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Registration with using unmatching password and password confirmation #61

Open MisterV03 opened 6 months ago

MisterV03 commented 6 months ago


Check registration possibility while password isn't matched with password confirmation




The user didn't log in into the site.


Step No.Step descriptionExpected result
1.Open the URL main page is opened in the browser
2.Click on the "Person" icon at the top right of the pageThe dropdown with options "Зареєструватися" and "Увійти" is shown under the icon
3.Click on the "Зареєструватися" option of the dropdownThe popup with the registration form is displayed in the browser
4.Fill the fields "Ім'я", "Прізвище", "Телефон", Email with valid dataThe data is shown in the form
5.Fill the fields "Пароль"with data 12345678aB%aThe password is shown in the field "Пароль" form as dots
6.Fill the fields "Підтвердіть пароль"with data 12345678aB%The password is shown in the field "Пароль" form as dots
7.Click on the "Зареєструватися" buttonThe registration isn't completed, the message about mismatching passwords in fields "Пароль" and "Підтвердіть пароль" is shown