setState(EGS_RandomGenerator *r);
void saveState();
void resetState();
int rngSize() const {
return baseSize() + 102*sizeof(int);
void setHighResolution(bool hr) {
high_res = hr;
/*! Stores the pointers ix and jx, the carry c, the initial seeds that
* were used to initialize the generator and the 97 element array u.
bool storePrivateState(ostream &data);
/*! Reads the same data stored by storePrivateState() */
bool setPrivateState(istream &data);
void set(const EGS_Ranmar &r) {
ix = r.ix;
jx = r.jx;
c = r.c;
iseed1 = r.iseed1;
iseed2 = r.iseed2;
for (int j=0; j<97; j++) {
u[j] = r.u[j];
void setState(int ixx, int jxx);
int ix, jx, c;
int u[97];
static int cd, cm;
static EGS_Float twom24;
int iseed1, iseed2;
bool high_res;
EGS_Ranmar *copy;
void EGS_Ranmar::saveState() {
if (copy) {
else {
copy = new EGS_Ranmar(*this);
copy->copy = 0;
void EGS_Ranmar::resetState() {
if (copy) {
EGS_Ranmar *tmp = copy;
copy = tmp;
EGS_RandomGenerator *EGS_Ranmar::getCopy() {
EGS_Ranmar *c = new EGS_Ranmar(*this);
c->np = 0;
c->copy = 0;
return c;
void EGS_Ranmar::setState(EGS_RandomGenerator *r) {
EGS_Ranmar *r1 = dynamic_cast<EGS_Ranmar *>(r);
if (!r1) {
egsFatal("EGS_Ranmar::setState: attampt to set my state by a non EGS_Ranmar RNG!\n");
ix = r1->ix;
jx = r1->jx;
c = r1->c;
iseed1 = r1->iseed1;
iseed2 = r1->iseed2;
for (int j=0; j<97; j++) {
u[j] = r1->u[j];
bool EGS_Ranmar::storePrivateState(ostream &data) {
data << ix << " " << jx << " " << c << " "
<< iseed1 << " " << iseed2 << " " << high_res << endl;
for (int j=0; j<97; j++) {
data << u[j] << " ";
data << endl;
return data.good();
bool EGS_Ranmar::setPrivateState(istream &data) {
data >> ix >> jx >> c >> iseed1 >> iseed2 >> high_res;
for (int j=0; j<97; j++) {
data >> u[j];
return data.good();
EGS_Float EGS_Ranmar::twom24 = 1./16777216.;
int EGS_Ranmar::cd = 7654321;
int EGS_Ranmar::cm = 16777213;
void EGS_Ranmar::describeRNG() const {
egsInformation("Random number generator:\n"
egsInformation(" type = ranmar\n");
egsInformation(" high resolution = ");
if (high_res) {
else {
egsInformation(" initial seeds = %d %d\n",iseed1,iseed2);
egsInformation(" numbers used so far = %lld\n",count);
void EGS_Ranmar::setState(int ixx, int jxx) {
if (ixx <= 0 || ixx >= 31328) {
ixx = 1802;
if (jxx <= 0 || jxx >= 30081) {
jxx = 9373;
iseed1 = ixx;
iseed2 = jxx;
int i = (ixx/177)%177 + 2;
int j = ixx%177 + 2;
int k = (jxx/169)%178 + 1;
int l = jxx%169;
for (int ii=0; ii<97; ii++) {
int s = 0;
int t = 8388608;
for (int jj=0; jj<24; jj++) {
int m = (((i*j)%179)*k)%179;
i = j;
j = k;
k = m;
l = (53*l+1)%169;
if ((l*m)%64 >= 32) {
s += t;
t /= 2;
u[ii] = s;
c = 362436;
ix = 96;
jx = 32;
void EGS_Ranmar::fillArray(int n, EGS_Float *array) {
for (int ii=0; ii<n; ii++) {
register int r = u[ix] - u[jx--];
#ifdef MSVC
if (r > 16777219) {
egsWarning("r = %d\n",r);
if (r < 0) {
r += 16777216;
u[ix--] = r;
if (ix < 0) {
ix = 96;
if (jx < 0) {
jx = 96;
c -= cd;
if (c < 0) {
r -= c;
if (r < 0) {
#ifdef MSVC
if (r > 16777219) {
egsWarning("r = %d\n",r);
array[ii] = twom24*r;
if (high_res) {
for (int ii=0; ii<n; ii++) {
register int r = u[ix] - u[jx--];
#ifdef MSVC
if (r > 16777219) {
egsWarning("r = %d\n",r);
if (r < 0) {
r += 16777216;
u[ix--] = r;
if (ix < 0) {
ix = 96;
if (jx < 0) {
jx = 96;
c -= cd;
if (c < 0) {
r -= c;
if (r < 0) {
#ifdef MSVC
if (r > 16777219) {
egsWarning("r = %d\n",r);
array[ii] += twom24*twom24*r;
count += n;
EGS_RandomGenerator *EGS_RandomGenerator::createRNG(EGS_Input *input,
int sequence) {
if (!input) {
egsWarning("EGS_RandomGenerator::createRNG: null input?\n");
return 0;
EGS_Input *i;
bool delete_it = false;
if (input->isA("rng definition")) {
i = input;
else {
i = input->takeInputItem("rng definition");
if (!i) {
egsWarning("EGS_RandomGenerator::createRNG: no 'RNG definition'"
" input\n");
return 0;
delete_it = true;
string type;
int err = i->getInput("type",type);
if (err) {
egsWarning("EGS_RandomGenerator::createRNG: no RNG type specified\n"
" Assuming ranmar.\n");
type = "ranmar";
EGS_RandomGenerator *result;
if (i->compare(type,"ranmar")) {
vector<int> seeds;
err = i->getInput("initial seeds",seeds);
EGS_Ranmar *res;
if (!err && seeds.size() == 2) {
res = new EGS_Ranmar(seeds[0],seeds[1] + sequence);
else {
res = new EGS_Ranmar(1802,9373+sequence);
vector<string> hr_options;
bool hr = i->getInput("high resolution",hr_options,0);
result = res;
else {
egsWarning("EGS_RandomGenerator::createRNG: unknown RNG type %s\n",
result = 0;
if (delete_it) {
delete i;
return result;
EGS_RandomGenerator *EGS_RandomGenerator::defaultRNG(int sequence) {
sequence += 97;
int ixx = 33;
int iaux = sequence/30081;
int jxx = sequence - iaux*30081;
if (iaux > 0) {
ixx += iaux;
if (iaux > 31328) egsFatal("EGS_RandomGenerator::defaultRNG: "
"sequence %d is outside of allowed range\n",sequence);
return new EGS_Ranmar(ixx,jxx);
Just information, I do not change anything in code or file after I download from github.
Thank You very much.
I tested your input file and it works fine for me. I'm guessing there's a problem with your installation. Do example files work? E.g. does
egs_app -i slab
Run successfully?
Please post your installation log, found in HEN_HOUSE/log.
Right @rtownson . I found many errors in installation log. I post my installation log here.
