nrwl / nx

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Running nx migrate latest gives warning "project is using a third-party builder" #6870

Closed mackelito closed 2 years ago

mackelito commented 2 years ago

Current Behavior

Gives warnings that "project is using a third-party builder"

Expected Behavior

Guess I should not get this information at all? :)

Steps to Reproduce

Have this in your angular.json as a lib

"ui-toster": {
      "root": "libs/ui/toster",
      "sourceRoot": "libs/ui/toster/src",
      "projectType": "library",
      "prefix": "mathem",
      "architect": {
        "lint": {
          "builder": "@nrwl/linter:eslint",
          "options": {
            "lintFilePatterns": [
        "test": {
          "builder": "@nrwl/jest:jest",
          "options": {
            "jestConfig": "libs/ui/toster/jest.config.js",
            "passWithNoTests": true
          "outputs": [
      "schematics": {
        "@nrwl/schematics:component": {
          "styleext": "scss"

Failure Logs

"test" target in "ui-toster" project is using a third-party builder.
You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.


>  NX  Report complete - copy this into the issue template

  Node : 14.15.4
  OS   : darwin x64
  yarn : 1.21.1

  nx : Not Found
  @nrwl/angular : 12.8.0
  @nrwl/cli : 12.8.0
  @nrwl/cypress : 12.8.0
  @nrwl/devkit : 12.8.0
  @nrwl/eslint-plugin-nx : 12.8.0
  @nrwl/express : Not Found
  @nrwl/jest : 12.8.0
  @nrwl/linter : 12.8.0
  @nrwl/nest : Not Found
  @nrwl/next : Not Found
  @nrwl/node : Not Found
  @nrwl/nx-cloud : 12.3.10
  @nrwl/react : Not Found
  @nrwl/schematics : Not Found
  @nrwl/tao : 12.8.0
  @nrwl/web : Not Found
  @nrwl/workspace : 12.8.0
  @nrwl/storybook : 12.8.0
  @nrwl/gatsby : Not Found
  typescript : 4.3.5
leosvelperez commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting this!

That looks like a message from a migration from an Angular CLI package. In that case, they are checking the builder is their own and if not, they skip the automatic migration for it and let you know it was skipped.

Could you share which particular migration is giving the warnings?

mackelito commented 2 years ago

Well it I'm not sure that the migrations are skipped.. > NX Successfully finished running migrations from 'migrations.json'

These are the logs we get:

