[TC-6] : Checking the operation and counting of the canter
This test case checks that if the user already has 2 habits and wants to add a new habit, the habit is added to the list of habits and under the word "In Progress" the canter displays the number 3
User is registered and logged in.
'My habits' tab in user's 'Profile' page is opened
User has 2 habits.
Input data
Required test data
Test Steps
Step No.
Step description
Expected result
Click "Add New Habit" button
"All habits" page is opened
Select any habit from the list and click on the "Add habit" button
The habit has been successfully added to the 'My habits' list. A message is displayed on the user's screen "You have successfully added a new habit to your list". Under the word "In Progress" the Habit Count Canter displays the number 3
[TC-6] : Checking the operation and counting of the canter
This test case checks that if the user already has 2 habits and wants to add a new habit, the habit is added to the list of habits and under the word "In Progress" the canter displays the number 3
User is registered and logged in. 'My habits' tab in user's 'Profile' page is opened User has 2 habits.
Input data
Required test data
Test Steps
Expected Result
Habit counting canter counts correctly
Link for corresponding requirements https://github.com/ita-social-projects/GreenCity/issues/1000