GNU Fortran (x86_64-win32-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 7.3.0
Using xml test file D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\pieces\tests_win.xml
===> Checking for availability of system dependent functions
gfortran -c -o HasObject.obj HasObject.f
gfortran -fPIC -o DoesExe.exe DoesExe.f
gfortran -fPIC -o ExitFun.exe ExitFun.f
./ExitFun.exe 1
Exit code is 1
Reference is 1
./ExitFun.exe 5
Exit code is 5
Reference is 5
./ExitFun.exe 25
Exit code is 25
Reference is 25
gcc -c -o egs_exit.obj egs_exit.c
egs_exit.c: In function 'my_exit':
egs_exit.c:6:4: warning: implicit declaration of function 'exit' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
egs_exit.c:6:4: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit'
egs_exit.c:6:4: note: include '<stdlib.h>' or provide a declaration of 'exit'
gfortran -fPIC -o SystemFun.exe SystemFun.f
./SystemFun.exe 0
Exit code is 0
Reference is 0
gfortran -fPIC -o SystemFun.exe SystemFun.f
./SystemFun.exe 1
Exit code is 0
Reference is 1
gfortran -fPIC -o FlushFun.exe FlushFun.f
./FlushFun.exe 0
Exit code is 0
Reference is 0
gfortran -fPIC -o DateAndTime.exe DateAndTime.f
gfortran -fPIC -o FDateFun.exe FDateFun.f
./FDateFun.exe 0
Exit code is 0
Reference is 0
gfortran -fPIC -o SecndsFun.exe SecndsFun.f
./SecndsFun.exe 0
Exit code is 0
Reference is 0
gfortran -fPIC -o DateFun.exe DateFun.f
C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Temp\ccwUgaYm.o:DateFun.f:(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `date_'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
gfortran -fPIC -o DateFun.exe DateFun.f
C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Temp\cceBvixV.o:DateFun.f:(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `date__'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
gfortran -fPIC -o TimeFun.exe TimeFun.f
C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Temp\ccaGh1ah.o:TimeFun.f:(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `time_'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
gfortran -fPIC -o TimeFun.exe TimeFun.f
C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Temp\ccED2apT.o:TimeFun.f:(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `time__'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
gfortran -fPIC -o ETimeFun.exe ETimeFun.f
./ETimeFun.exe 0
Exit code is 0
Reference is 0
gfortran -fPIC -o LnblnkFun.exe LnblnkFun.f
gfortran -fPIC -o HostName.exe HostName.f
./HostName.exe hostnm
Exit code is 0
Reference is hostnm
gfortran -fPIC -o LstatFun.exe LstatFun.f
./LstatFun.exe 3:13
Exit code is 0
Reference is 3:13
gfortran -fPIC -o LstatFun.exe LstatFun.f
./LstatFun.exe 5:25
Exit code is 0
Reference is 5:25
gfortran -fPIC -o InquireFun.exe InquireFun.f
./InquireFun.exe 0
Exit code is 0
Reference is 0
gcc -c -o file_size.obj file_size.c
gfortran -fPIC -o RecordLength.exe RecordLength.f file_size.obj
./RecordLength.exe 4
Exit code is 0
Reference is 4
gfortran -fPIC -o LongInteger.exe LongInteger.f
./LongInteger.exe 0
Exit code is 0
Reference is 0
gfortran -fPIC -o ShortInteger.exe ShortInteger.f
./ShortInteger.exe 0
Exit code is 0
Reference is 0
gfortran -fPIC -o Endianess.exe Endianess.f
./Endianess.exe 0
little endian
Exit code is 0
Reference is 0
gcc -c -o NameDecoration.obj NameDecoration.c
gfortran -fPIC -o NameMangling.exe NameMangling.f NameDecoration.obj
./NameMangling.exe 0
lower case, _ and _
Exit code is 0
Reference is 0
************ Tests concluded ! *******
===> Creating C Utilities for EGSnrc...
Building the utilities object file ...
gcc -O2 -fPIC -c -DWIN32 -o D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\egs_c_utils.obj D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\egs_c_utils.c
D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\egs_c_utils.c: In function 'egs_open_control_file_':
D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\egs_c_utils.c:89:9: warning: '_sleep' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
In file included from D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/7.3.0/include/mm_malloc.h:27:0,
from D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/7.3.0/include/xmmintrin.h:34,
from D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/7.3.0/include/x86intrin.h:33,
from D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/winnt.h:1554,
from D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/minwindef.h:163,
from D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/windef.h:8,
from D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/windows.h:69,
from D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\egs_config1.h:36,
from D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\egs_c_utils.h:40,
from D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\egs_c_utils.c:37:
D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/stdlib.h:659:24: note: declared here
_CRTIMP void __cdecl _sleep(unsigned long _Duration) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED;
D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\egs_c_utils.c: In function 'egs_sleep_':
D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\egs_c_utils.c:211:5: warning: '_sleep' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
In file included from D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/7.3.0/include/mm_malloc.h:27:0,
from D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/7.3.0/include/xmmintrin.h:34,
from D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/7.3.0/include/x86intrin.h:33,
from D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/winnt.h:1554,
from D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/minwindef.h:163,
from D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/windef.h:8,
from D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/windows.h:69,
from D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\egs_config1.h:36,
from D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\egs_c_utils.h:40,
from D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\egs_c_utils.c:37:
D:/UI/x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/stdlib.h:659:24: note: declared here
_CRTIMP void __cdecl _sleep(unsigned long _Duration) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED;
gcc -O2 -fPIC -c -DWIN32 -o D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\load_beamlib.obj D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\load_beamlib.c
gcc -O2 -fPIC -c -DWIN32 -o D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\load_vculib.obj D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\load_vculib.c
gcc -O2 -fPIC -c -DWIN32 -o D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\read_write_pardose.obj D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\read_write_pardose.c
Testing the C utilities object file ...
gfortran -fPIC -o test_c_utils.exe test_c_utils.f D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\egs_c_utils.obj
Yes, egs_c_utils can be successfully linked to a Fortran file.
Assuming there is no need to pass a flag
to the compiler for opening a DSO on Windows
using Win API function LoadLibrary().
===> Creating configuration file ...
===> Creating machine.macros ...
*** System file D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\machine.macros successfully created ***
===> Creating machine.f ...
===> Creating machine.mortran ...
*** System file D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\machine.mortran successfully created ***
===> Creating dosxyznrc_win3264.spec ... done
===> Appending VCU library to dosxyznrc_win3264.spec ... done
===> Compiling Mortran3 ...
"Compiling mortran3.f D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\machine.f"
"Making mortran3.dat"
Compilation succeeded !
===> Compiling Pegs4 ...
"Generating pegs4_win3264.f from pegs4.mortran"
mortran3.exe: using following I/O units
raw/hex data file: D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\mortran3.dat
command line files:
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\machine.macros
-> appending pegs4.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\machine.mortran
generated mortjob.mortran
fortran output: pegs4_win3264.f
mortlst output: pegs4_win3264.mortlst
Mortran compiling ...
"Compiling pegs4_win3264.f with flags '-fPIC -O2 -mtune=native'"
Compilation succeeded !
Congratulations! You successfully configured the EGSnrc build system
for Windows. You can use this configuration for compiling EGSnrc user codes
by the following 3 methods:
1. Set the environment variable EGS_CONFIG to point to the file
D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs/D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\win3264.conf by typing on your command prompt
set EGS_CONFIG=D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs/D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\win3264.conf
for a temporary setting or by adding/updating EGS_CONFIG permanently
on your system properties:
Start->[Settings]->Control panel->System->Advanced->Environment Variables
and then just go to a user code directory and type 'make'.
