nroi / flexo

a central pacman cache
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Flexo stops working from time to time #98

Closed aude closed 1 year ago

aude commented 1 year ago

I use Flexo daily. Most of the time it works flawlessly; however, some times it stops working, and the only thing I can do to fix it is to restart it.

Some times I even need to wipe /var/cache/flexo and restart before it works again.

Do you have any idea what could cause this? Could there be some edge case where flexo doesn't crash (I assume systemd would restart it then), but it stops working?

nroi commented 1 year ago

What exactly means "stops working"? Do you have more details, like the output from pacman?

Next time this happens, could you please provide the following info (before restarting Flexo), so I can look into it:

  1. Output of systemctl status flexo.service
  2. Output of nc -v localhost 7878. (replace localhost and 7878 by the hostname and port of Flexo, if necessary. Install openbsd-netcat if the nc command is not yet available on your machine).
  3. Output of journalctl -f --unit=flexo.service: Run the command, and then use pacman to fetch something from flexo, to see if anything is shown in the logs.
aude commented 1 year ago

Can't reproduce atm. Closing the issue, can reopen if I'm able to reproduce.