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Diversity for Dummies #4

Open daneden opened 10 years ago

daneden commented 10 years ago

Having watched your contributions to the tech community and efforts to level the ratio over the last year or so, I think it’s safe to say you’ve some experience in the field.

I also think it’s safe to say that the lessons you’ve learned and knowledge you’ve accrued would be invaluable to the wider community. We need more agents for change in the field, and—though many may deny it—we’re all untrained in approaching the issue of diversity in tech.

I’d love to collate the advice of yourself and other torchbearers on how to initiate change in an organization—on a small or large scale—or, at the very least, reassess the issues on a personal level. Recommended reading, people to talk to; anything and everything.

It’s a big ask, I know, but any response will be greatly appreciated.

I should also take the opportunity to sincerely thank you for your efforts and tremendously hard and inspiring work over the years. You’re fighting the good fight.