Note: EGS_CONFIG might have been already set by the installation program
2. By invoking make with an argument specifying to use this configuration,e.g
make EGS_CONFIG=D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\win3264.conf
3. By using one of the GUI's egs_gui or egs_inprz (RZ codes only)
* Elapsed time: 29.952 s *
===> Creating C++ configuration file ...
===> Compiling IAEA library ...
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_IAEA_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\egs++\dso\win3264\iaea_phsp.o iaea_phsp.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_IAEA_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\egs++\dso\win3264\iaea_header.o iaea_header.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_IAEA_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\egs++\dso\win3264\iaea_record.o iaea_record.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_IAEA_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\egs++\dso\win3264\utilities.o utilities.cpp
utilities.cpp: In function 'FILE* open_file(char*, const char*, const char*)':
utilities.cpp:243:46: warning: non-constant array new length must be specified without parentheses around the type-id [-Wvla]
char *filename1 = new(char[filenameLength]);
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_IAEA_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -shared ..\egs++\dso\win3264\iaea_phsp.o ..\egs++\dso\win3264\iaea_header.o ..\egs++\dso\win3264\iaea_record.o ..\egs++\dso\win3264\utilities.o -o ..\egs++\dso\win3264\iaea_phsp.dll -Wl,--out-implib,..\egs++\dso\win3264\iaea_phsp.lib
Compilation succeeded !
* Elapsed time: 37.301 s *
===> Compiling C++ library ...
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egspp.o egspp.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_input.o egs_input.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_base_geometry.o egs_base_geometry.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_library.o egs_library.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_transformations.o egs_transformations.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_rndm.o egs_rndm.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_shapes.o egs_shapes.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_geometry_tester.o egs_geometry_tester.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_timer.o egs_timer.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_polygon.o egs_polygon.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_projectors.o egs_projectors.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_alias_table.o egs_alias_table.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_object_factory.o egs_object_factory.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_spectra.o egs_spectra.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_base_source.o egs_base_source.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_functions.o egs_functions.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_scoring.o egs_scoring.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_interpolator.o egs_interpolator.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_atomic_relaxations.o egs_atomic_relaxations.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_ausgab_object.o egs_ausgab_object.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_particle_track.o egs_particle_track.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_fortran_geometry.o egs_fortran_geometry.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o dso\win3264\egs_ensdf.o egs_ensdf.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -shared dso\win3264\egs_input.o dso\win3264\egs_base_geometry.o dso\win3264\egs_library.o dso\win3264\egs_transformations.o dso\win3264\egs_rndm.o dso\win3264\egs_shapes.o dso\win3264\egs_geometry_tester.o dso\win3264\egs_timer.o dso\win3264\egs_polygon.o dso\win3264\egs_projectors.o dso\win3264\egs_alias_table.o dso\win3264\egs_object_factory.o dso\win3264\egs_spectra.o dso\win3264\egs_base_source.o dso\win3264\egs_functions.o dso\win3264\egs_application.o dso\win3264\egs_run_control.o dso\win3264\egs_scoring.o dso\win3264\egs_interpolator.o dso\win3264\egs_atomic_relaxations.o dso\win3264\egs_ausgab_object.o dso\win3264\egs_particle_track.o dso\win3264\egs_fortran_geometry.o dso\win3264\egs_ensdf.o -o D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\egs++\dso\win3264\egspp.dll -Wl,--out-implib,D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\egs++\dso\win3264\egspp.lib
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -O2 -mtune=native -o D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\egspp.exe dso\win3264\egspp.o -LD:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\egs++\dso\win3264 -legspp
cd geometry\egs_planes && make
cd geometry\egs_cd_geometry && make
cd geometry\egs_gtransformed && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_planes'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_cd_geometry'
cd geometry\egs_nd_geometry && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_gtransformed'
cd geometry\egs_box && make
cd geometry\egs_genvelope && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_nd_geometry'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_box'
cd geometry\egs_spheres && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_PLANES_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_planes.o egs_planes.cpp
cd geometry\egs_cylinders && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_genvelope'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_GTRANSFORMED_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_gtransformed.o egs_gtransformed.cpp
cd geometry\egs_iplanes && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_CDGEOMETRY_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_cd_geometry.o egs_cd_geometry.cpp
cd geometry\egs_cones && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_cylinders'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_spheres'
cd geometry\egs_gstack && make
cd geometry\egs_prism && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_iplanes'
cd geometry\egs_union && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_cones'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_NDG_DLL -DEXPLICIT_XYZ -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_nd_geometry.o egs_nd_geometry.cpp
cd geometry\egs_pyramid && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_BOX_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_box.o egs_box.cpp
cd geometry\egs_conez && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_gstack'
cd geometry\egs_space && make
cd geometry\egs_elliptic_cylinders && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_prism'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_ENVELOPEG_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_envelope_geometry.o egs_envelope_geometry.cpp
cd geometry\egs_smart_envelope && make
cd geometry\egs_vhp_geometry && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_pyramid'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_union'
cd geometry\egs_octree && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_conez'
cd geometry\egs_roundrect_cylinders && make
cd geometry\egs_rz && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_CYLINDERS_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_cylinders.o egs_cylinders.cpp
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_space'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_elliptic_cylinders'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_SPHERES_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_spheres.o egs_spheres.cpp
cd geometry\egs_autoenvelope && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_smart_envelope'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_IPLANES_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_iplanes.o egs_iplanes.cpp
cd geometry\egs_lattice && make
cd geometry\egs_glib && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_vhp_geometry'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_octree'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_roundrect_cylinders'
cd geometry\egs_mesh && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_CONES_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_cones.o egs_cones.cpp
cd sources\egs_collimated_source && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_autoenvelope'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_STACKG_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_stack_geometry.o egs_stack_geometry.cpp
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_rz'
cd sources\egs_isotropic_source && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_lattice'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_glib'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_collimated_source'
cd sources\egs_parallel_beam && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_CONEZ_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_conez.o egs_conez.cpp
cd sources\egs_point_source && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_isotropic_source'
cd sources\egs_source_collection && make
cd sources\egs_transformed_source && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_PYRAMID_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_pyramid.o egs_pyramid.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_PRISM_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_prism.o egs_prism.cpp
cd sources\egs_beam_source && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_mesh'
cd sources\egs_phsp_source && make
cd sources\egs_angular_spread && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_ELLIPTIC_CYLINDERS_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_elliptic_cylinders.o egs_elliptic_cylinders.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_UNIONG_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_union_geometry.o egs_union_geometry.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_SPACE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_space.o egs_space.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_ROUNDRECT_CYLINDERS_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_roundrect_cylinders.o egs_roundrect_cylinders.cpp
cd sources\iaea_phsp_source && make
cd ..\egs_nd_geometry && make
cd sources\egs_radionuclide_source && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_parallel_beam'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_source_collection'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_angular_spread'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/iaea_phsp_source'
cd sources\egs_dynamic_source && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_OCTREE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_octree.o egs_octree.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_VHP_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_vhp_geometry.o egs_vhp_geometry.cpp
cd sources\egs_fano_source && make
cd ..\egs_nd_geometry && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_beam_source'
cd shapes\egs_circle && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_point_source'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_SMART_ENVELOPE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_smart_envelope.o egs_smart_envelope.cpp
cd shapes\egs_ellipse && make
cd shapes\egs_extended_shape && make
cd ..\egs_cylinders && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_transformed_source'
cd shapes\egs_gaussian_shape && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_phsp_source'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_AENVELOPE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_autoenvelope.o egs_autoenvelope.cpp
make[2]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_nd_geometry'
cd ..\egs_planes && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_radionuclide_source'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_LATTICE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_lattice.o egs_lattice.cpp
cd shapes\egs_line_shape && make
cd shapes\egs_polygon_shape && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_COLLIMATED_SOURCE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_collimated_source.o egs_collimated_source.cpp
make[2]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_planes'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_fano_source'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_line_shape'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_ellipse'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_dynamic_source'
make[2]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_nd_geometry'
cd shapes\egs_rectangle && make
cd shapes\egs_shape_collection && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_circle'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_extended_shape'
make[2]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_cylinders'
cd shapes\egs_voxelized_shape && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_SOURCE_COLLECTION_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_source_collection.o egs_source_collection.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_PARALLEL_BEAM_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_parallel_beam.o egs_parallel_beam.cpp
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_rectangle'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_gaussian_shape'
cd shapes\egs_spherical_shell && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_shape_collection'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_voxelized_shape'
cd shapes\egs_conical_shell && make
