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Pretty printing of unknown tagged literals incorrectly handles string #120

Open plexus opened 3 years ago

plexus commented 3 years ago


A literal like #time/time "10:11:12" will get parsed on the Clojure side to an UnknownTaggedLiteral, which then gets printed again. This printing on the Clojure side will output this as #time/time10:11:12.

This is the responsible handler:

(defmethod print-method UnknownTaggedLiteral
  [^UnknownTaggedLiteral this ^ w]
  (.write w (str "#" (.tag this) (.data this))))

I think the reason this implementation kind of works is because .toString on Clojure data structures yields a good serialization, but I think it would be better to recursively call print-method on (.data this). If that sounds reasonable I can make a PR for that.