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Change request to #1001 . Add new custom habit (general) #192

Open khrystenko-qa opened 1 year ago

khrystenko-qa commented 1 year ago

As a registered User, I want to be able to create new custom habit.

Reason for Change: Clarify the requirements.


Business rules: 1 registered user can have only 6 Active “In Progress” Habits

Acceptance Criteria

  1. If a User has less than 6 habits in progress and clicks the “Add new habit” button on “My space”-“My habits” page, he\she is redirected to the “All habits” page.
  2. On the "All habits" page, the User can see:

2.1. The list of default habits. 2.2. The enabled "Create habit" button.

  1. When the User clicks on the “Create habit” button he\she is redirected to the "Create habit" template page.
  2. On the "Create habit" template page, the User can see:

4.1. The “Habit title” field. 4.2. The “Pick tags for habit” block. 4.3. The “Habit description” field. 4.4. The “Difficulty” rating. 4.5. The “Picture” for the habit block. 4.6. The “Progress” block. 4.7. The “Duration” indicator. 4.8. The “To-do list” block. 4.9. The “Invite friends” block. 4.10. The disabled ”Add habit” button and the enabled “Cancel” button. The ”Add habit” button should be enabled after the User fills in the “Habit title” field, the “Habit description” field and chooses the tag(s) in the “Pick tags for habit” block.

  1. On the "Create habit" template page, the User must:

5.1. Enter the name of the habit into the “Habit title” field.

5.1.1. The “Habit title” field should be mandatory. 5.1.2. The “Enter the name for the habit” placeholder is visible in the field. 5.1.3. The “Habit title” field should accept a minimum of 1 symbol (except for the white-space characters with no tracing letters/numbers/special symbols) and a maximum of 70 symbols. 5.1.4. "The field should not be empty" error message is shown if the field is left without typing any symbols or the entered value consists of white-space character(s) only, and the field is highlighted in red. 5.1.5. "The field should contain a maximum of 70 symbols" error message is shown if the entered value exceeds 70 symbols, and the field is highlighted in red. 5.1.6. The “Habit title” field should allow alphanumeric characters, white-space characters, and special characters. 5.1.7. The “Habit title” field should support copy-pasting of text.

5.2. Choose tag(s) in the “Pick tags for habit” block.

5.2.1. The “Pick tags for habit” block should be mandatory. 5.2.2. The User can choose up to 3 tags. If 3 tags are already chosen, the User can't select any additional tags. 5.2.3. The “Only 3 tags can be added” field label is shown below the “Pick tags for habit” text. 5.2.4. The chosen tags are highlighted in green. Clicking the highlighted tag deselects the chosen tag.

5.3. Enter the description of the habit into the “Habit description” field.

5.3.1. The “Habit description” field should be mandatory. 5.3.2. The “Describe the habit” placeholder is visible in the field. 5.3.3. The User should be able to add formatted text for habit description using the rich text editor. The rich text editor should provide options for:

  • font selection from a dropdown menu: Sans Serif (by default), Serif, and Monospace;
  • text formatting features: bold, italic, underline, strikethrough text;
  • text alignment features from a dropdown menu: left (by default), center, right, justified alignment;
  • font size features: small, normal (by default), large, huge;
  • font color selection button with a dropdown list of 35 colors;
  • text highlight color" button with a dropdown list of 35 colors.

5.3.4. The “Habit description” field should accept a minimum of 20 symbols. 5.3.5. "The field should contain a minimum of 20 symbols" error message is shown if the entered value is less than 20 symbols, and the field is highlighted in red. 5.3.6. The “Habit description” field should allow alphanumeric characters, white-space characters, and special characters. 5.3.7. The “Habit description” field should support copy-pasting of text.

