nschaetti / EchoTorch

A Python toolkit for Reservoir Computing and Echo State Network experimentation based on pyTorch. EchoTorch is the only Python module available to easily create Deep Reservoir Computing models.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Can't run any examples in timeserie_prediction folder #28

Open havenotfear opened 4 months ago

havenotfear commented 4 months ago

Trying to run any examples leads to issues

Reproduction steps

  1. install EchoTorch pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ EchoTorch
  2. Run narma10_gated_esn.py
  3. Errors: TypeError: NARMADataset.init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'seed'
  4. Remove Seed from dataset call
  5. TypeError: ESNCell.init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'spectral_radius' (bias_scaling, sparsity, w_sparsity, input_set)
  6. Remove these arguments in the constructor GatedESN call to LiESNCell constructor. if create_cell: self.esn_cell = LiESNCell( input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=reservoir_dim, input_scaling=input_scaling, w=w, w_in=w_in, w_bias=w_bias, nonlin_func=nonlin_func, leaky_rate=leaky_rate )
  7. Error with Dataloader when num_workers > 0, Set to 0
  8. ESNCell.py", line 319, in _input_layer return self.w_in.mv(ut) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RuntimeError: vector + matrix @ vector expected, got 1, 1, 1

Not sure where the problem lies or if I'm using an incompatible version of EchoTorch, has anyone had success running this one?