nsarno / knock

Seamless JWT authentication for Rails API
MIT License
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Failing tests / CI build (uninitialized constant Knock::InstallGenerator) #254

Closed getaaron closed 4 years ago

getaaron commented 4 years ago

I noticed that the latest commit on master is failing on CI:

$ bundle exec rake
358Coverage report generated for Unit Tests to /home/travis/build/nsarno/knock/coverage. 156 / 296 LOC (52.7%) covered.
359SimpleCov failed with exit 1/home/travis/build/nsarno/knock/test/generators/install_generator_test.rb:5:in `<class:InstallGeneratorTest>': uninitialized constant Knock::InstallGenerator (NameError)

I was going to try to fix it and open a PR, but when I run the same command locally I get a different error:

Coverage report generated for Unit Tests to /Users/aaron/knock/coverage. 47 / 51 LOC (92.16%) covered.
SimpleCov failed with exit 1Traceback (most recent call last):
    23: from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/gems/rake-13.0.1/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb:5:in `<main>'
    22: from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/gems/rake-13.0.1/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb:5:in `select'
    21: from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/gems/rake-13.0.1/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb:17:in `block in <main>'
    20: from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/gems/rake-13.0.1/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb:17:in `require'
    19: from /Users/aaron/knock/test/dummy/test/controllers/admin_protected_controller_test.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'

… snip …

     1: from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/gems/railties- `instance_exec'
/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/gems/sprockets-rails-3.2.1/lib/sprockets/railtie.rb:105:in `block in <class:Railtie>': Expected to find a manifest file in `app/assets/config/manifest.js` (Sprockets::Railtie::ManifestNeededError)
But did not, please create this file and use it to link any assets that need
to be rendered by your app:

  //= link_tree ../images
  //= link_directory ../javascripts .js
  //= link_directory ../stylesheets .css
and restart your server
rake aborted!

I tried adding a blank manifest file:

mkdir -p app/assets/config && echo '{}' > app/assets/config/manifest.js

But even after doing that, when running bundle exec rake I still get the same Sprockets::Railtie::ManifestNeededError.

Still not sure if this is related to the CI failure, but the failing tests & CI make me nervous about using this project in my app.

nsarno commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report. I believe this should get fixed by #248. I'll try to finalise and release it this week if I find the time. Please review and let me know.