โžœ  web-client git:(update-nx) โœ— nx migrate --run-migrations

>  NX  Running 'yarn' to make sure necessary packages are installed

yarn install v1.21.1
warning package-lock.json found. Your project contains lock files generated by tools other than Yarn. It is advised not to mix package managers in order to avoid resolution inconsistencies caused by unsynchronized lock files. To clear this warning, remove package-lock.json.
[1/5] ๐Ÿ”  Validating package.json...
[2/5] ๐Ÿ”  Resolving packages...
warning @storybook/addon-knobs@6.3.0: deprecating knobs in favor of @storybook/addon-controls
[3/5] ๐Ÿšš  Fetching packages...
[4/5] ๐Ÿ”—  Linking dependencies...
warning " > @agm/core@1.1.0" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/common@^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0".
warning " > @agm/core@1.1.0" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/core@^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0".
warning " > @angular-redux/store@10.0.0" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/core@^7.0.0".
warning " > @angular/localize@11.2.13" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/compiler@11.2.13".
warning " > @angular/localize@11.2.13" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/compiler-cli@11.2.13".
warning " > @angular/material@12.2.3" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/cdk@12.2.3".
warning " > @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@6.2.0" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/common@^9.0.0".
warning " > @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@6.2.0" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/core@^9.0.0".
warning " > @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@6.2.0" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/forms@^9.0.0".
warning " > @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@6.2.0" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/localize@^9.0.0".
warning " > @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@6.2.0" has incorrect peer dependency "tslib@^1.10.0".
warning " > @ngx-axios-adapter/core@1.0.6" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/common@^8.0.0-rc.0 || ^8.0.0".
warning " > @ngx-axios-adapter/core@1.0.6" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/core@^8.0.0-rc.0 || ^8.0.0".
warning " > @ngx-axios-adapter/core@1.0.6" has unmet peer dependency "axios@^0.19.0".
warning " > bootstrap@4.6.0" has unmet peer dependency "jquery@1.9.1 - 3".
warning " > bootstrap@4.6.0" has unmet peer dependency "popper.js@^1.16.1".
warning " > ngx-markdown@8.2.2" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/common@^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0".
warning " > ngx-markdown@8.2.2" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/core@^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0".
warning " > ngx-markdown@8.2.2" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/platform-browser@^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0".
warning " > ngx-markdown@8.2.2" has incorrect peer dependency "zone.js@^0.8.26 || ^0.9.1 || ^0.10.0".
warning "@angular-builders/custom-webpack > @angular-devkit/build-angular@0.1102.14" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/compiler-cli@^11.0.0 || ^11.2.0-next".
warning "@angular-builders/custom-webpack > @angular-devkit/build-angular@0.1102.14" has incorrect peer dependency "typescript@~4.0.0 || ~4.1.0".
warning "@angular-builders/custom-webpack > @angular-devkit/build-angular > @ngtools/webpack@11.2.14" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/compiler-cli@^11.0.0 || ^11.2.0-next".
warning "@angular-builders/custom-webpack > @angular-devkit/build-angular > @ngtools/webpack@11.2.14" has incorrect peer dependency "typescript@~4.0.0 || ~4.1.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/addons@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/addons@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/api@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/api@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/client-api@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/client-api@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/components@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/components@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/theming@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/theming@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > react-inspector@5.1.1" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.4 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/addons > @storybook/router@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/addons > @storybook/router@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/api > @reach/router@1.3.4" has unmet peer dependency "react@15.x || 16.x || 16.4.0-alpha.0911da3".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/api > @reach/router@1.3.4" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@15.x || 16.x || 16.4.0-alpha.0911da3".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/components > markdown-to-jsx@7.1.3" has unmet peer dependency "react@>= 0.14.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-knobs > react-colorful@5.3.0" has unmet peer dependency "react@>=16.8.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-knobs > react-colorful@5.3.0" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@>=16.8.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/components > react-popper-tooltip@3.1.1" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.6.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/components > react-popper-tooltip@3.1.1" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.6.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/components > react-syntax-highlighter@13.5.3" has unmet peer dependency "react@>= 0.14.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/components > react-textarea-autosize@8.3.3" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/theming > @emotion/core@10.1.1" has unmet peer dependency "react@>=16.3.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/theming > @emotion/styled@10.0.27" has unmet peer dependency "react@>=16.3.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/theming > emotion-theming@10.0.27" has unmet peer dependency "react@>=16.3.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/api > @reach/router > create-react-context@0.3.0" has unmet peer dependency "react@^0.14.0 || ^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/components > react-popper-tooltip > react-popper@2.2.5" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/components > react-textarea-autosize > use-composed-ref@1.1.0" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/components > react-textarea-autosize > use-latest@1.2.0" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/theming > @emotion/styled > @emotion/styled-base@10.0.31" has unmet peer dependency "react@>=16.3.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-actions > @storybook/components > react-textarea-autosize > use-latest > use-isomorphic-layout-effect@1.1.1" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning " > @storybook/addon-essentials@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.9.6".
