nschaetti / EchoTorch

A Python toolkit for Reservoir Computing and Echo State Network experimentation based on pyTorch. EchoTorch is the only Python module available to easily create Deep Reservoir Computing models.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to use an ESN with output feedbacks ? #3

Closed amerlot closed 6 years ago

amerlot commented 6 years ago

Hi, and first of all, thanks for the awesome work :)

The issue I have is the following : I did succeed in training an ESN and using it to make predictions without feedback weights. But, when I add the parameter feedbacks=True when creating the ESN, I get an error from the following line of ESN.py:

hidden_states = self.esn_cell(u, w_out=self.w_out)


AttributeError: 'ESN' object has no attribute 'w_out'

Then, I thought I had to change this line to:

hidden_states = self.esn_cell(u, w_out=self.output.w_out)

But I get another error from ESNCell.py from the line yt = w_out.mv(self.hidden) because:

RuntimeError: size mismatch, [6 x 1], [5] at /pytorch/aten/src/TH/generic/THTensorMath.c:1928

Any idea ?

nschaetti commented 6 years ago


Thank you for your interest in EchoTorch!

I checked in the code, the problem was that I worked a lot on the LiESN and forgot to apply some changes regarding feedbacks to the ESN. I should work now, I also added an example in the "generation" directory.

I implemented feedbacks few months ago for some quick experiments so it is very experimental. Let me now if you have any new issues.



amerlot commented 6 years ago

Hi! Thanks for the fix, no more error on my side!

I now need to get to understand how to use it well :)