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_polygon_shape'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_RADIONUCLIDE_SOURCE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_radionuclide_source.o egs_radionuclide_source.cpp
cd shapes\egs_circle_perpendicular && make
cd ausgab_objects\egs_track_scoring && make
cd ausgab_objects\egs_dose_scoring && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_EGS_MESH_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_mesh.o egs_mesh.cpp
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_spherical_shell'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_ANGULAR_SPREAD_SOURCE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_angular_spread_source.o egs_angular_spread_source.cpp
cd ausgab_objects\egs_radiative_splitting && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_POINT_SOURCE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_point_source.o egs_point_source.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_TRANSFORMED_SOURCE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_transformed_source.o egs_transformed_source.cpp
cd ausgab_objects\egs_phsp_scoring && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_ISOTROPIC_SOURCE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_isotropic_source.o egs_isotropic_source.cpp
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_track_scoring'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_BEAM_SOURCE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_beam_source.o egs_beam_source.cpp
cd ausgab_objects\egs_fluence_scoring && make
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -ID:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\iaea_phsp -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_IAEA_PHSP_SOURCE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\iaea_phsp_source.o iaea_phsp_source.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DYNAMIC_SOURCE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_dynamic_source.o egs_dynamic_source.cpp
g++ -I..\lib\win3264 -DWIN32 -fPIC -O2 -mtune=native -LD:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\egs++\dso\win3264 test_geometry.cpp -o dso\win3264\gtest.exe -legspp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_PHSP_SOURCE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_phsp_source.o egs_phsp_source.cpp
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_circle_perpendicular'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_conical_shell'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_EXTENDED_SHAPE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_extended_shape.o egs_extended_shape.cpp
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_dose_scoring'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_phsp_scoring'
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_SHAPE_COLLECTION_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_shape_collection.o egs_shape_collection.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_CYLINDERS_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_cylinders.o egs_cylinders.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_NDG_DLL -DEXPLICIT_XYZ -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_nd_geometry.o egs_nd_geometry.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_PLANES_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_planes.o egs_planes.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_NDG_DLL -DEXPLICIT_XYZ -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_nd_geometry.o egs_nd_geometry.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_GAUSSIAN_SHAPE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_gaussian_shape.o egs_gaussian_shape.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_LINE_SHAPE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_line_shape.o egs_line_shape.cpp
make[1]: Entering directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_fluence_scoring'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_FANO_SOURCE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_fano_source.o egs_fano_source.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_ELLIPSE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_ellipse.o egs_ellipse.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_CIRCLE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_circle.o egs_circle.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_VOXELIZED_SHAPE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_voxelized_shape.o egs_voxelized_shape.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_RECTANGLE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_rectangle.o egs_rectangle.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_TRACK_SCORING_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_track_scoring.o egs_track_scoring.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_POLYGON_SHAPE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_polygon_shape.o egs_polygon_shape.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_SPHERICAL_SHELL_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_spherical_shell.o egs_spherical_shell.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -ID:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\iaea_phsp -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_PHSP_SCORING_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_phsp_scoring.o egs_phsp_scoring.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_CONICAL_SHELL_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_conical_shell.o egs_conical_shell.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_CIRCLE_PERPENDICULAR_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_circle_perpendicular.o egs_circle_perpendicular.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_RADIATIVE_SPLITTING_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_radiative_splitting.o egs_radiative_splitting.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_DOSE_SCORING_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_dose_scoring.o egs_dose_scoring.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_FLUENCE_SCORING_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_fluence_scoring.o egs_fluence_scoring.cpp
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 229960 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 229960 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 107632 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 229960 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 229960 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 229960 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_radiative_splitting.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_voxelized_shape.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_voxelized_shape'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_ellipse.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_ellipse'
make[2]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_planes.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_planes'
make[2]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_nd_geometry.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_nd_geometry'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_source_collection.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_source_collection'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_phsp_source.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_phsp_source'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_fluence_scoring.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_fluence_scoring'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_track_scoring.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_track_scoring'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_beam_source.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_beam_source'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_conical_shell.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_conical_shell'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_rectangle.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_rectangle'
make[2]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_cylinders.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_cylinders'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_space.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_space'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_line_shape.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_line_shape'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_dose_scoring.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_dose_scoring'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_spherical_shell.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_spherical_shell'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_phsp_scoring.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_phsp_scoring'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_shape_collection.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_shape_collection'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_pyramid.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_pyramid'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_planes.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_planes'
make: *** [makefile:175: dso\win3264\gtest.exe] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make: *** [makefile:197: egs_voxelized_shape] Error 2
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_gaussian_shape.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_gaussian_shape'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_smart_envelope.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_smart_envelope'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_polygon_shape.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_polygon_shape'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_extended_shape.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_extended_shape'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_dynamic_source.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_dynamic_source'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_elliptic_cylinders.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_elliptic_cylinders'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_nd_geometry.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_nd_geometry'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_stack_geometry.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_gstack'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_conez.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_conez'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_iplanes.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_iplanes'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_cd_geometry.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_cd_geometry'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_parallel_beam.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_parallel_beam'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_prism.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_prism'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_roundrect_cylinders.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_roundrect_cylinders'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_cones.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_cones'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_box.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_box'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_cylinders.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_cylinders'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_collimated_source.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_collimated_source'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_angular_spread_source.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_angular_spread'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_point_source.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_point_source'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_spheres.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_spheres'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_gtransformed.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_gtransformed'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_circle_perpendicular.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_circle_perpendicular'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_transformed_source.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_transformed_source'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_mesh.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_mesh'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_fano_source.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_fano_source'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_octree.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_octree'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_vhp_geometry.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_vhp_geometry'
make: *** [makefile:192: egs_collimated_source] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_conez] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:192: egs_parallel_beam] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:192: egs_source_collection] Error 2
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\iaea_phsp_source.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/iaea_phsp_source'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_autoenvelope.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_autoenvelope'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_envelope_geometry.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_genvelope'