warning " > @storybook/addon-essentials@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "babel-loader@^8.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-measure@2.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "@storybook/components@^6.3.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-measure@2.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "@storybook/core-events@^6.3.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-measure@2.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "@storybook/theming@^6.3.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > storybook-addon-outline@1.4.1" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > storybook-addon-outline@1.4.1" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @mdx-js/react@1.6.22" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.13.1 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/builder-webpack4@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/builder-webpack4@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/core@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/core@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/source-loader@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/source-loader@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > react-element-to-jsx-string@14.3.2" has unmet peer dependency "react@^0.14.8 || ^15.0.1 || ^16.0.0 || ^17.0.1".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > react-element-to-jsx-string@14.3.2" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^0.14.8 || ^15.0.1 || ^16.0.0 || ^17.0.1".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/builder-webpack4 > @storybook/core-common@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/builder-webpack4 > @storybook/core-common@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/builder-webpack4 > @storybook/ui@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/builder-webpack4 > @storybook/ui@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/core > @storybook/core-client@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/core > @storybook/core-client@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/core > @storybook/core-server@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/core > @storybook/core-server@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/builder-webpack4 > @storybook/ui > downshift@6.1.3" has unmet peer dependency "react@>=16.12.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/builder-webpack4 > @storybook/ui > markdown-to-jsx@6.11.4" has unmet peer dependency "react@>= 0.14.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/builder-webpack4 > @storybook/ui > react-helmet-async@1.0.9" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.6.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/builder-webpack4 > @storybook/ui > react-helmet-async@1.0.9" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.6.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/builder-webpack4 > @storybook/ui > react-sizeme@3.0.1" has unmet peer dependency "react@^0.14.0 || ^15.0.0-0 || ^16.0.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/builder-webpack4 > @storybook/ui > react-sizeme@3.0.1" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^0.14.0 || ^15.0.0-0 || ^16.0.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/core > @storybook/core-server > @storybook/manager-webpack4@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-essentials > @storybook/addon-docs > @storybook/core > @storybook/core-server > @storybook/manager-webpack4@6.3.6" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning " > @storybook/addon-knobs@6.3.0" has unmet peer dependency "@storybook/addons@^6.3.0".
warning " > @storybook/addon-knobs@6.3.0" has unmet peer dependency "@storybook/api@^6.3.0".
warning " > @storybook/addon-knobs@6.3.0" has unmet peer dependency "@storybook/components@^6.3.0".
warning " > @storybook/addon-knobs@6.3.0" has unmet peer dependency "@storybook/core-events@^6.3.0".
warning " > @storybook/addon-knobs@6.3.0" has unmet peer dependency "@storybook/theming@^6.3.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-knobs > react-select@3.2.0" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-knobs > react-select@3.2.0" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-knobs > react-select > react-input-autosize@3.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.3.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-knobs > react-select > react-transition-group@4.4.2" has unmet peer dependency "react@>=16.6.0".
warning "@storybook/addon-knobs > react-select > react-transition-group@4.4.2" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@>=16.6.0".
warning " > @storybook/angular@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@*".
warning "@storybook/builder-webpack5 > @storybook/router@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/builder-webpack5 > @storybook/router@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/builder-webpack5 > @storybook/theming@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/builder-webpack5 > @storybook/theming@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/manager-webpack5 > @storybook/core-client@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/manager-webpack5 > @storybook/core-client@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/manager-webpack5 > @storybook/ui@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/manager-webpack5 > @storybook/ui@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/builder-webpack5 > @storybook/client-api@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/builder-webpack5 > @storybook/client-api@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/builder-webpack5 > @storybook/components@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning "@storybook/builder-webpack5 > @storybook/components@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning " > @storybook/builder-webpack5@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning " > @storybook/builder-webpack5@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning " > codelyzer@6.0.2" has unmet peer dependency "tslint@^5.0.0 || ^6.0.0".
warning " > extract-text-webpack-plugin@3.0.2" has incorrect peer dependency "webpack@^3.1.0".
warning " > @storybook/manager-webpack5@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning " > @storybook/manager-webpack5@6.3.7" has unmet peer dependency "react-dom@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0".
warning Workspaces can only be enabled in private projects.
[5/5] ๐Ÿ”จ  Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
$ node ./decorate-angular-cli.js && node ./tools/postinstall/patch-ngcli-webpack.js && ngcc --properties es2015 browser module main && node git-version.js

