nrenner / brouter-web

Web client for BRouter, a routing engine based on OpenStreetMap
MIT License
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Feature request: Playgrounds as POI #794

Open xlm0815 opened 1 month ago

xlm0815 commented 1 month ago

For parents, routing is less about the fastest, easiest or most secure way from A to B, but more about keeping the children entertained and in good mood. Therefore, it would be nice, if in the POI selection (which is, by the way, a great feature, showing POIs of personal relevance on the first glance at the map) there would be the possibility to select playgrounds, maybe as part of other attractions which offer themselves for making a stop along the route more entertaining or as an "in between target" children looking forward to (beaches, bathing places, waterfalls, bmx tracks, public sporting facilities, to name a few). Thanks for consideration!