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_lattice.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_lattice'
make[1]: *** [makefile:58: cyls] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make: *** [makefile:197: egs_gaussian_shape] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_box] Error 2
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_isotropic_source.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_isotropic_source'
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_octree] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_gtransformed] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_genvelope] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_iplanes] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_cones] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_gstack] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_autoenvelope] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_lattice] Error 2
make[1]: *** [makefile:55: ndgeom] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_mesh] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_planes] Error 2
make[1]: *** [makefile:61: planes] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_rz'
make: *** [makefile:192: egs_transformed_source] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:192: egs_dynamic_source] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:192: egs_fano_source] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:197: egs_ellipse] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:197: egs_extended_shape] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:197: egs_line_shape] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_pyramid] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:197: egs_rectangle] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_space] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:197: egs_shape_collection] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:197: egs_spherical_shell] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:197: egs_conical_shell] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_nd_geometry] Error 2
make[1]: *** [D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\egspp_libs.spec:48: ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_union_geometry.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_union'
make: *** [makefile:197: egs_circle_perpendicular] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:202: egs_track_scoring] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:202: egs_dose_scoring] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:202: egs_radiative_splitting] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_prism] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:202: egs_phsp_scoring] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:202: egs_fluence_scoring] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_smart_envelope] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_spheres] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_vhp_geometry] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_cd_geometry] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_cylinders] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_elliptic_cylinders] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_rz] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_roundrect_cylinders] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:192: egs_point_source] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:192: egs_beam_source] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:192: egs_angular_spread] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:197: egs_polygon_shape] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:192: egs_phsp_source] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:192: iaea_phsp_source] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:187: egs_union] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:192: egs_isotropic_source] Error 2
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_CIRCLE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -shared -LD:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\egs++\dso\win3264 ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_circle.o -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_circle.dll -Wl,--out-implib,..\..\dso\win3264\egs_circle.lib -legspp
In file included from egs_radionuclide_source.h:47:0,
from egs_radionuclide_source.cpp:37:
..\../egs_spectra.cpp:64:6: warning: 'void EGS_BaseSpectrum::reportAverageEnergy() const' redeclared without dllimport attribute: previous dllimport ignored [-Wattributes]
void EGS_BaseSpectrum::reportAverageEnergy() const {
In file included from egs_radionuclide_source.h:47:0,
from egs_radionuclide_source.cpp:37:
..\../egs_spectra.cpp:1740:19: warning: 'static EGS_BaseSpectrum* EGS_BaseSpectrum::createSpectrum(EGS_Input*)' redeclared without dllimport attribute: previous dllimport ignored [-Wattributes]
EGS_BaseSpectrum *EGS_BaseSpectrum::createSpectrum(EGS_Input *input) {
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/shapes/egs_circle'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_RADIONUCLIDE_SOURCE_DLL -O2 -mtune=native -shared -LD:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\egs++\dso\win3264 ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_radionuclide_source.o -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_radionuclide_source.dll -Wl,--out-implib,..\..\dso\win3264\egs_radionuclide_source.lib -legspp
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/sources/egs_radionuclide_source'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -DBUILD_NDG_DLL -DEXPLICIT_XYZ -O2 -mtune=native -shared -LD:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\egs++\dso\win3264 ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_nd_geometry.o -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_ndgeometry.dll -Wl,--out-implib,..\..\dso\win3264\egs_ndgeometry.lib -legspp -legs_planes
make[2]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_nd_geometry'
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -O2 -mtune=native -c -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_glib.o egs_glib.cpp
g++ -I..\..\..\lib\win3264 -I..\.. -DWIN32 -fPIC -O2 -mtune=native -shared -LD:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\egs++\dso\win3264 ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_glib.o -o ..\..\dso\win3264\egs_glib.dll -Wl,--out-implib,..\..\dso\win3264\egs_glib.lib -legspp -legs_ndgeometry -legs_planes
make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/geometry/egs_glib'
Compilation failed!
Copying user codes to user area ....
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Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_cbct\egs_utils.h to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_cbct\egs_utils.h
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_cbct\example_w5br.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_cbct\example_w5br.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_cbct\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_cbct\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_cbct\smooth.cpp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_cbct\smooth.cpp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_chamber\array_sizes.h to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_chamber\array_sizes.h
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_chamber\egs_chamber.cpp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_chamber\egs_chamber.cpp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_chamber\egs_chamber.macros to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_chamber\egs_chamber.macros
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_chamber\example1_co60_Pfactors.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_chamber\example1_co60_Pfactors.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_chamber\example1_profile_pfactors.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_chamber\example1_profile_pfactors.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_chamber\example2_chamber_dd.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_chamber\example2_chamber_dd.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_chamber\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_chamber\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\array_sizes.h to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\array_sizes.h
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\egs_fac.cpp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\egs_fac.cpp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\egs_fac.h to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\egs_fac.h
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\egs_fac.macros to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\egs_fac.macros
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\egs_fac_simulation.cpp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\egs_fac_simulation.cpp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\egs_fac_simulation.h to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\egs_fac_simulation.h
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\egs_mortran.cpp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\egs_mortran.cpp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\egs_mortran.h to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\egs_mortran.h
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\egs_range_rejection.cpp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\egs_range_rejection.cpp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\egs_range_rejection.h to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\egs_range_rejection.h
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\examples\example_data_1keV_300keV.pegs4dat to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\examples\example_data_1keV_300keV.pegs4dat
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\examples\example_mees_250kV.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\examples\example_mees_250kV.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\examples\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\examples\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\examples\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\examples\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\examples\mxr-320-250kVp_tube.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\examples\mxr-320-250kVp_tube.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\examples\mxr-320.module to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\examples\mxr-320.module
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\examples\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\examples\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_fac\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_fac\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_kerma\array_sizes.h to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_kerma\array_sizes.h
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_kerma\egs_kerma.cpp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_kerma\egs_kerma.cpp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_kerma\egs_kerma.macros to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_kerma\egs_kerma.macros
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_kerma\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_kerma\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_kerma\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_kerma\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_kerma\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_kerma\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_kerma\example_20MeV_e-_Pb-shield_FD.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_kerma\example_20MeV_e-_Pb-shield_FD.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_kerma\example_40keV_SDD_1m_FD.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_kerma\example_40keV_SDD_1m_FD.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_kerma\example_5keV_H2O_FD.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_kerma\example_5keV_H2O_FD.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_kerma\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_kerma\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_phd\array_sizes.h to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_phd\array_sizes.h
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_phd\egs_phd.cpp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_phd\egs_phd.cpp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_phd\egs_phd.h to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_phd\egs_phd.h
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_phd\ge-example.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_phd\ge-example.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_phd\ge-example.egsview to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_phd\ge-example.egsview
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_phd\ge-example.png to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_phd\ge-example.png
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_phd\icrm-hpge-example.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_phd\icrm-hpge-example.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\egs_phd\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\egs_phd\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\examin\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\examin\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\examin\examin.make to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\examin\examin.make