>  NX  Angular CLI has been decorated to enable computation caching.

Compiling @angular/core : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/keycodes : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/animations : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/compiler/testing : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/service-worker/config : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @nrwl/angular/testing : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/animations : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/keycodes : main as umd
Compiling @angular/service-worker/config : main as umd
Compiling @angular/compiler/testing : main as umd
Compiling @nrwl/angular/testing : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/observers : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/animations/browser : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/collections : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/common : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular-redux/store : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/accordion : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/platform : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/bidi : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/platform-browser : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/forms : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/a11y : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/scrolling : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/platform-browser/animations : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/portal : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/common/http : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/layout : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/core : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/overlay : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/text-field : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/stepper : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/table : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/tree : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/form-field : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/button : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/icon : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/select : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/tooltip : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/input : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/divider : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/sort : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/core/testing : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/platform-browser-dynamic : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/paginator : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/platform-browser/testing : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/common/testing : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/router : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @agm/core : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular-redux/store/testing : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @ngx-axios-adapter/core : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling ng-in-viewport : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling ngx-cookie-service : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling ngx-markdown : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/animations/browser/testing : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/clipboard : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/cdk/drag-drop : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/common/http/testing : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/autocomplete : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/badge : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/bottom-sheet : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/button-toggle : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/card : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/checkbox : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/chips : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/datepicker : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/dialog : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/expansion : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/grid-list : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/icon/testing : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/list : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/menu : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/progress-bar : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/progress-spinner : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/radio : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/sidenav : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/slide-toggle : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/slider : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/snack-bar : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/stepper : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/table : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/tabs : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/toolbar : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/material/tree : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/router/testing : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/service-worker : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @asymmetrik/ngx-leaflet : module as esm5
Compiling @ngx-translate/core : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling swiper_angular : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling angular-imask : es2015 as esm2015
Compiling @angular/common : main as umd
Compiling @agm/core : module as esm5
Compiling @agm/core : main as umd
Compiling @angular/core : main as umd
Compiling @angular/animations/browser/testing : main as umd
Compiling @angular/animations/browser : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/clipboard : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/platform : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/bidi : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/collections : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/scrolling : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/drag-drop : main as umd
Compiling @angular/common/http : main as umd
Compiling @angular/common/http/testing : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/observers : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/a11y : main as umd
Compiling @angular/platform-browser/animations : main as umd
Compiling @angular/platform-browser : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/core : main as umd
Compiling @angular/forms : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/portal : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/overlay : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/form-field : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/autocomplete : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/badge : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/layout : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/bottom-sheet : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/button-toggle : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/card : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/checkbox : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/chips : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/button : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/text-field : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/input : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/datepicker : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/dialog : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/accordion : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/expansion : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/grid-list : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/icon : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/icon/testing : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/divider : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/list : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/menu : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/progress-bar : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/progress-spinner : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/radio : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/sidenav : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/slide-toggle : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/slider : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/stepper : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/snack-bar : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/stepper : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/table : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/select : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/tooltip : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/paginator : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/sort : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/table : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/tabs : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/toolbar : main as umd
Compiling @angular/cdk/tree : main as umd
Compiling @angular/material/tree : main as umd
Compiling @angular/core/testing : main as umd
Compiling @angular/platform-browser-dynamic : main as umd
Compiling @angular/platform-browser/testing : main as umd
Compiling @angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing : main as umd
Compiling @angular/common/testing : main as umd
Compiling @angular/router/testing : main as umd
Compiling @angular/router : main as umd
Compiling @angular/service-worker : main as umd
Compiling @angular-redux/store : module as esm5
Compiling @angular-redux/store : main as umd
Compiling @angular-redux/store/testing : module as esm5
Compiling @angular-redux/store/testing : main as umd
Compiling @asymmetrik/ngx-leaflet : main as umd
Compiling @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap : module as esm5
Compiling @ngx-axios-adapter/core : module as esm5
Compiling @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap : main as umd
Compiling @ngx-axios-adapter/core : main as umd
Compiling @ngx-translate/core : main as umd
Compiling angular-imask : main as umd
Compiling ng-drag-drop : main as commonjs
Compiling ng-in-viewport : module as esm5
Warning: Unable to fully load /Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/services/ng-drag-drop.service.js for source-map flattening: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/services/'
Warning: Unable to fully load /Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/services/ng-drag-drop.service.js for source-map flattening: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/services/'
Warning: Unable to fully load /Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/directives/draggable.directive.js for source-map flattening: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/directives/'
Warning: Unable to fully load /Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/directives/draggable.directive.js for source-map flattening: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/directives/'
Warning: Unable to fully load /Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/directives/droppable.directive.js for source-map flattening: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/directives/'
Warning: Unable to fully load /Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/directives/droppable.directive.js for source-map flattening: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/directives/'
Warning: Unable to fully load /Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/ng-drag-drop.module.js for source-map flattening: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/'
Warning: Unable to fully load /Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/ng-drag-drop.module.js for source-map flattening: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/src/'
Warning: Unable to fully load /Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/index.js for source-map flattening: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/'
Warning: Unable to fully load /Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/index.js for source-map flattening: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Projects/web-client/node_modules/ng-drag-drop/'
Compiling ng-in-viewport : main as umd
Compiling ngx-cookie-service : module as esm5
Compiling ngx-cookie-service : main as umd
Compiling ngx-markdown : module as esm5
Compiling ngx-markdown : main as umd
Compiling swiper_angular : main as umd
Wrote version info v2.62.1-14-g7b7d096ba-dirty to web-client/apps/web-client/src/environments/version.ts
โœจ  Done in 85.22s.

