nrwl / nx

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Cannot find configuration for task @nx/nx-source:test #23124

Closed gnuion closed 1 month ago

gnuion commented 2 months ago

Current Behavior

When I try to run tests locally using pnpm test I get the error

Cannot find configuration for task @nx/nx-source:test

Expected Behavior

Tests to run.

GitHub Repo

Steps to Reproduce

  1. pnpm install
  2. pnpm build
  3. pnpm test

Nx Report

Node   : 20.11.1
OS     : darwin-arm64
pnpm   : 8.15.7

nx                 : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/js             : 0.0.1
@nrwl/js           : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/jest           : 0.0.1
@nrwl/jest         : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/linter         : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/eslint         : 0.0.1
@nx/workspace      : 0.0.1
@nrwl/workspace    : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/angular        : 0.0.1
@nrwl/angular      : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/cypress        : 0.0.1
@nrwl/cypress      : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/detox          : 0.0.1
@nx/devkit         : 0.0.1
@nrwl/devkit       : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/esbuild        : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/eslint-plugin  : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/expo           : 0.0.1
@nx/express        : 0.0.1
@nx/gradle         : 0.0.1
@nx/nest           : 0.0.1
@nx/next           : 0.0.1
@nrwl/next         : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/node           : 0.0.1
@nx/nuxt           : 0.0.1
@nx/playwright     : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/plugin         : 0.0.1
@nx/react          : 0.0.1
@nrwl/react        : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/react-native   : 0.0.1
@nx/rollup         : 0.0.1
@nx/remix          : 0.0.1
@nx/storybook      : 0.0.1
@nrwl/storybook    : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nrwl/tao          : 0.0.1
@nx/vite           : 0.0.1
@nrwl/vite         : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/vue            : 0.0.1
@nx/web            : 0.0.1
@nrwl/web          : 19.0.0-beta.8
@nx/webpack        : 0.0.1
@nrwl/webpack      : 19.0.0-beta.8
typescript         : 5.4.2
Registered Plugins:
Community plugins:
@monodon/rust      : 1.3.3
@ngrx/effects      : 17.0.1
@ngrx/router-store : 17.0.1
@ngrx/store        : 17.0.1
Local workspace plugins:
The following packages should match the installed version of nx
  - @nx/js@0.0.1
  - @nx/jest@0.0.1
  - @nx/eslint@0.0.1
  - @nx/workspace@0.0.1
  - @nx/angular@0.0.1
  - @nx/cypress@0.0.1
  - @nx/detox@0.0.1
  - @nx/devkit@0.0.1
  - @nx/expo@0.0.1
  - @nx/express@0.0.1
  - @nx/gradle@0.0.1
  - @nx/nest@0.0.1
  - @nx/next@0.0.1
  - @nx/node@0.0.1
  - @nx/nuxt@0.0.1
  - @nx/plugin@0.0.1
  - @nx/react@0.0.1
  - @nx/react-native@0.0.1
  - @nx/rollup@0.0.1
  - @nx/remix@0.0.1
  - @nx/storybook@0.0.1
  - @nrwl/tao@0.0.1
  - @nx/vite@0.0.1
  - @nx/vue@0.0.1
  - @nx/web@0.0.1
  - @nx/webpack@0.0.1

To fix this, run `nx migrate nx@19.0.0-beta.8`

Failure Logs

> nx test

 NX   Cannot find configuration for task @nx/nx-source:test

Pass --verbose to see the stacktrace.

 ELIFECYCLE  Test failed. See above for more details.

Package Manager Version

No response

Operating System

Additional Information

No response

MANAALHARBI commented 2 months ago

Current Behavior

When I try to run tests locally using pnpm test I get the error

Cannot find configuration for task @nx/nx-source:test

Expected Behavior

Tests to run.

GitHub Repo

Steps to Reproduce

  1. pnpm install

  2. pnpm build

  3. pnpm test

Nx Report

Node   : 20.11.1

OS     : darwin-arm64

pnpm   : 8.15.7

nx                 : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/js             : 0.0.1

@nrwl/js           : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/jest           : 0.0.1

@nrwl/jest         : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/linter         : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/eslint         : 0.0.1

@nx/workspace      : 0.0.1

@nrwl/workspace    : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/angular        : 0.0.1

@nrwl/angular      : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/cypress        : 0.0.1

@nrwl/cypress      : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/detox          : 0.0.1

@nx/devkit         : 0.0.1

@nrwl/devkit       : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/esbuild        : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/eslint-plugin  : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/expo           : 0.0.1

@nx/express        : 0.0.1

@nx/gradle         : 0.0.1

@nx/nest           : 0.0.1

@nx/next           : 0.0.1

@nrwl/next         : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/node           : 0.0.1

@nx/nuxt           : 0.0.1

@nx/playwright     : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/plugin         : 0.0.1

@nx/react          : 0.0.1

@nrwl/react        : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/react-native   : 0.0.1

@nx/rollup         : 0.0.1

@nx/remix          : 0.0.1

@nx/storybook      : 0.0.1

@nrwl/storybook    : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nrwl/tao          : 0.0.1

@nx/vite           : 0.0.1

@nrwl/vite         : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/vue            : 0.0.1

@nx/web            : 0.0.1

@nrwl/web          : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/webpack        : 0.0.1

@nrwl/webpack      : 19.0.0-beta.8

typescript         : 5.4.2


Registered Plugins:









Community plugins:

