nrwl / nx

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Default generator options for @nrwl/js:library are not taken into account by the VS Code's extension v18.17.0 #22462

Closed zilia-gmethot closed 3 months ago

zilia-gmethot commented 3 months ago

Current Behavior

When definining options for the @nrwl/js:library generator in the Nx configuration file, using the VS Code's Nx extension to generate a new library does not use these options.

Expected Behavior

When definining options for the @nrwl/js:library generator in the Nx configuration file, when using the VS Code's Nx extension to generate a new library, the configured options shoud be pre-configured properly.

GitHub Repo

No response

Steps to Reproduce

In the nx.json file, under the generators key, add the following content:

"@nrwl/js:library": {
  "setParserOptionsProject": true

In VS Code, right-click on the libs directory and select the Nx generate option. A tab labeled Generate UI should open. Notice that the setParserOptionsProject isn't checked.

Nx Report

Node : 18.18.2
   OS   : linux x64
   npm  : 9.8.1

   nx                      : 15.9.2
   @nrwl/js                : 15.9.2
   @nrwl/jest              : 15.9.2
   @nrwl/linter            : 15.9.2
   @nrwl/workspace         : 15.9.2
   @nrwl/angular           : 15.9.2
   @nrwl/cli               : 15.9.2
   @nrwl/cypress           : 15.9.2
   @nrwl/devkit            : 15.9.2
   @nrwl/eslint-plugin-nx  : 15.9.2
   @nrwl/tao               : 15.9.2
   @nrwl/web               : 15.9.2
   @nrwl/webpack           : 15.9.2
   typescript              : 4.9.5
   Community plugins:
   @ngrx/component-store    : 15.3.0
   @ngrx/effects            : 15.3.0
   @ngrx/router-store       : 15.3.0
   @ngrx/store              : 15.3.0
   ng2-charts               : 4.1.1
   @ngrx/schematics         : 15.3.0
   @ngrx/store-devtools     : 15.3.0
   @testing-library/angular : 14.5.1

Failure Logs

No response

Package Manager Version

No response

Operating System

Additional Information

The Nx Console extension is at version v18.17.0

MaxKless commented 3 months ago

Hey! Thanks for the report @zilia-gmethot. I'm aware of this and will push a fix next week :) I'll close this as a duplicate of

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

This issue has been closed for more than 30 days. If this issue is still occuring, please open a new issue with more recent context.