>  NX  Running migrations from 'migrations.json'

Running migration add-target-dependencies
Successfully finished add-target-dependencies
Running migration update-webpack-browser-config
Successfully finished update-webpack-browser-config
Running migration update-storybook
Successfully finished update-storybook
Running migration update-angular-eslint-rules
Successfully finished update-angular-eslint-rules
Running migration convert-webpack-browser-build-target-to-delegate-build
Successfully finished convert-webpack-browser-build-target-to-delegate-build
Running migration update-angular-config-v12
    "build" target in "data-access-archipelago" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-archipelago" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-archipelago" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "data-access-authentication" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-authentication" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-authentication" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-bonus" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-bonus" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-cart" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-cart" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "data-access-contentful" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-contentful" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-contentful" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-credit" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-credit" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-delivery-time" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-delivery-time" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "data-access-favorites" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-favorites" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-favorites" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "data-access-google-places" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-google-places" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-google-places" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "data-access-landmark" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-landmark" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-landmark" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-member" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-member" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "data-access-navigation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-navigation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-navigation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-notification" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-notification" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "data-access-order-confirmation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-order-confirmation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-order-confirmation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-order-receipt" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-order-receipt" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-prepare-checkout" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-prepare-checkout" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-product" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-product" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-product-cart" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-product-cart" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "data-access-punch-out" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-punch-out" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-punch-out" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "data-access-purchase-list" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-purchase-list" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-purchase-list" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "data-access-rating" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-rating" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-rating" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-recipe" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-recipe" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "data-access-replacement-feedback" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-replacement-feedback" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-replacement-feedback" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-store" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-store" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "data-access-value-code" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "data-access-value-code" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "contentful-extensions" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "contentful-extensions" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "e2e" target in "contentful-extensions-e2e" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "contentful-extensions-e2e" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "contentful-extensions-feature-search" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "contentful-extensions-feature-search" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "web-client" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "analyze" target in "web-client" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "e2e" target in "web-client-e2e" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-e2e" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-announcements" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-announcements" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-archipelago-delivery-picker" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-archipelago-delivery-picker" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "web-client-feature-autocomplete" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-autocomplete" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-autocomplete" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-bonus-page" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-bonus-page" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-category" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-category" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-checkout" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-checkout" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-checkout-delivery" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-checkout-delivery" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-checkout-error" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-checkout-error" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-checkout-klarna" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-checkout-klarna" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-checkout-payment" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-checkout-payment" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-checkout-replacement" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-checkout-replacement" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-checkout-submit" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-checkout-submit" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-checkout-validate" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-checkout-validate" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-company-startpage" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-company-startpage" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-cookie-consent" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-cookie-consent" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-delivery-fee" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-delivery-fee" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-delivery-page" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-delivery-page" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-discount-banner" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-discount-banner" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-earliest-available-delivery" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-earliest-available-delivery" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-elderly-age" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-elderly-age" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-favorite-products" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-favorite-products" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-header" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-header" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-inspiration" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-inspiration" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-invite-a-friend" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-invite-a-friend" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-klarna-checkout" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-klarna-checkout" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-loyalty" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-loyalty" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-my-bought-recipes" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-my-favorite-recipes" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-my-favorite-recipes" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-my-order-overview" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-my-order-overview" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-my-orders" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-my-orders" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-my-products" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-my-products" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-my-store" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-my-store" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-navigation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-navigation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-nebraska-rx-flow" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-nebraska-rx-flow" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "web-client-feature-order-confirmation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-order-confirmation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-order-confirmation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-order-detail" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-order-detail" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-order-subscriptions" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-order-subscriptions" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-orders-cancelled" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-orders-cancelled" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-orders-delivered" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-orders-delivered" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-orders-nav" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-orders-nav" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-orders-page" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-orders-page" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-product-card" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-product-card" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-product-details" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-product-details" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-products" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-products" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "web-client-feature-punch-out" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-punch-out" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-punch-out" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-purchase-list" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-purchase-list" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-reserve-delivery" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-reserve-delivery" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-salebooster" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-salebooster" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-start-page" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-start-page" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-upsale" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-upsale" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-feature-user-notifications" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-feature-user-notifications" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-most-bought-products" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-most-bought-products" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-ui" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-ui" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "storybook" target