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\examin\examin.mortran to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\examin\examin.mortran
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\examin\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\examin\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\flurznrc\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\flurznrc\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\flurznrc\flurznrc.make to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\flurznrc\flurznrc.make
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\flurznrc\flurznrc.mortran to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\flurznrc\flurznrc.mortran
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\flurznrc\flurznrc_template.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\flurznrc\flurznrc_template.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\flurznrc\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\flurznrc\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\g\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\g\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\g\g.make to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\g\g.make
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\g\g.mortran to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\g\g.mortran
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\g\g_template.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\g\g_template.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\g\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\g\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\g\run_log-grid to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\g\run_log-grid
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\mevegs\array_sizes.h to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\mevegs\array_sizes.h
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\mevegs\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\mevegs\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\mevegs\mevegs.cpp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\mevegs\mevegs.cpp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\mevegs\mevegs.macros to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\mevegs\mevegs.macros
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\ranlux_test\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\ranlux_test\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\ranlux_test\ranlux_test.make to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\ranlux_test\ranlux_test.make
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\ranlux_test\ranlux_test.mortran to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\ranlux_test\ranlux_test.mortran
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\ranmar_test\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\ranmar_test\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\ranmar_test\ranmar_test.make to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\ranmar_test\ranmar_test.make
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\ranmar_test\ranmar_test.mortran to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\ranmar_test\ranmar_test.mortran
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\sprrznrc\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\sprrznrc\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\sprrznrc\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\sprrznrc\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\sprrznrc\sprrznrc.make to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\sprrznrc\sprrznrc.make
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\sprrznrc\sprrznrc.mortran to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\sprrznrc\sprrznrc.mortran
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\sprrznrc\sprrznrc_template.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\sprrznrc\sprrznrc_template.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor1\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor1\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor1\tutor1.make to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor1\tutor1.make
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor1\tutor1.mortran to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor1\tutor1.mortran
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor2\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor2\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor2\tutor2.make to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor2\tutor2.make
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor2\tutor2.mortran to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor2\tutor2.mortran
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor2pp\array_sizes.h to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor2pp\array_sizes.h
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor2pp\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor2pp\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor2pp\test1.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor2pp\test1.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor2pp\tutor2pp.cpp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor2pp\tutor2pp.cpp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor3\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor3\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor3\tutor3.make to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor3\tutor3.make
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor3\tutor3.mortran to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor3\tutor3.mortran
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor4\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor4\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor4\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor4\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor4\tutor4.make to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor4\tutor4.make
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor4\tutor4.mortran to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor4\tutor4.mortran
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor5\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor5\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor5\tutor5.make to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor5\tutor5.make
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor5\tutor5.mortran to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor5\tutor5.mortran
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor6\5mev_e_10mm_Ta.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor6\5mev_e_10mm_Ta.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor6\5mev_e_1mm_Ta.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor6\5mev_e_1mm_Ta.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor6\labV.1_100keV_photon_Pb.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor6\labV.1_100keV_photon_Pb.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor6\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor6\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor6\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor6\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor6\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor6\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor6\tutor6.make to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor6\tutor6.make
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor6\tutor6.mortran to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor6\tutor6.mortran
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor7\ge_detector.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor7\ge_detector.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor7\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor7\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor7\test_tutor7.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor7\test_tutor7.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor7\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor7\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor7\tutor7.make to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor7\tutor7.make
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor7\tutor7.mortran to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor7\tutor7.mortran
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor7pp\array_sizes.h to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor7pp\array_sizes.h
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor7pp\Makefile to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor7pp\Makefile
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor7pp\test1.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor7pp\test1.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor7pp\tracks1.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor7pp\tracks1.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor7pp\tutor7pp.cpp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor7pp\tutor7pp.cpp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\tutor7pp\tutor7pp.macros to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\tutor7pp\tutor7pp.macros
=> Compiling tool to create BEAMnrc user codes ...
"Mortran compiling beam_build"
"Compiling beam_build_win3264.f using flags -O2 -mtune=native -fPIC"
Compilation succeeded !
=> Compiling BEAMnrc tool addphsp ...
"Mortran compiling addphsp sources ..."
mortran3.exe: using following I/O units
raw/hex data file: D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\mortran3.dat
command line files:
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\machine.macros
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\egsnrc.macros
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\utils\phsp_macros.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\utils\iaea_phsp_macros.mortran
-> appending addphsp.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\lnblnk1.mortran
generated mortjob.mortran
fortran output: addphsp_win3264.f
mortlst output: addphsp_win3264.mortlst
Mortran compiling ...
"Fortran compiling addphsp_win3264.f using flags -O2 -mtune=native -fPIC"
Compilation succeeded !
=> Compiling BEAMnrc tool beamdp ...
"Mortran compiling beamdp sources ..."
mortran3.exe: using following I/O units
raw/hex data file: D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\mortran3.dat
command line files:
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\machine.macros
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\utils\phsp_macros.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\utils\iaea_phsp_macros.mortran
-> appending beamdp.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\utils\xvgrplot.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\lnblnk1.mortran
generated mortjob.mortran
fortran output: beamdp_win3264.f
mortlst output: beamdp_win3264.mortlst
Mortran compiling ...
"Fortran compiling beamdp_win3264.f using flags -O2 -mtune=native -fPIC"
Compilation succeeded !
=> Compiling BEAMnrc tool ctcreate ...
D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\mortran3.exe -d D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\mortran3.dat -f D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\machine.macros D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\dosxyznrc\dosxyznrc_user_macros.mortran ctcreate.mortran D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\lnblnk1.mortran -o7 ctcreate_win3264.F -o8 ctcreate_win3264.mortlst
mortran3.exe: using following I/O units
raw/hex data file: D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\mortran3.dat
command line files:
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\machine.macros
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\user_codes\dosxyznrc\dosxyznrc_user_macros.mortran
-> appending ctcreate.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\lnblnk1.mortran
generated mortjob.mortran
fortran output: ctcreate_win3264.F
mortlst output: ctcreate_win3264.mortlst
Mortran compiling ...
gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -ID:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264 -o ReadCT_DICOM.obj ReadCT_DICOM.c
In file included from ReadCT_DICOM.c:68:0:
ReadCT_DICOM.c:336:10: warning: return type defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
F77_OBJ_(readct_dicom,READCT_DICOM)(char *ct_filename, int ct_arraysize[3],
D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264/egs_config1.h:49:31: note: in definition of macro 'F77_OBJ_'
#define F77_OBJ_(fname,FNAME) fname##_
gfortran -fPIC -O2 -mtune=native -o D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\ctcreate.exe ctcreate_win3264.F ReadCT_DICOM.obj
Compilation succeeded !
=> Compiling BEAMnrc tool readphsp ...
"Mortran compiling readphsp sources ..."
mortran3.exe: using following I/O units
raw/hex data file: D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\mortran3.dat
command line files:
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\machine.macros
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\utils\phsp_macros.mortran
-> appending readphsp.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\lnblnk1.mortran
generated mortjob.mortran
fortran output: readphsp_win3264.f
mortlst output: readphsp_win3264.mortlst
Mortran compiling ... OK
"Fortran compiling readphsp_win3264.f using flags -O2 -mtune=native -fPIC "
Compilation succeeded !
=> Compiling BEAMnrc tool statdose ...
