As a user, I want to be able to manage "My To-do list" from "My space"/tab "My Habits" so I can mark an item as done.
The registered user is logged in.
"My space" page is open.
Acceptance criteria:
When user doesn’t have habits in progress or doesn’t set up a To-do list for a habit, the system displays “0” items in the counter.
When the user adds items on the Habit’s page (edit mode), click "Save", the user is redirected to the "My space" page/ tab "My Habits", message appears "You have successfully updated a habit", in the "My To-do list" on the sidebar, the number displayed in the counter increases by the number of added items.
When the user removes items on the Habit’s page (edit mode), click "Save" the user is redirected to the "My space" page/ tab "My Habits", message appears "You have successfully updated a habit" in the "My To-do list" on the sidebar the number displayed in the counter decreases by the number of removed items.
When user has habits in progress with items in the To-do list, the system displays those items in the "My To-do list" on the "My space" page/ tab "My Habits":
a. system accumulates all items from "My To-do list" from all habits in progress;
b. when there are 2 similar items from different habits, the system displays both of them and when user hover over it, the system displays which habit this item belongs to;
c. items are displayed in chronological sequence of adding habits: items of habits that were added recently are displayed at the top of the list and items of habits that were added earlier are displayed at the bottom of the list;
d system displays 3 items by default, to see all list user should click on the button “See all”;
e system represents “See all” list by an expanded area;
f. when user hovers a cursor over the item, the system displays the whole item’s name;
System displays items in the "My To-do list" on the "My space" page / tab "My Habits" until the habit is in progress:
a. when the habit is acquired (according to user story Change request to #993 Transferring of successfully tracked “Habits in progress” to section “Acquired habits” #5421, or given up all items related to the specific habit disappear from the "My To-do list" on the "My space" page/ tab "My Habits".
User can mark an item as done in the "My To-do list" by checking the checkbox near the item’s name:
a. after clicking on the checkbox the item’s name is strikethrough.
b. after clicking refresh item is removed from "My To-do list"
c. on the "Habits" page (edit mode) this item is marked check as completed.
User can reactivate an item in the "My To-do list" by unchecking the checkbox:
a. after unchecking the checkbox the item’s name is displayed without crossing.
As a user, I want to be able to manage "My To-do list" from "My space"/tab "My Habits" so I can mark an item as done.
Preconditions: The registered user is logged in. "My space" page is open.
Acceptance criteria:
system accumulates all items from "My To-do list" from all habits in progress;b.
when there are 2 similar items from different habits, the system displays both of them and when user hover over it, the system displays which habit this item belongs to;c.
items are displayed in chronological sequence of adding habits: items of habits that were added recently are displayed at the top of the list and items of habits that were added earlier are displayed at the bottom of the list;d
system displays 3 items by default, to see all list user should click on the button “See all”;e
system represents “See all” list by an expanded area;f.
when user hovers a cursor over the item, the system displays the whole item’s name;a.
when the habit is acquired (according to user story Change request to #993 Transferring of successfully tracked “Habits in progress” to section “Acquired habits” #5421, or given up all items related to the specific habit disappear from the "My To-do list" on the "My space" page/ tab "My Habits".a.
after clicking on the checkbox the item’s name is strikethrough.b.
after clicking refresh item is removed from "My To-do list"c.
on the "Habits" page (edit mode) this item is marked check as completed.a.
after unchecking the checkbox the item’s name is displayed without crossing.