in "web-client-ui" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build-storybook" target in "web-client-ui" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-ui-hero" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-ui-hero" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-ui-order-list" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-ui-order-list" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-ui-site-notice" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-ui-site-notice" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-ui-subscription-picker" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-ui-subscription-picker" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "web-client-util-app-state" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "web-client-util-app-state" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-contentful-extensions-util-search" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-contentful-extensions-util-search" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-web-client-feature-cms-contentful" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-web-client-feature-cms-contentful" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "shared-web-client-feature-edit-cart-validation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-web-client-feature-edit-cart-validation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-web-client-feature-edit-cart-validation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "shared-web-client-feature-filter" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-web-client-feature-filter" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-web-client-feature-filter" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "shared-web-client-util-announcement" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-web-client-util-announcement" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-web-client-util-announcement" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-web-client-util-filter" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-web-client-util-filter" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-web-client-util-header" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-web-client-util-header" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-web-client-util-redirect" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-web-client-util-redirect" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-web-client-util-tag-manager" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-web-client-util-tag-manager" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-feature-error-reporter" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-feature-error-reporter" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-feature-klarna-checkout" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-feature-klarna-checkout" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-state-access-cart" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-ui-iframe" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-ui-iframe" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "shared-util-aws-cognito" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-aws-cognito" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-aws-cognito" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-breakpoints" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-breakpoints" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-browser-detector" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-browser-detector" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-cart" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-cart" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "shared-util-category" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-category" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-category" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-contentful" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-contentful" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "shared-util-directives" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-directives" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-directives" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "shared-util-feature-toggling" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-feature-toggling" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-feature-toggling" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-geolocation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-geolocation" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-google-tag-manager" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-google-tag-manager" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-hotjar" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-hotjar" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-http" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-http" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "shared-util-launch-darkly" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-launch-darkly" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-launch-darkly" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-lazy-images-lazy-images" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-lazy-images-lazy-images" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "shared-util-location" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-location" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-location" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-logger" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-logger" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-logger-console" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-logger-console" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "shared-util-md5" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-md5" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-md5" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-metadata" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-metadata" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "shared-util-modals" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-modals" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-modals" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-pipes" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-pipes" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-product" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-product" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "shared-util-regex" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-regex" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-regex" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-script-loader" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-script-loader" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "shared-util-seo" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-seo" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-seo" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-storage" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-storage" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-types" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-types" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "shared-util-utf8" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-utf8" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-utf8" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "shared-util-vendor" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "shared-util-vendor" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "ui-alert-panel" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "ui-alert-panel" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "ui-breadcrumb" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "ui-breadcrumb" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "ui-countdown" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "ui-countdown" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "ui-countdown" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "ui-fetch-more-btn" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "ui-fetch-more-btn" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "ui-fetch-more-btn" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "ui-headlines" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "ui-headlines" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "ui-headlines" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "ui-leflet-eniro" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "ui-leflet-eniro" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "build" target in "ui-rating" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "ui-rating" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "ui-rating" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "ui-skeleton" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "ui-skeleton" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "lint" target in "ui-toster" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
    "test" target in "ui-toster" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.
    For more information, see the breaking changes section within the release notes:
Successfully finished update-angular-config-v12
Running migration update-zonejs
Successfully finished update-zonejs
Running migration remove-emit-decorator-metadata
    Skipping migration as the workspace uses third-party builders which may require "emitDecoratorMetadata" TypeScript compiler option.
Successfully finished remove-emit-decorator-metadata
Running migration lazy-loading-string-syntax
Successfully finished lazy-loading-string-syntax
Running migration remove-deprecated-i18n-options
Successfully finished remove-deprecated-i18n-options
Running migration update-web-workers-webpack-5
Successfully finished update-web-workers-webpack-5
Running migration schematic-options-12
Successfully finished schematic-options-12
Running migration replace-deprecated-prod-flag
Successfully finished replace-deprecated-prod-flag
Running migration migration-v12-activated-route-snapshot-fragment
Successfully finished migration-v12-activated-route-snapshot-fragment
Running migration migration-v12-xhr-factory
Successfully finished migration-v12-xhr-factory
Running migration migration-v12-deep-shadow-piercing-selector
Successfully finished migration-v12-deep-shadow-piercing-selector
Running migration migration-v12
    Could not find TypeScript project for project: contentful-extensions-e2e
    Could not find TypeScript project for project: web-client-e2e

