nrwl / nx-console

Nx Console is the user interface for Nx & Lerna.
MIT License
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Nx console Plugin not working in WSL #1657

Closed Mohanrau closed 1 year ago

Mohanrau commented 1 year ago

Current Behavior

  1. Any nx command from NX Console plugin throws
Error running 'shared-one-address:lint': Cannot run program "\home\mohan\PROJECTS\ONE-PORTAL-UI\node_modules\.bin\nx" (in directory "\\wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04\home\mohan\PROJECTS\ONE-PORTAL-UI"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified


  1. Any command from Nx Generate (Ui) shows
This command has no flags to set


Expected Behavior

Steps to Reproduce

Failure Logs / Images / Videos


nx: 15.8.5 Package.json

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Cammisuli commented 1 year ago

We just released 1.3.0 that includes proper support for WSL. Give it a shot, and let me know if it worked out (or not 😦) for you πŸ™‚

Mohanrau commented 1 year ago

We just released 1.3.0 that includes proper support for WSL. Give it a shot, and let me know if it worked out (or not 😦) for you πŸ™‚

Hi @Cammisuli this was tested on v1.3.0 😦

Cammisuli commented 1 year ago

Oh no, sorry I missed the version number. I literally just tested it with wsl and it worked out for me.

Cammisuli commented 1 year ago

Can you show me your WSL settings in the Intellij dialog?

Mohanrau commented 1 year ago


Cammisuli commented 1 year ago

Sorry, the WSL settings under Languages & Frameworks > Node.js. Like this: image

Mohanrau commented 1 year ago

Sorry, the WSL settings under Languages & Frameworks > Node.js. Like this: image

i just checked it was pointing to windows node version after change to wsl 1st issue fixed but 2nd issue still persist

Cammisuli commented 1 year ago

can you restart the editor and see if it still persists?

Mohanrau commented 1 year ago

cool now working man. Thank you for u time.

Cammisuli commented 1 year ago

Thanks for confirming as well πŸ™‚ . I'm going to update the readme to make sure it has more information on how to configure the node interpreter to get Nx Console to work properly.