  1. On the "Create habit" template page, the User can:

6.1. Choose the duration of the habit in the “Duration” indicator.

6.1.1. The duration indicator should be presented as a slider, representing the number of days from 7 (by default) to 56 days. 6.1.2. The duration indicator should have a step of 1 day. 6.1.3. The User should be able to modify the habit duration by either clicking on the slider or dragging the slider with the mouse/finger (for mobile devices). 6.1.4. The information message "This duration of habit formation is recommended. You can change it at will" should be displayed under the slider. 6.1.5. When the user changes the number of days by moving the slider, the updated value should be immediately visible on the slider itself.

6.2. Choose the difficulty of the habit in the “Difficulty” block.

6.2.1. The “Difficulty” block should be optional. 6.2.2. The “Difficulty” block is a scale consisting of 3 stars to understand the difficulty. 6.2.3. The “Easy“ tooltip is shown after hovering on the first star out of 3. 6.2.4. The “Medium“ tooltip is shown after hovering on the second star out of 3. 6.2.5. The “Hard“ tooltip is shown after hovering on the third star out of 3. 6.2.6. One-star difficulty is chosen by default. 6.2.7. When the User selects the required difficulty - the chosen stars are filled with green color.

6.3. Choose a picture for the habit in the “Picture (optional)” block.

6.3.1. The “Picture (optional)” block should be optional. 6.3.2. The "Upload PNG or JPG only. File size should be less than 10MB" information message should be displayed below the “Picture (optional)” text. 6.3.3. The User should have the option to select a picture from a default set of three different pictures. The selected picture from a default set is highlighted in green. 6.3.4. Alternatively, the User should be able to upload his/her picture that responds to the conditions: only PNG and JPG formats should be accepted; the file size of the uploaded picture should be less than 10 MB. 6.3.5. If the User tries to upload a picture exceeding 10 MB and/or of a different format (not PNG or JPG):

  • the picture/file should not be uploaded;
  • the “Image isn't uploaded” error message is shown;
  • the “Upload PNG or JPG only. File size should be less than 10MB” information message displayed below the “Picture (optional)” text is highlighted in red.

6.3.6. The User can upload his/her image by:

  • dropping it onto the form;
  • clicking the “browse” button.

6.4. Optionally mark / unmark habits in progress on a Calendar and see the Progress bar, that is filled up when the User marks the habit(s) as done.

6.5. Optionally set up a To-do list of items to do/buy as the steps to follow the chosen habit. The “No items to recommend” message is shown in the “To-do list” block by default.

6.6. Optionally invite friends to share the habit using their email or username.

  1. When the User wants to add a new custom habit he\she clicks on the “Add habit” button:

7.1. The new custom habit is created. 7.2. The “All habits” page is open. 7.3. The “You have successfully added a new habit to your list” pop-up window is shown. 7.4. The new custom habit is displayed at the top of “All habits” page. 7.5. The new custom habit is visible to the User and his/her friends, if they were invited through the "Invite friends" block during the creation of a custom habit.

  1. When the User clicks on the “Cancel” button, the “It looks like you have been editing something. If you leave before saving, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to leave this page?” popup window with “Yes” and “No” buttons are shown.

8.1. When the user clicks on the “Yes” button:

8.1.1. The new custom habit is not created. 8.1.2. “My space”-“My habits” page is open.

8.2. When the User clicks on the “No” button, the “Create habit” template page with previously entered by the User data is open.

  1. If the User has 6 habits in progress and clicks the “Add habit” button on the "All habits" page:

9.1. The “User has reached the limit of active habits assigns: 6” pop-up window is shown. 9.2. The chosen habit is not added to the habits in progress.

  1. The User should be able to edit his/her custom habit by clicking the “Edit” button. The User can edit:

10.1. The “Habit title” field. 10.2. The “Pick tags for habit” block. 10.3. The “Habit description” field. 10.4. The “Difficulty” rating. 10.5. The “Picture” for the habit block. 10.6. The “Progress” block. 10.7. The “Duration” indicator. 10.8. The “To-do list” block. 10.9. The “Invite friends” block.

Neolla7 commented 1 year ago
