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Disk truncation in Late-Type galaxies in KiDS images #25

Open KiaraSpin opened 5 years ago

KiaraSpin commented 5 years ago

GM 17/12/2018 AI @MariaAngelaRaj write a brief description of the issue and the steps we need to undertake.

MariaAngelaRaj commented 5 years ago

The goal of this project is to automatically derive break radii of LTGs and study the effect of the environment on the evolution and structure of these galaxies. We have designed an algorithm which derives this break radius (br) on an initial guess of the disc (inner and outer regions if we find a break) and tested this on a small sample of LTGs inside the virial radius of the Fornax Cluster. In order to improve and automize the whole process of deriving the br of galaxies, we need a bigger sample and KiDS data is a good testing ground.

  1. A well-defined sample of LTGs in KiDS AI: Fedor had provided stamps for this, but a visual inspection was required? Crescenzo and Nicola said they would look into it or assist Angela with this selection.
  2. Compare SB profiles of these galaxies derived from elliptical and circular annuli. AI: Crescenzo had done this previously (i.e. with the profiles obtained from 2DPHOT output). Angela can run ellipse on these stamp images.
  3. The first step in automizing the tool is to do a multi-component fit. Angela had checked with one of the ESRs (Alan, UOulu) who works on 2d multi-component structural decompositions for the sample of LTGs that she works on and found that we can use the disc component as an initial guess for the algorithm in 1D. Nicola said that he would work on the multi-component fit, if otherwise, Angela could start working on it too. AI: Nicola works on this and passes the code (?) to Angela?
  4. Derive color gradients and other parameters (included as part of the code).
nrnapolita commented 5 years ago

@MariaAngelaRaj I suggest you remove figures above since this is a public chat ;-)

nrnapolita commented 5 years ago

List of 170 large galaxies (re_g>20" and z_phot<0.15) passed to Fedor to extract 1) colour images 2) fits stamps

nrnapolita commented 5 years ago

Fedor has produced the first sample of large sized galaxies and this is how his thumbnail looks like

nrnapolita commented 5 years ago

It contains LTGs and ETGs since no morphological preseletion has been applied