nsanta / fbgraph

Facebook Open Graph API in Ruby
MIT License
324 stars 40 forks source link

Added proper logging and standard Rails configuration #22

Closed mlightner closed 14 years ago

mlightner commented 14 years ago

Can now be configured in config/facebook.yml or config/application.rb (or environment-specific config files). -------- sample facebook.yml ---------- defaults: &defaults api_key: APP_KEY api_secret: APP_SECRET scope: all

development: <<: *defaults

test: <<: *defaults test_user: facebooktest@yourdomain.com test_pass: userpass


<<: *defaults

in config/application.rb in the Initialize block: config.fbgraph.logger = YourLogger.new will setup a new logger (an ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger is used by default)

I'll probably be making more changes to this fork as we're using it heavily in our current project. Let me know if you have any questions or requests!

Regards, Matt