nrlulz / ACF

Combat damage system for Garry's Mod
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APHE Done right - SUGGESTION #388

Open LofisisHomeless opened 4 years ago

LofisisHomeless commented 4 years ago

I am here to propose a new APHE rework by just looking at 1 thing. It's fuse. I am fairly sure everyone knows how it currently works but this is the case right here image

We have 100mm of armor and 60mm behind that armor We fire a 150mm penetrating shell and it penetrates the 100mm plate and detonates on the 60mm plate as it runs out of penetration.

My first suggestion is a delayed fuse to the APHE image You would have a slider where you can set the delay in detonation after penetration. like on smoke rounds you can set a fuse time. But instead this fuse would be after penetration.

My last suggestion is also a new slider. Fuse sensitivity in mm. image This is where you could set example 20mm of fuse sensitivity. where it would penetrate 19mm effective without triggering the previous delayed fuse mentioned.

But a low sensitivity can also be a good thing... specifically for anti air vehicles. image

By having a fuse trigger of 0mm it would start the fuse on anything it touches no matter thickness.. LIKE AIRCRAFT! Now Anti aircraft vehicles can have a viable multipurpose round that can penetrate Armor and still deal with aircraft effectively.

Recommended default settings for proposed APHE

0mm fuse - fuses on any penetration 0s fuse time - 0 = no time fuse - detonates like the old round.



Ratakis commented 4 years ago

This is actually something we need gj

LofisisHomeless commented 4 years ago

Frankly I'd love to see this properly made I've been clear on how it could be done right and it benefits everyone and benefits certain design styles

Like armored skirts and spaced armor