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Extending and improving PathVisio data import #29

Closed mkutmon closed 5 years ago

mkutmon commented 8 years ago


PathVisio is a pathway editor and analysis tool. PathVisio allows users to upload and visualize data on biological pathways. Currently, it is possible to upload only one dataset at a time as a comma separated file. This process needs to become more user-friendly and flexible. Check out the PathVisio data visualization tutorial on how the data import works at the moment.



This functionality should be extended to allow uploading a number of data files at the same time as well as uploading of multiple data file formats (for eg. Excel sheets) should be allowed. This will involve extending the gex and data modules of PathVisio. These modules are part of the PathVisio core and take care of importing experimental data and mapping it to the elements in a pathway.

Difficulty Level 2

Changes in the core part of the application.


Java (essential)

Public Repository

Potential Mentors

Martina Kutmon


Martina Kutmon

ghost commented 5 years ago

Good day,

I am a Computer science 3rd yr student with some background in Java, C++. I was just reading through this project and found it really interesting. I would like to part-take on working on this project however I am new to the GSoC environment. Therefore I would like some assistance to get started, and maybe requirements info as well as how to facilitate communication with mentors.

Thank you