"Mortran compiling statdose sources ..."
mortran3.exe: using following I/O units
raw/hex data file: D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\mortran3.dat
command line files:
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\machine.macros
-> appending statdose.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\machine.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\utils\xvgrplot.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\lnblnk1.mortran
generated mortjob.mortran
fortran output: statdose_win3264.f
mortlst output: statdose_win3264.mortlst
Mortran compiling ... OK
"Fortran compiling statdose_win3264.f using flags -O2 -mtune=native -fPIC "
Compilation succeeded !
=> Compiling DOSXYZnrc(in-phantom dose calculation tool)...
"Mortran compilation for dosxyznrc_win3264.F"
mortran3.exe: using following I/O units
raw/hex data file: D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\mortran3.dat
command line files:
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\egsnrc.macros
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\utils\timing.macros
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\machine.macros
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\ranmar.macros
-> appending dosxyznrc_user_macros.mortran
-> appending srcxyznrc.macros
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\transportp.macros
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\pegs4_macros.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\utils\phsp_macros.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\utils\iaea_phsp_macros.mortran
-> appending dosxyznrc.mortran
*** Warning: line 4405 in file dosxyznrc.mortran is longer than 80 chars!
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\get_inputs.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\get_media_inputs.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\machine.mortran
-> appending srcxyznrc.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\ranmar.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\utils\nrcaux.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\egs_utilities.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\egs_parallel.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\pegs4_routines.mortran
-> appending D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\src\egsnrc.mortran
generated mortjob.mortran
fortran output: dosxyznrc_win3264.F
mortlst output: dosxyznrc_win3264.mortlst
Mortran compiling ...
"Fortran compiling dosxyznrc_win3264.F using flags '-cpp -fPIC -O2 -mtune=native -DCOMPILE_TIME="\"24/07/2024 20:56\"" -DGIT_HASH="\"unknown\""' and extra objects/libs 'D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\egs_c_utils.obj D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\read_write_pardose.obj D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\load_beamlib.obj D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win3264\load_vculib.obj -LD:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\egs++\dso\win3264 -liaea_phsp '"
Compilation succeeded !
=> Copying example accelerators to user area ....
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.egsdat to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.egsdat
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.egslog to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.egslog
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.egslst to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.egslst
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.egsphsp1 to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.egsphsp1
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.egsplot to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.egsplot
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.egstmpa to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.egstmpa
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.errors to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.errors
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.module to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.module
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX10MeVe\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX10MeVe\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX10MeVe\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX10MeVe\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egsgeom to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egsgeom
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egsgph to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egsgph
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egslog to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egslog
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egslst to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egslst
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egsphsp1 to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egsphsp1
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egsplot to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egsplot
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egstmpa to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.egstmpa
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.errors to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.errors
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.module to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.module
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX16MVp\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX16MVp\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX16MVp\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EX16MVp\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXphantom\EXphantom.egsdat to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXphantom\EXphantom.egsdat
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXphantom\EXphantom.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXphantom\EXphantom.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXphantom\EXphantom.egslog to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXphantom\EXphantom.egslog
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXphantom\EXphantom.egslst to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXphantom\EXphantom.egslst
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXphantom\EXphantom.egsplot to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXphantom\EXphantom.egsplot
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXphantom\EXphantom.egstmpa to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXphantom\EXphantom.egstmpa
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXphantom\EXphantom.errors to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXphantom\EXphantom.errors
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXphantom\EXphantom.module to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXphantom\EXphantom.module
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXphantom\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXphantom\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXphantom\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXphantom\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXslabs\EXslabs.egsdat to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXslabs\EXslabs.egsdat
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXslabs\EXslabs.egsinp to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXslabs\EXslabs.egsinp
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXslabs\EXslabs.egslog to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXslabs\EXslabs.egslog
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXslabs\EXslabs.egslst to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXslabs\EXslabs.egslst
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXslabs\EXslabs.egsphsp1 to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXslabs\EXslabs.egsphsp1
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXslabs\EXslabs.egsplot to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXslabs\EXslabs.egsplot
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXslabs\EXslabs.egstmpa to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXslabs\EXslabs.egstmpa
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXslabs\EXslabs.errors to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXslabs\EXslabs.errors
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXslabs\EXslabs.module to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXslabs\EXslabs.module
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXslabs\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXslabs\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXslabs\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\EXslabs\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\ to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX10MeVe\EX10MeVe.module to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\beamnrc/spec_modules\EX10MeVe.module
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EX16MVp\EX16MVp.module to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\beamnrc/spec_modules\EX16MVp.module
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXphantom\EXphantom.module to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\beamnrc/spec_modules\EXphantom.module
Copying D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega/beamnrc/BEAMnrc_examples\EXslabs\EXslabs.module to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\beamnrc/spec_modules\EXslabs.module
=> Extracting GUIs ...
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/pieces/windows/egs_gui.exe
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/pieces/windows/egs_inprz.exe
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_autoenvelope.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_box.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_cdgeometry.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_circle.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_circle_perpendicular.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_cones.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_conez.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_conical_shell.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_cylinders.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_dose_scoring.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_ellipse.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_elliptic_cylinders.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_extended_shape.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_gaussian_shape.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_genvelope.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_glib.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_gstack.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_gtransformed.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_gunion.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_iplanes.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_lattice.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_line_shape.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_mesh.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_ndgeometry.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_octree.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_planes.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_polygon_shape.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_prism.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_pyramid.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_rectangle.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_roundrect_cylinders.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_rz.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_shape_collection.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_smart_envelope.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_space.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_spheres.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_spherical_shell.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_track_scoring.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_vhp_geometry.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_voxelized_shape.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egspp.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/egs_view.exe
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/libstdc++-6.dll
Inflating D:/UI/EGSnrc-master/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/dso/win-static/libwinpthread-1.dll
===> Copying GUI executables ...
Archive(s) successfully uncompressed ...
Updating environment variable EGS_HOME to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\
Setting EGS_HOME bin directory in your path ....
Directory D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\bin\win3264\ already set in the user's PATH.
RegCreateKeyEx succeeded
An existing Key was opened
With value: D:\UI\x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin;D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\egs++\dso\win3264\;D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\\egs++\dso\win-static;D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\previewRZ;D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\;D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\bin\win3264\;C:\x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin;C:\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\bin\win3264\;C:\Users\HP\gcc\bin;D:\UI\Riset\EGSnrc-master\EGS_Home\bin\win3264\;C:\mingw64\bin;
Updating environment variable HEN_HOUSE to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\
Cleaning USER PATH = D:\UI\x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin;D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\egs++\dso\win3264\;D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\\egs++\dso\win-static;D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\previewRZ;D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\;D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\bin\win3264\;C:\x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin;C:\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\bin\win3264\;C:\Users\HP\gcc\bin;D:\UI\Riset\EGSnrc-master\EGS_Home\bin\win3264\;C:\mingw64\bin;
Found HEN_HOUSE : D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\
Successfully cleaned PATH variable!!!
Setting EGSnrc bin directory in your path ....
Directory D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\ successfully set in the user's PATH.
Setting previewRZ directory in your path ....
