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Develop a system that generates various spatial SBML models using deep learning #140

Closed funasoul closed 4 years ago

funasoul commented 4 years ago


SBML(Systems Biology Markup Language) has several extension packages to extend its capability. One of its extension is called Spatial Processes (spatial) which supports for describing processes that involve a spatial component, and describing the geometries involved. SBML spatial extension enables users to build a spatial model and run a spatial simulation.

We have been working on the development of a software tool, XitoSBML: a spatial model builder that will generate a spatial SBML model from microscopic images. Although XitoSBML provides a user-friendly UI to create a spatial SBML model, there only exists few spatial SBML models for spatial simulation. In order to use XitoSBML, cell regions in microscopic images of cells need to be segmented beforehand by image processing. This process (which is called segmentation) is a bottleneck of creating spatial SBML models. On the other hand, the accuracy of image processing using deep learning has been remarkable in recent years, and methods for highly accurate segmentation have been proposed.

This summer, we would like to mentor a student who will implement a system that automatically generates various spatial SBML models by comprehensively segmenting microscopic images of cells using deep learning and XitoSBML.


As described in the "Background", the project could be split down into following 4 tasks.

The following API / frameworks will be used for this project.

Difficulty Level 2

Although this project seems to have many tasks to solve, each of the tasks will not require enormous lines/time to code, because there already exists convenient API, well-documented API docs and an existing implementation of the learning machine. The most important part is to understand the specification of the SBML spatial extension and preparing the training datasets.


Java and Python programming skills and some basic knowledge of handling XML documents are required. Nice to have knowledge/experience on SBML, image processing and mathematical background on machine learning.

Public Repository


Potential Mentors


Akira Funahashi Yuta Tokuoka Kaito Ii

singh-yashwant commented 4 years ago

Hi @funasoul I am interested in this project and have few queries should I email or post them here only? Thanks, have a great day

funasoul commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your interest in this project. Let me clarify that as we have not yet submitted our organization application, it is not confirmed to be a GSoC 2020 project yet. But we are welcome to answer your questions on it. Please post here so that @kaitoii11 and @tokkuman can also reply to your question.

born-2learn commented 4 years ago

@funasoul @kaitoii11 @tokkuman

Image Processing and deep learning applications have already fascinated me since high school.

I'm Syed Farhan, an Undergrad student in India, and am interested to explore this project as a part of GSoC 2020. I have experience with python and tensorflow, and can also try and work with pytorch.

funasoul commented 4 years ago

@singh-yashwant @born-2learn Thank you for your interest in this project. Please send your CV to us (the 3 email addresses provided above in "Contact"). Thanks!

born-2learn commented 4 years ago

@funasoul Thank you for your response. I have shared my resume(Cv) with all the three contacts.(from: Looking forward to working with you.

born-2learn commented 4 years ago

@funasoul @kaitoii11 @tokkuman Can you guide me in getting started and the further steps to be taken. Is it compulsory to use pytorch instead of tensorflow?

funasoul commented 4 years ago

@funasoul @kaitoii11 @tokkuman Can you guide me in getting started and the further steps to be taken. Is it compulsory to use pytorch instead of tensorflow?

Just sent you my reply to your email address.

ayushtues commented 4 years ago

Hi @funasoul, I am a deep learning enthusiast and I especially love using Pytorch and have done various computer vision projects using it. Can you guide me on how to proceed further?

funasoul commented 4 years ago

@ayushtues It is great that you already have experience on machine learning and computer vision. Please send your CV to us (the 3 email addresses provided above in "Contact"). Thanks!

ayushtues commented 4 years ago

@funasoul, I have sent the CV as requested

funasoul commented 4 years ago

@ayushtues Thanks. I will reply to you soon.

Medha-B commented 4 years ago

Hello @funasoul . I am very interested in this project and have prior experience with machine learning and deep learning. I have sent you a mail with my CV as instructed here. Kindly guide me through the process further.

funasoul commented 4 years ago

Hello @funasoul . I am very interested in this project and have prior experience with machine learning and deep learning. I have sent you a mail with my CV as instructed here. Kindly guide me through the process further.

Hi @Medha-B . I just sent you my reply to your email address.

ShreyanshTripathi commented 4 years ago

Hi @funasoul. I am a third year undergraduate student from India. I have experience in implementing deep learning segmentation models using Pytorch. I am interested in taking up this project for GSoC this year. I am mailing you my CV (learning from the pattern). Please let me know about the further process.

khanspers commented 4 years ago

Active project for GSoC 2020, closing here.