nrenner / brouter-web

Web client for BRouter, a routing engine based on OpenStreetMap
MIT License
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Create a logo for Brouter(web) #286

Open bagage opened 4 years ago

bagage commented 4 years ago

It would be nice to have a proper logo for BRouter to display (for favicon, manifest.json for progressive web app, maybe even the Android application).

WDYT @nrenner, @abrensch?

I'm not able to create a proper logo personally*, but I believe we could find someone which could help for that.

nrenner commented 4 years ago

Yes, having a logo would be nice, I personally have this in mind for a 1.0 version once more pressing issues are done.

One idea for a temporary solution I have, would be to use the current BRouter app image and maybe add some "-Web" to it, which often is some kind of globe icon? But I don't know if having a common base brand is a good idea or desired. BRouter logo

A bike symbol might not fully represent what BRouter stands for, as abrensch seems more interested in electric car support lately and we offer all kinds of profiles.

bueltge commented 4 years ago

I'm not a designer, but maybe the follow examples are useful. I would use only a logo and the string 'BRouter' shoud always add via text, string inside the markup, code. So is much easier to scale that.


nrenner commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion!

nrenner commented 4 years ago

@bueltge I like the core idea of using a curved arrow as a symbol for a route.

However, the proposed icon very much looks like a random/shuffle symbol, e.g. as used in music players like Spotify for random play, which is a bad analogy for routing:

random (Font Awesome)

I would make one arrow shaded or gray, it would better reflect that a router chooses one optimal route, and less ideal alternatives, e.g. like the duotone variant:

random duotone (Font Awesome)

Some more thoughts/ideas:

Browsing the Play store for similar apps like BRouter or Komoot I found these two icons of MapFactor Navigator and Wikiloc (and lots of bike symbols btw.) that go a bit in the direction I imagine:

MapFactor Navigator icon Wikiloc icon

As a more general note, an icon would ideally also symbolize the special features of BRouter that distinguishes is from many others (on the other hand, an icon should be as simple as possible):

bueltge commented 4 years ago

Really great comment with important content. I haven't any knowledge about icons, symbols or similar. My idea was only started with the idea of routing. Thanks for this clarifies words.

datenchef commented 4 years ago

Here are two different ideas which where made before the ongoing icon input.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-25 um 16 55 10 1 Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-25 um 16 55 04 2

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-25 um 16 54 55 3 Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-25 um 16 54 51 4

Thanks to @bueltge for have a tweet about this ticket.

Phyks commented 4 years ago

My personal preference goes to number 2 and 3.

Number 1 has a too strong emphasis on the pinpoint I think, at the expense of the bike. Number 2 is very well balanced on this.

Not sure I can explain the same way my preference for 3 over 4. Is number 4 using the bike = green analogy? Number 3 sounds more neutral.

No strong preference between 2 and 3, they are very different but both would fit well in my opinion! :)

nrenner commented 4 years ago

@datenchef Thanks a lot for your suggestions! Looking good and professional, I could imagine using one of those.

I will comment and think about it more and coordinate with abrensch, but want to get a bugfix release out first.

datenchef commented 3 years ago

hi guys, just a quick follow up without to annoy. we were just asking us in a team and project chat whats may be up. i see this is a decision with major impact but low priority ;)

nrenner commented 3 years ago

Still on my task list as one of the next things to look at and think about.

rkflx commented 3 years ago

I'm in the process of refining the visuals of BRouter-Web a bit, so the question of the default color scheme came up too. For now I decided to not change anything (i.e. keep dark top bar, keep default Bootstrap blue).

Still, before deciding on a logo it might also make sense to think about branding in general a bit. This does not have to be complicated, we could simply decide on a new default accent color. For me, the default Bootstrap blue is boring and not connected to bikes or routing at all. For example, recently changed from orange to green, which took some time getting used to, but IMO works very well for them ("100% green energy").

As for the logo, a couple of things to keep in mind:

A common solution to satisfy those demands is to combine a graphical icon shape (which could be used standalone too) with a typographically enhanced version of the project's name.

IOW, I would recommend to assess logos in their context of use (e.g. provide screenshot of promo website and navbar of BRouter-Web with the new logo).

hungerburg commented 2 years ago

Brouter is all about energy, so I read. Below a childishly simple drawing. To be seen: The sun, our biggest source of energy, three tracks, of varying energy demand.

BrouterLogoTiny BrouterLogoSmall BrouterLogoMedium BrouterLogoLarge

Might serve as a tourism advert too :)

nrenner commented 2 years ago

@hungerburg: Thanks for the suggestion. Somehow reminds me a bit of the old GPSies icon and header image, that I really liked:

gpsies_icon  © old

But without the description I would interpret the stripes as (heated up) landscape rather than tracks.

hungerburg commented 2 years ago

Thank You for the kind statement. I completely forgot about this drawing. It is nowhere near as cute as the GPSies one and far from the heat fixed on canvas by some impressionist painters of the past, depicting melting landscapes. Still, I like the observation.