ns-rse / git-collaboration

Intermediate level course on using Git for collaboration
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Branching #68

Open ns-rse opened 2 months ago

ns-rse commented 1 month ago

Restore divide and multiply branches.

ns-rse commented 1 month ago

Import ZeroDivisionError in tests for Issue 01

SylviaWhittle commented 1 month ago

Typo in ZeroDivisionError:

    return x / y
except ZeroDivsionError as e:
    raise e("You can not divide by 0, please choose another value for 'y'.")

should be

    return x / y
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
    raise e("You can not divide by 0, please choose another value for 'y'.")
ns-rse commented 1 month ago

Typo parametrix in one of the example tests.

EdwinB12 commented 1 month ago

This is the code in the template. It should be arithmatic.divide(2, 0)

def test_divide_zero_division_exception() -> None:
    """Test that a ZeroDivsionError is raised by the divide() function."""
    with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
        divide(2, 0)
SylviaWhittle commented 1 month ago

Raise exception from e like this maybe in line with Pylint and Ruff:

    except ZeroDivisionError as e:
        raise ZeroDivisionError("Cannot divide by zero, why would you even try that?") from e
Robadob commented 1 month ago

The title of challenge 2 has no spacing where you switch between inline code and not. Maybe necessary to add   or similar.

Challenge 2 solution uses a bunch of parameters for git log that are not introduced previously?? It's first mentioned in a callout following that solution and not explained (significantly).

ns-rse commented 1 month ago

Checkout old commits with git checkout not git switch and use git log to see who made the commit.

Robadob commented 1 month ago

git log graph pretty callout talks about setting aliases with bash/zsh, cross platform solution is to use git config: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Git-Aliases

Robadob commented 1 month ago

Creating branches callout, missing a space after the second occurrence of main

ns-rse commented 1 month ago

Ensure to protect main properly to prevent repository owner from pushing and make people aware of this.

Robadob commented 1 month ago

Deleting branches, possibly also worth talking about git gc/git prune for cleaning up remote refs. (There are some grim shell commands which run prune, and then delete local branches that don't exist in remote refs)

Robadob commented 1 month ago

Challange 5 solution could also just be

git switch 585287a
git diff main tests/test_add.py
diff --git a/tests/test_add.py b/tests/test_add.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bed1ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_add.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import src.python_calculator.add as add
+def test_add():
+    assert add.add(1, 3) == 4
ns-rse commented 1 month ago

Be clearer/consistent about aliases gl v glod

fredsonnenwald commented 1 month ago

pytest fails pasting sample code out of issue template

    ("x", "target"),
        pytest.mark(4, 2, id="square root of 4"),
        pytest.mark(9, 3.0, id="square root of 9"),
        pytest.mark(25, 5.0, id="square root of 25"),
        pytest.mark(2, 1.4142135623730951, id="square root of 2"),
def test_square_root(x: int | float, target: int | float) -> None:
    """Test the square_root() function."""
    assert pytest.approx(arithmetic.square_root(x), target)

seems to give errors on parametrix and mark and approx

altered code that passes pytest for me

    ("x", "expected"),
        pytest.param(4, 2, id="square root of 4"),
        pytest.param(9, 3.0, id="square root of 9"),
        pytest.param(25, 5.0, id="square root of 25"),
        pytest.param(2, 1.4142135623730951, id="square root of 2"),
def test_square_root(x: int | float, expected: int | float) -> None:
    """Test the square_root() function."""
    assert arithmetic.square_root(x) == expected
Robadob commented 1 month ago

Challenge 6, 3rd bullet point main should be inline code.

Challenge 6, is "Ooops!" in the title intentionally a typo?

Robadob commented 1 month ago

Diverging branches, " changes others have made get merged into the main before you", reads as though should say main branch.

Diverging branches, Figure caption needs a line break, looks like two statements should be seperated.

Robadob commented 1 month ago

Rebase/merge diagrams. Might be nice to show before/after, rather than just after.

Robadob commented 1 month ago

Callout nano, rather than telling people to learn how to use nano. Maybe worth informing people they can use their preferred text editor.


Robadob commented 1 month ago

Episode is very long, it might be better broken up into ~3 episodes branching 1/2/3. Iirc carpentries recommends 3 learning objectives per episode.


ns-rse commented 1 month ago

GitKrarken allows stashes on branches.

Romain-Thomas-Shef commented 1 month ago

On the figures below merging and rebasing, could you extend the drawing after the merging and rebasing actions?

ns-rse commented 1 month ago

Add in pre-made branches have conflicts that people merge and the conflicts arise when trying to merge together.

Make each challenge independent so that people can catch up.

ns-rse commented 1 month ago

Emphasise the pair programming aspect of the work and that people should work through one task together then the next.

twinkarma commented 1 month ago
twinkarma commented 1 month ago