nrenner / brouter-web

Web client for BRouter, a routing engine based on OpenStreetMap
MIT License
346 stars 65 forks source link

Maintainer(s) wanted #791

Open nrenner opened 4 months ago

nrenner commented 4 months ago

I'm stepping down as a maintainer.

If you're interested in taking over, comment here or send me a PM (git show -s --format="%aE" 77672d5).

We could move the repo to a GitHub organization or you could do a hard fork and I'll link to it. Not sure how to handle this. I guess we should wait at least for two or three weeks to see if several people are interested. For deployments on you would need to contact @abrensch directly.

zod commented 4 months ago

Hi Norbert,

First of all, thanks for all the work you put into this project! I use it a lot because it's the fastest way to create high quality routes with just a few clicks. I think brouter-web has had a great effect in making BRouter usable for users who don't like to fiddle with configurations ;)

It's sad to see you step down, but I suspected something like this from the lack of activity.

I think a repository transfer would be the most sensible way to preserve all the issues. Perhaps it would make sense to set up a new BRouter GitHub organisation to host BRouter and brouter-web. Unfortunately the "brouter" is already taken, but perhaps "brouter-org" would be a sensible name.

I really hope someone will step forward to maintain it, maybe as a team effort.

EssBee59 commented 4 months ago

Hi Norbert,

I want also to thank for your great work in this project, the brouter-web is a very very good application!

Sorry, I am not expert enough in GitHub or java-script for taking-over, but I will further help as I can. As example, I have accesses-rights on the brouter server, so I can help by deployments!

Regards EssBee