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PathwayMapper viewer and editor improvements #149

Closed ugurdogrusoz closed 4 years ago

ugurdogrusoz commented 4 years ago

Background: While the previous network visualization module in cBioPortal was a powerful exploration tool, most biologists are more comfortable with the kind of simplified, curated pathway diagrams that are featured in many manuscripts from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). With the motivation of creating a platform that provides more intuitive pathway diagrams, yet supports these with rich data ‘decoration’ and analysis with access to data in cBioPortal, with attractive visualization, we developed a tool named PathwayMapper [1], and are in the process of integrating it into cBioPortal.

Goal: The goal of this project is to improve PathwayMapper in cBioPortal as well as enhancing the full-blown, stand-alone editor version as follows.

PathwayMapper viewer in cBioPortal

PathwayMapper editor

[1] I. Bahceci, U. Dogrusoz, K.C. La, Ö. Babur, J. Gao, N. Schultz, "PathwayMapper: a collaborative visual web editor for cancer pathways and genomic data", Bioinformatics, 33(14), pp. 2238-2240, 2017.

Approach: This project requires you to work on both PathwayMapper and cBioPortal repositories and be mostly experience in doing front-end work.

Need skills: Good programming skills and experience in web technologies (JavaScript, html, css), especially knowledge of React and Typescript, are required. Familiarity with visualization software (PathwayMapper is based on Cytoscape.js) is a big plus.

Possible mentors: Ugur Dogrusoz S.Onur Sumer Alexander Pico JJ Gao

swetankkk commented 4 years ago

Hi @ugurdogrusoz I am interested in working on this project. I am currently in my junior year majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. Till now I have worked with React JS, Node JS, JQuery, and TypeScript. I have cloned the repository, it's working fine and I am getting myself familiar with the code-base. Please guide me to proceed further.

ugurdogrusoz commented 4 years ago

@radicalswetank please read cBioPortal documentation and familiarize yourself with this repo as well. The PathwayMapper viewer has been integrated into cBioPortal (live now).

tanishka2000 commented 4 years ago

Hi @ugurdogrusoz , Is this the repo link for the above project? Thanks

ugurdogrusoz commented 4 years ago

@tanishka2000 yes, this is the PathwayMapper repo.

khanspers commented 4 years ago

Active project for GSoC 2020, closing here.