@monodon/rust      : 1.3.3

@ngrx/effects      : 17.0.1

@ngrx/router-store : 17.0.1

@ngrx/store        : 17.0.1


Local workspace plugins:











































The following packages should match the installed version of nx

  - @nx/js@0.0.1

  - @nx/jest@0.0.1

  - @nx/eslint@0.0.1

  - @nx/workspace@0.0.1

  - @nx/angular@0.0.1

  - @nx/cypress@0.0.1

  - @nx/detox@0.0.1

  - @nx/devkit@0.0.1

  - @nx/expo@0.0.1

  - @nx/express@0.0.1

  - @nx/gradle@0.0.1

  - @nx/nest@0.0.1

  - @nx/next@0.0.1

  - @nx/node@0.0.1

  - @nx/nuxt@0.0.1

  - @nx/plugin@0.0.1

  - @nx/react@0.0.1

  - @nx/react-native@0.0.1

  - @nx/rollup@0.0.1

  - @nx/remix@0.0.1

  - @nx/storybook@0.0.1

  - @nrwl/tao@0.0.1

  - @nx/vite@0.0.1

  - @nx/vue@0.0.1

  - @nx/web@0.0.1

  - @nx/webpack@0.0.1

To fix this, run `nx migrate nx@19.0.0-beta.8`

Failure Logs

> nx test

 NX   Cannot find configuration for task @nx/nx-source:test

Pass --verbose to see the stacktrace.

 ELIFECYCLE  Test failed. See above for more details.

Package Manager Version

No response

Operating System

  • [X] macOS
  • [ ] Linux
  • [ ] Windows
  • [ ] Other (Please specify)

Additional Information

No response

MANAALHARBI commented 2 months ago

Current Behavior

When I try to run tests locally using pnpm test I get the error

Cannot find configuration for task @nx/nx-source:test

Expected Behavior

Tests to run.

GitHub Repo

Steps to Reproduce

  1. pnpm install

  2. pnpm build

  3. pnpm test

Nx Report

Node   : 20.11.1

OS     : darwin-arm64

pnpm   : 8.15.7

nx                 : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/js             : 0.0.1

@nrwl/js           : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/jest           : 0.0.1

@nrwl/jest         : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/linter         : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/eslint         : 0.0.1

@nx/workspace      : 0.0.1

@nrwl/workspace    : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/angular        : 0.0.1

@nrwl/angular      : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/cypress        : 0.0.1

@nrwl/cypress      : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/detox          : 0.0.1

@nx/devkit         : 0.0.1

@nrwl/devkit       : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/esbuild        : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/eslint-plugin  : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/expo           : 0.0.1

@nx/express        : 0.0.1

@nx/gradle         : 0.0.1

@nx/nest           : 0.0.1

@nx/next           : 0.0.1

@nrwl/next         : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/node           : 0.0.1

@nx/nuxt           : 0.0.1

@nx/playwright     : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/plugin         : 0.0.1

@nx/react          : 0.0.1

@nrwl/react        : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/react-native   : 0.0.1

@nx/rollup         : 0.0.1

@nx/remix          : 0.0.1

@nx/storybook      : 0.0.1

@nrwl/storybook    : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nrwl/tao          : 0.0.1

@nx/vite           : 0.0.1

@nrwl/vite         : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/vue            : 0.0.1

@nx/web            : 0.0.1

@nrwl/web          : 19.0.0-beta.8

@nx/webpack        : 0.0.1

@nrwl/webpack      : 19.0.0-beta.8

typescript         : 5.4.2


Registered Plugins:









Community plugins:

@monodon/rust      : 1.3.3

@ngrx/effects      : 17.0.1

@ngrx/router-store : 17.0.1

@ngrx/store        : 17.0.1


Local workspace plugins:











































The following packages should match the installed version of nx

  - @nx/js@0.0.1

  - @nx/jest@0.0.1

  - @nx/eslint@0.0.1

  - @nx/workspace@0.0.1

  - @nx/angular@0.0.1

  - @nx/cypress@0.0.1

  - @nx/detox@0.0.1

  - @nx/devkit@0.0.1

  - @nx/expo@0.0.1

  - @nx/express@0.0.1

  - @nx/gradle@0.0.1

  - @nx/nest@0.0.1

  - @nx/next@0.0.1

  - @nx/node@0.0.1

  - @nx/nuxt@0.0.1

  - @nx/plugin@0.0.1

  - @nx/react@0.0.1

  - @nx/react-native@0.0.1

  - @nx/rollup@0.0.1

  - @nx/remix@0.0.1

  - @nx/storybook@0.0.1

  - @nrwl/tao@0.0.1

  - @nx/vite@0.0.1

  - @nx/vue@0.0.1

  - @nx/web@0.0.1

  - @nx/webpack@0.0.1

To fix this, run `nx migrate nx@19.0.0-beta.8`

Failure Logs

> nx test

 NX   Cannot find configuration for task @nx/nx-source:test

Pass --verbose to see the stacktrace.

 ELIFECYCLE  Test failed. See above for more details.

Package Manager Version

No response

Operating System

  • [X] macOS
  • [ ] Linux
  • [ ] Windows
  • [ ] Other (Please specify)

Additional Information

No response

AgentEnder commented 1 month ago

I fixed this in, some of the package.json scripts in the nx repo didn't quite make sense.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

This issue has been closed for more than 30 days. If this issue is still occuring, please open a new issue with more recent context.