nrontsis / PILCO

Bayesian Reinforcement Learning in Tensorflow
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Can it be applied to 'Pendulum-v0'?? && memory problem #21

Closed wonchul-kim closed 5 years ago

wonchul-kim commented 5 years ago


I tried to apply it with Pendulum-v0 environment. However, I don't think it worked well at all. Could you give me some advice?

And, when I run it, there came some error b/c of memory shortage. is there something I can manage the memory?

kyr-pol commented 5 years ago

Hi Wonchul, I've worked with the Pendulum-v0 environment too.

Firstly let me note that on the more_envs branch we are working on several extra environments (we have good results in a version Pendulum-v0, inverted double pendulum and the Swimmer), we are gonna merge some of the work there on master soon after cleaning it up a bit, but you can take a look if you are looking for extra applications.

The problem with the Pendulum-v0 is that although the dynamics are pretty simple, it's hard for PILCO to predict a trajectory, because the initial angle of the pendulum can be anything (I think it is initialised uniformly). That makes planning with a normally distributed prediction for every time-step, as PILCO does, not that useful. What I did was change this initialisation, from the gym source code, to a starting position with the pendulum at the bottom, with a reasonably small amount of starting uncertainty (~0.1). Now this is an easier task than what the original gym one, but since the pendulum swing-up task is a standard control benchmark, we might still want to solve it this way (the version used in the original PILCO paper is like this too).

Now for the memory issues, I have encountered them too, there a few things you can do, and they are related to T, the number of time-steps in the planning horizon and N, the number of runs and subsequently the number of data points you are working with.

Also be ware that the default reward function and initial state of PILCO won't work for Pendulum-v0. Copying from in more_envs:

        # NEEDS a different initialisation than the one in gym (change the reset() method),
        # to (m_init, S_init)
        bf = 30
        target = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        weights = np.diag([2.0, 2.0, 0.3])
        m_init = np.reshape([-1.0, 0, 0.0], (1,3))
        S_init = np.diag([0.01, 0.05, 0.01])
        T = 40
        J = 4
        N = 8
        restarts = True

SUBS is the subsampling rate, target and weights are the reward function parameters. With these parameters I've had consistent good performance.

wonchul-kim commented 5 years ago

Hi, Kyriakos. First, I want to thank you for sharing your experience.

I surely want to take a look before you complete the work, if you don't mind. What I want to do is only to understand how PILCO exactly works on the level of implementation using openai gym, not mujoco, because I don't have license...

And, for the memory problem, is there any way to assign memory in advance with gpflow as tensorflow? For example, there is something I could manage the memory using 'config' in tensorflow.

Thank you. Wonchul Kim.

2019년 2월 21일 (목) 오후 9:20, Kyriakos Polymenakos notifications@github.com님이 작성:

Hi Wonchul, I've worked with the Pendulum-v0 environment too.

Firstly let me note that on the more_envs branch we are working on several extra environments (we have good results in a version Pendulum-v0, inverted double pendulum and the Swimmer), we are gonna merge some of the work there on master soon after cleaning it up a bit, but you can take a look if you are looking for extra applications.

The problem with the Pendulum-v0 is that although the dynamics are pretty simple, it's hard for PILCO to predict a trajectory, because the initial angle of the pendulum can be anything (I think it is initialised uniformly). That makes planning with a normally distributed prediction for every time-step, as PILCO does, not that useful. What I did was change this initialisation, from the gym source code, to a starting position with the pendulum at the bottom, with a reasonably small amount of starting uncertainty (~0.1). Now this is an easier task than what the original gym one, but since the pendulum swing-up task is a standard control benchmark, we might still want to solve it this way (the version used in the original PILCO paper is like this too).

Now for the memory issues, I have encountered them too, there a few things you can do, and they are related to T, the number of time-steps in the planning horizon and N, the number of runs and subsequently the number of data points you are working with.

  • Reduce time horizon, possibly by using subsampling. During planning, a number of matrices are created and held in memory simultaneously, proportional to the number of time steps in the planning horizon. You might want to decrease that number. If you feel a longer time horizon is needed, you can use subsampling, basically repeating each action for m time-steps, and only showing PILCO the state every m time-steps. That way you can plan ahead long enough, without the memory problems. There is a simple way to implement that by changing the rollout function in .
  • Use sparse GPs. By using the num_induced_points argument when you call the PILCO constructor you can set the number of data points used for the GP inference.

Also be ware that the default reward function and initial state of PILCO won't work for Pendulum-v0. Copying from in more_envs:

    # NEEDS a different initialisation than the one in gym (change the reset() method),
    # to (m_init, S_init)
    bf = 30
    target = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    weights = np.diag([2.0, 2.0, 0.3])
    m_init = np.reshape([-1.0, 0, 0.0], (1,3))
    S_init = np.diag([0.01, 0.05, 0.01])
    T = 40
    J = 4
    N = 8
    restarts = True

SUBS is the subsampling rate, target and weights are the reward function parameters. With these parameters I've had consistent good performance.

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kyr-pol commented 5 years ago

Sure, it makes sense to want to use it without mujoco.

For the memory problem yes, you can do it the standard tensorflow way. What we use when running on a GPU is something like:

    config = tf.ConfigProto()
    gpu_id = kwargs.get('gpu_id', "1")
    config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = gpu_id
    config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.80
    sess = tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph(), config=config)
    with sess:

before making the environment.

I am not sure this is gonna help, since it restricts the memory tf is taking, but if you are running out of it, it probably means that tf used up all available memory and it still wasn't enough. If you have many data points and/or long planning horizons, especially in higher dimensional problems, think about subsampling or sparse GPs.

wonchul-kim commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your advice!

I will try it!!

If you tried PILCO to other environments including pendulum-vo, could I see the code?

On Fri, 22 Feb 2019 at 1:08 AM Kyriakos Polymenakos <> wrote:

Sure, it makes sense to want to use it without mujoco.

For the memory problem yes, you can do it the standard tensorflow way. What we use when running on a GPU is something like:

config = tf.ConfigProto()
gpu_id = kwargs.get('gpu_id', "1")
config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = gpu_id
config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.80
sess = tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph(), config=config)
with sess:

before making the environment.

I am not sure this is gonna help, since it restricts the memory tf is taking, but if you are running out of it, it probably means that tf used up all available memory and it still wasn't enough. If you have many data points and/or long planning horizons, especially in higher dimensional problems, think about subsampling or sparse GPs.

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kyr-pol commented 5 years ago

Hey @wonchul-kim you might wanna check the pull request I added here, it should be more clear and easier to make sense than the more_envs branch I mentioned above. It includes 3 extra environments, including the Pendulum-v0.

kyr-pol commented 5 years ago

I am closing this for now, if there are more questions feel free to re-open it.