    โš   General notice: The HammerJS v9 migration for Angular Components is not able to migrate tests. Please manually clean up tests in your project if they rely on HammerJS.
    Read more about migrating tests:

      โœ“  Updated Angular Material to version 12

Successfully finished migration-v12
Running migration remove-typescript-plugin
Successfully finished remove-typescript-plugin
Running migration support-jest-27
Successfully finished support-jest-27
Running migration update-ts-jest-and-jest-preset-angular
Successfully finished update-ts-jest-and-jest-preset-angular
Running migration update-jest-config-to-use-util
Successfully finished update-jest-config-to-use-util
Running migration remove-eslint-project-config-if-no-type-checking-rules
Successfully finished remove-eslint-project-config-if-no-type-checking-rules
Running migration update-12-3-0
Successfully finished update-12-3-0
Running migration update-12-5-0
Please make sure to run npm install or yarn install to get the latest packages added by this migration
Successfully finished update-12-5-0
Running migration install-addon-essentials
Successfully finished install-addon-essentials
Running migration update-12-5-9-beta.1
data-access-archipelago: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-authentication: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-bonus: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-cart: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-contentful: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-credit: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-delivery-time: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-favorites: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-google-places: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-landmark: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-member: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-navigation: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-notification: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-order-confirmation: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-order-receipt: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-prepare-checkout: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-product: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-product-cart: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-punch-out: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-purchase-list: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-rating: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-recipe: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-replacement-feedback: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-store: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-value-code: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
contentful-extensions: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
contentful-extensions-e2e: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
contentful-extensions-feature-search: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-e2e: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-announcements: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-archipelago-delivery-picker: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-autocomplete: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-bonus-page: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-category: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout-delivery: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout-error: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout-klarna: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout-payment: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout-replacement: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout-submit: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout-validate: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-company-startpage: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-cookie-consent: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-delivery-fee: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-delivery-page: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-discount-banner: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-earliest-available-delivery: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-elderly-age: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-favorite-products: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-header: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-inspiration: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-invite-a-friend: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-klarna-checkout: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-loyalty: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-my-bought-recipes: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-my-favorite-recipes: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-my-order-overview: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-my-orders: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-my-products: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-my-store: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-navigation: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-nebraska-rx-flow: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-order-confirmation: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-order-detail: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-order-subscriptions: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-orders-cancelled: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-orders-delivered: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-orders-nav: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-orders-page: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-product-card: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-product-details: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-products: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-punch-out: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-purchase-list: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-reserve-delivery: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-salebooster: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-start-page: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-upsale: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-user-notifications: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-most-bought-products: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-ui-hero: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-ui-order-list: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-ui-site-notice: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-ui-subscription-picker: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-util-app-state: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-contentful-extensions-util-search: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-feature-cms-contentful: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-feature-edit-cart-validation: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-feature-filter: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-util-announcement: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-util-filter: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-util-header: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-util-redirect: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-util-tag-manager: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-feature-error-reporter: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-feature-klarna-checkout: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-state-access-cart: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-ui-iframe: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-aws-cognito: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-breakpoints: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-browser-detector: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-cart: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-category: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-contentful: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-directives: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-feature-toggling: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-geolocation: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-google-tag-manager: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-hotjar: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-http: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-launch-darkly: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-lazy-images-lazy-images: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-location: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-logger: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-logger-console: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-md5: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-metadata: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-modals: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-pipes: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-product: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-regex: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-script-loader: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-seo: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-storage: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-types: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-utf8: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-vendor: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-alert-panel: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-breadcrumb: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-countdown: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-fetch-more-btn: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-headlines: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-leflet-eniro: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-rating: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-skeleton: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-toster: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
Successfully finished update-12-5-9-beta.1
Running migration update-12-8.0
data-access-archipelago: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-authentication: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-bonus: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-cart: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-contentful: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-credit: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-delivery-time: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-favorites: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-google-places: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-landmark: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-member: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-navigation: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-notification: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-order-confirmation: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-order-receipt: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-prepare-checkout: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-product: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-product-cart: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-punch-out: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-purchase-list: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-rating: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-recipe: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-replacement-feedback: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-store: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
data-access-value-code: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
contentful-extensions: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
contentful-extensions-e2e: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
contentful-extensions-feature-search: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-e2e: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-announcements: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-archipelago-delivery-picker: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-autocomplete: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-bonus-page: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-category: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout-delivery: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout-error: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout-klarna: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout-payment: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout-replacement: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout-submit: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-checkout-validate: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-company-startpage: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-cookie-consent: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-delivery-fee: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-delivery-page: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-discount-banner: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-earliest-available-delivery: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-elderly-age: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-favorite-products: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-header: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-inspiration: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-invite-a-friend: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-klarna-checkout: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-loyalty: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-my-bought-recipes: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-my-favorite-recipes: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-my-order-overview: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-my-orders: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-my-products: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-my-store: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-navigation: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-nebraska-rx-flow: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-order-confirmation: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-order-detail: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-order-subscriptions: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-orders-cancelled: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-orders-delivered: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-orders-nav: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-orders-page: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-product-card: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-product-details: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-products: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-punch-out: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-purchase-list: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-reserve-delivery: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-salebooster: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-start-page: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-upsale: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-feature-user-notifications: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-most-bought-products: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-ui-hero: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-ui-order-list: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-ui-site-notice: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-ui-subscription-picker: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
web-client-util-app-state: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-contentful-extensions-util-search: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-feature-cms-contentful: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-feature-edit-cart-validation: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-feature-filter: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-util-announcement: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-util-filter: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-util-header: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-util-redirect: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-web-client-util-tag-manager: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-feature-error-reporter: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-feature-klarna-checkout: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-state-access-cart: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-ui-iframe: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-aws-cognito: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-breakpoints: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-browser-detector: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-cart: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-category: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-contentful: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-directives: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-feature-toggling: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-geolocation: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-google-tag-manager: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-hotjar: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-http: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-launch-darkly: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-lazy-images-lazy-images: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-location: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-logger: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-logger-console: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-md5: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-metadata: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-modals: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-pipes: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-product: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-regex: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-script-loader: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-seo: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-storage: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-types: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-utf8: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
shared-util-vendor: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-alert-panel: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-breadcrumb: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-countdown: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-fetch-more-btn: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-headlines: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-leflet-eniro: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-rating: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-skeleton: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
ui-toster: no storybook configured. skipping migration...
Successfully finished update-12-8.0

