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Cytoscape.js extension for querying large networks #71

Closed ugurdogrusoz closed 7 years ago

ugurdogrusoz commented 7 years ago


Traversal-based graph algorithms are especially useful in figuring out "sub-graphs of interest" in a large graph. Examples include simple queries such as k-neighborhood (e.g. neighbors of a gene) as well as more advanced ones such as common targets (genes in downstream of all specified genes) using no more than k links and shortest plus k distance paths [1].


The goal of this project is to implement such graph algorithms as an extension to Cytoscape.js, a graph visualization and analysis library implemented in pure JavaScript.


Among the queries to be supported are:

Notice that these algorithms are variations of the classical ones. For instance, Dijkstra’s algorithm won't work if we want to have all shortest plus a constant distance (paths that are shortest or up to a specified distance longer) paths between two genes.

An implementation of above algorithms are available in Java as part of the paxtools library [2]. They need to be converted to JavaScript and adapted to Cytoscape.js graph model. Cytoscape.js core already provides traversal mechanisms and certain graph algorithms. These would be additional algorithms. Another idea is to make this a generic JavaScript graph algorithms library and write an adapter for Cytsocape.js as an extension.

Difficulty level: 3

This project requires good programming skills. Experience in web technologies (JavaScript , html, css) is a plus.

Potential mentors

Ugur Dogrusoz, Ozgun Babur, Max Franz

[1] U. Dogrusoz, A. Cetintas, E. Demir, and O. Babur, "Algorithms for Effective Querying of Compound Graph-Based Pathway Databases", BMC Bioinformatics, 10:376, 2009.


Anishka0107 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I am interested in working on this project. I am proficient in graphs algorithms and web technologies (HTML, CSS and JavaScript). Can I be a part of it? @ugurdogrusoz @maxkfranz

ugurdogrusoz commented 7 years ago

@Anishka0107 please read how GSoC works. If you have any specific questions regarding this particular idea, you may email me.

AlexanderPico commented 7 years ago

@Anishka0107 Here's a link to our GSoC page, which includes a timeline and resource links. I particularly recommend the GSoC Student Guide. Thanks for your interest in our projects!

ugurdogrusoz commented 7 years ago

@Anishka0107 You may refer to the paper (reference [1]) for the actual algorithms we'd like to port to JavaScript. A Java implementation of these algorithms in the context of pathways can be found here:

Anishka0107 commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the reply @ugurdogrusoz and @AlexanderPico. I have seen the Student Guide and timeline.

Anishka0107 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have mailed you the proposal regarding the implementation ideas. Could you please see it? @ugurdogrusoz

ugurdogrusoz commented 7 years ago

@Anishka0107 Thanks for being so enthusiastic and preparing a proposal. However, it's too early for a proposal. This is a good time to get to know the associated tools. Please take a look at GSoC student guide for details.

Anishka0107 commented 7 years ago

Sir, I have shared the draft at the GSoC website regarding this project. Could you please review it and suggest me the edits required? @ugurdogrusoz @ozgunbabur

Blackglade commented 7 years ago

Hi @ugurdogrusoz, I'm actually really interested in submitting a proposal for this project as well. Could I email you with a couple of questions I had regarding traversal algorithms? Also... Cytoscape.JS is pretty cool!

ugurdogrusoz commented 7 years ago

@Anishka0107 your proposal looks good, thanks! @Blackglade sure you can email me with questions you have

khanspers commented 7 years ago

GSoC 2017 selected project