If you're using a namespaced model, Knock won't be able to infer it automatically from the method name. Instead you can use authenticate_for directly like this:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Knock::Authenticable
def authenticate_v1_user
authenticate_for V1::User
class SecuredController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_v1_user
This gem relies on [method_missing](https://github.com/nsarno/knock/blob/master/lib/knock/authenticable.rb#L14) to do the actuall authentication work.
However `authenticate_v1_user` defined in `ApplicationController` will override it and return a `nil` when lacking a valid token, what you really need is a `head(:unauthorized)` response.
I could be wrong since I'm not familiar with the gem. IMO this is a big security issue.
This is what doc suggests
def authenticate_v1_user authenticate_for V1::User end end
class SecuredController < ApplicationController before_action :authenticate_v1_user end