>  NX  Successfully finished running migrations from 'migrations.json'

โžœ  web-client git:(update-nx) โœ—
leosvelperez commented 2 years ago

Well it I'm not sure that the migrations are skipped..

I meant the specific migration giving the warning (update-angular-config-v12) is skipped for those targets with third-party builders. That's what the message says and that's what is doing as you can see in those logs. The overall migration did run and that particular migration also ran, but it skipped targets with third-party builders.

Please note that's a migration written by the Angular CLI team, not by Nrwl, therefore the Nrwl builders are considered third-party from the Angular CLI migration standpoint.

@Coly010 could you take a look and see if it makes sense to have our own migration covering the skipped executors? Maybe there are some changes introduced by Angular CLI and are not getting applied to targets with our executors.

mackelito commented 2 years ago

Not sure I agree..

"test" target in "ui-toster" project is using a third-party builder.
    You may need to adjust the options to retain the existing behavior.

I think that the migration was done and you are recommended to verify that it still works.. but I might be wrong here :)

mackelito commented 2 years ago

I stand corrected.. looking at we see that it does not perform the migration :)

leosvelperez commented 2 years ago

I revisited this and checked any possible implications or impact on folks running these migrations. I found out that:

leosvelperez commented 2 years ago

I'm closing this one since a migration was provided for the @nrwl/angular:webpack-browser executor to cover the warnings mentioned in this issue. No real issue is expected to happen, if you do have a problem, please feel free to reopen this or create a separate issue.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been closed for more than 30 days. If this issue is still occuring, please open a new issue with more recent context.