nrepl / weasel

ClojureScript browser REPL using WebSockets
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Network Weasel Repl? #59

Closed tillda closed 9 years ago

tillda commented 9 years ago

Sorry if my understanding is wrong, but is it possible to run Weasel in such a way that it listens on some port (as nREPL does) and does not occupy the stdin? I like to have only one clojure app (repl) session runnging with all the related processes like Figwheel in the background and using remote repl (in IntelliJ IDEA+Cursive) to connect to an environment. This also doesn't require to start brepl manually every time.

tomjakubowski commented 9 years ago

I'm not quite sure what you're asking, sorry. You might be able to configure Leiningen to launch Piggieback + Weasel when nREPL starts (see Then all of that project's REPLs would be ClojureScript though...

tomjakubowski commented 9 years ago

I think this is actually a piggieback or leiningen question... try running lein repl :headless, optionally backgrounding it. When you connect to the Leiningen nREPL (using lein repl :connect or from Cursive), start the Weasel REPL in the usual way.

I'm closing as I don't think this is a Weasel issue (I don't think Weasel is even aware of stdin). Please don't hesitate to comment if you have further questions, or for better turnaround ask in the #clojure or #clojurescript IRC channels.