nrwl / nx-console

Nx Console is the user interface for Nx & Lerna.
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Generate UI window does not render in VSCode #2181

Closed Spencer-Easton closed 2 weeks ago

Spencer-Easton commented 2 weeks ago

When I select a generator the VSCode command pallet interface prompts me for each of the generator settings. It looses context if you click away, does not offer suggestions like project name, does not have a dry run preview.

When I select a generator, VSCode opens a Generate UI window where I can input my settings for the generator

Must have been in the last week,

This is a regression from previous behavior

Steps to Reproduce




Failure Logs / Images / Videos


VSCode 1.90.1 NX Console: 18.22.0

Node : 18.16.0 OS : linux-x64 npm : 9.5.1

nx : 16.8.1 @nx/js : 16.8.1 @nx/jest : 16.8.1 @nx/linter : 16.8.1 @nx/workspace : 16.8.1 @nx/angular : 16.8.1 @nx/cypress : 16.8.1 @nx/devkit : 16.8.1 @nx/esbuild : 16.8.1 @nx/eslint-plugin : 16.8.1 @nx/express : 16.8.1 @nx/nest : 16.8.1 @nx/node : 16.8.1 @nx/plugin : 16.8.1 @nx/storybook : 16.8.1 @nrwl/tao : 16.8.1 @nx/web : 17.3.2 @nx/webpack : 16.8.1 nx-cloud : 16.5.2 typescript : 4.9.5

Community plugins: @ngrx/component-store : 15.3.0 @ngrx/effects : 15.3.0 @ngrx/entity : 15.3.0 @ngrx/router-store : 15.3.0 @ngrx/schematics : 15.3.0 @ngrx/store : 15.3.0 @ngrx/store-devtools : 15.3.0 @storybook/angular : 7.4.6 ngrx-immer : 2.2.1

MaxKless commented 2 weeks ago

Hey! Can I ask how you're starting the generate form? Is it via the sidebar?

Spencer-Easton commented 2 weeks ago

I've always launched it via the command pallet (crtl-shft-a) NX:generate

EDIT: DOH we can close this issue. I see there is BOTH NX:generate and NX:generate (UI)

The NX:generate (UI) was always at the top of the list, now it sorts NX:generate first.

Now I know there is two of them I can pick the right one.

Sorry and Thanks.

MaxKless commented 2 weeks ago

No worries. You're not the first one to run into this, I'll make the behaviour more explicit and have "Generate (UI)" be the default here