Directory D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\previewRZ successfully set in the user's PATH.
Setting win-static DSO directory in your path ....
Directory D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\\egs++\dso\win-static successfully set in the user's PATH.
Setting DSO directory in your path ....
Directory D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\egs++\dso\win3264\ successfully set in the user's PATH.
Setting compiler directory in your path ....
Directory D:\UI\x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin already set in the user's PATH.
RegCreateKeyEx succeeded
An existing Key was opened
With value: D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\egs++\dso\win3264\;D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\\egs++\dso\win-static;D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\previewRZ;D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\bin\win3264\;D:\UI\x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin;D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\bin\win3264\;C:\x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin;C:\EGSnrc-master\egs_home\bin\win3264\;C:\Users\HP\gcc\bin;D:\UI\Riset\EGSnrc-master\EGS_Home\bin\win3264\;C:\mingw64\bin;
Updating environment variable EGS_CONFIG to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\specs\win3264.conf
Updating environment variable OMEGA_HOME to D:\UI\EGSnrc-master\HEN_HOUSE\omega\
egs_gui shortcut added to Desktop !
egs_inprz shortcut added to Desktop !
egs_view shortcut added to Desktop !
* Elapsed time: 7.44372 min *
Wed July 24 2024 20:57:28
Please explain to me what my problems are and what i do to repair that problem. Please help me.
Every I execute, I get some error messages, such as:
The egs++ library looks like it failed to compile because your system ran out of memory (cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
). How much RAM does your system have? Can you close all other applications and unnecessary background processes to free up some memory for the installation?
My laptop have 4,00 GB (3,82 GB usable) RAM. Is it enough to execute EGSnrc? How much RAM should laptop have to execute EGSnrc? Thank You before.
This is very little RAM, since your operating system will use nearly all of this. Like I said, you can try closing everything possible to free up more memory and see if that helps. Generally, I would recommend at least 8GB, but I have used 6GB for some basic simulations on linux.
Thank You very much for your very useful information.
Problem 01.docx Sir, I have a problem written in word file because containing picture. Please help me. Thank You very much!
The mingw links recently seems to have started failing, I'll have to update our installation instructions. It's OK, all you need to do is go to the same page, and download a zip file instead.
Find the section "MinGW-W64 GCC-7.3.0". Download:
x86_64-posix-seh It's a .7z file, which means you'll have to install 7zip to extract it. It's a safe tool to install: (the top link will work)
After extracting the mingw folder, just place it where you want it to be "installed". That's it, you don't need to actually run an installer. Now, you just need to add the mingw32 bin folder to your PATH, which is described in the EGSnrc installation instructions. From there you should be OK!
Sir, when I install EGSnrc, I get log massage:
GNU Fortran (GCC) 12.3.0
Using xml test file D:\EGSnrc Program\HEN_HOUSE\pieces\tests_win.xml
===> Checking for availability of system dependent functions
Can the compiler produce object files? .................... yes Can the compiler produce executables? ..................... yes Does "exit" or "exit_" work properly? ..................... yes [exit] Compiling "egsexit.c" since "exit" and "stop" failed ?... yes Does the "system" function return an exit status ? ........ no Does the "system" subroutine return an exit status ? ...... no Is "flush" or "flush" available? ......................... yes [flush] Is the "date_andtime" subroutine available ? ............. yes Is "fdate" or "fdate" subroutine available? .............. yes [fdate] Is "secnds" or "secnds" function available? .............. yes [secnds] Is "date" or "date" subroutine available? ................ no Is "time" or "time" subroutine available? ................ no Is "etime" or "etime" function available? ................ yes [etime] Is function "lnblnk" available? ........................... yes Does "hostnm" or "hostnm" work properly? ................. yes [hostnm] Is "lstat" available and does it work properly? ........... no Does "inquire" work properly? ............................. yes Compiling a C program to find out the file size ?......... yes Is record length known? ................................... yes [4] Is "integer8" available? ................................. yes [integer8] Is "integer2" available? ................................. yes [integer2] Can endianess of machine be determined?.................... yes [little endian] Compiling a C program to find out the name mangling scheme ? yes Is the name mangling scheme known ?........................ yes [lower case, and _]
**** Tests concluded ! ***
===> Creating C Utilities for EGSnrc...
Building the utilities object file ...
Could egs_c_utils.c be compiled? .......................... no Could load_beamlib.c be compiled? ......................... no Could load_vculib.c be compiled? .......................... no Could read_write_pardose.c be compiled? ................... no**
Failed to compile egs_c_utils.c. This may be due to a variety of reasons (e.g. non-standard include files, unsupported file lock operations, etc. Will disable now the availability of a C compiler. If you want to try to make the new parallel processing implementation in cavrznrc and dosrznrc work,
If your compiler requires some unusual options, include directives, etc., change the variable C_FLAGS in the spec file $conf_file in the $HEN_HOUSE/specs/ directory.
Failed to compile load_beamlib.c!!! This is the tool for loading BEAM as a particle source for other user codes.
Failed compiling read_write_pardose.c! This is required to compile DOSXYZnrc!
Testing egs_c_utils skipped due to previous errors...
Testing load_beamlib skipped due to previous errors...
===> Creating configuration file ...
===> Creating machine.macros ...
System file D:\EGSnrc Program\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win6432\machine.macros successfully created
===> Creating machine.f ...
===> Creating machine.mortran ...
System file D:\EGSnrc Program\HEN_HOUSE\lib\win6432\machine.mortran successfully created
===> Creating dosxyznrc_win6432.spec ... failed
Failed creating dosxyz_win6432.spec file. You will not be able to use DOSXYZnrc for in-phantom dose calculations.
===> Appending VCU library to dosxyznrc_win6432.spec ... failed
Failed finding load_vculib You will not be able to use VCU source 20.
===> Compiling Mortran3 ...
D:\EGSnrc:1: warning: NUL character seen; rest of line ignored D:\EGSnrc:1: *** missing separator. Stop.
Compilation failed!
===> Compiling Pegs4 ...
D:\EGSnrc:1: warning: NUL character seen; rest of line ignored D:\EGSnrc:1: *** missing separator. Stop.
Compilation failed!
EGSnrc installation FAILED, see log file for details
Sat September 28 2024 21:05:55
It seems there is a problem in C program. I install embarcadero dev C++. Please give a solution. Thank You!
The make
utility encounters problems when paths have a space in them. Remove the space from "D:\EGSnrc Program" and try again. Just "D:\EGSnrc" would be better.
Sir, I have installed succesfully EGSnrc.
There's a checkbox in the installer to set the environment variables automatically, if you used that then I'm not sure why EGS_HOME is missing. But you can fix it yourself, just add EGS_HOME. Add a new user variable called EGS_HOME, and set the path to where-ever your egs_home is. I assume something like D:\EGSnrc01\egs_home
Sir, I built a LINAC consisting of one component module, Chamber. My first chamber is shown in figure above. I do not know button to save my chamber. Where is save button location? Thank You.
It's not one of the windows pictured, but when you first open beamnrc_gui
, there's a window with the File
menu in the top left. In that menu there's an option to save the input file.
Hi @ftessier , After I compile egs_chamber user code, I got a message from compilation log, writing:
I confused with that message. Would you like to explain me what my false? Please give me solution! Thank You very much!