nsandlin / linepig

ID resource for erigonine spiders, using KE Emu & IMu.
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Record-specific Citation Suggestion #112

Open nsandlin opened 6 months ago

nsandlin commented 6 months ago

Background: At some point, we add a citation suggestion, to encourage scholars to cite the resource. But it is generic, just the same string on every page. It would be more useful for scientists working on revisions, or other taxonomic projects to be able to cite the specific images that they examined (and would also better convey the usefulness of the resource).

Functionality to add: Pull in MulTitle and url of the current page. (It already autofills the date.)

Things to consider: The citation suggestion is currently in the page footer, where it would be hard to reach with the code populating the Detail page template. Possibly needs to be moved up anyway, especially as we are making more use of Notes, which are typically off the first screen.

Current citation suggestion at bottom of all pages LinEpig: An ID Gallery for Female Erigoninae. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Online at https://linepig.fieldmuseum.org/, accessed on 2024-03-08.

Would be nice to do this (or some version thereof) Halorates alascensis male palp - ventral. LinEpig: An ID Gallery for Female Erigoninae. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. https://linepig.fieldmuseum.org/multimedia/1839184, accessed on 2024-03-08.