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Tutorial mode for PathVisio #31

Closed mkutmon closed 6 years ago

mkutmon commented 8 years ago


PathVisio is a commonly-used pathway editor, visualization and analysis tool implemented in Java. The analyses in PathVisio and the different advanced visualization methods can become very complex and having an integrated tutorial mode in the application is a powerful tool to give detailed instructions while performing a task.


Documentation and tutorials are crucial elements of software development and the goal of this project is to implement a tutorial mode in PathVisio. This will be implemented as a set of interactive tutorials available in a new side panel. It will give the users a step-by-step guide with hints and additional information while learning how to use PathVisio. PathVisio can be extended through plugins, so the tutorial mode should allow other modules to provide additional tutorials that can be selected if the plugins are installed. Initially, three basic tutorials should be implemented: pathway drawing, data mapping and visualization and over-representation analysis.

Difficulty Level: 2

Potential Mentors

Martina Kutmon, Kristina Hanspers, Sravanthi Sinha


Martina Kutmon, Kristina Hanspers, Sravanthi Sinha

PratyushTalreja commented 8 years ago


I am Pratyush Talreja from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. I am having experience in Java development.

I am interested in applying for this Idea. Can you please help me get started.

AlexanderPico commented 8 years ago

Hi Pratyush,

The best way to get started is to contact mentors via their links above. And instead of asking for general help, it's better to research the topic as much as possible and ask specific questions, so that the mentors can tell what you know already and where you are stuck.

PratyushTalreja commented 8 years ago

Thank you AlexanderPico

mkutmon commented 6 years ago

removed for 2018 GSoC idea list