nschlia / ffmpegfs

FUSE-based transcoding filesystem with video support from many formats to FLAC, MP4, TS, WebM, OGG, MP3, HLS, and others.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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PNG/JPG/BMP frame export: ls path/to/flles/00001.png (without wildcard) does not work #58

Closed nschlia closed 4 years ago

nschlia commented 4 years ago

If a file in the output directory is directly listed, without wildcard, the ls comand fails.

To reproduce:

mkdir ~/test/in mkdir ~/test/out

Now copy snowboard.mp4 from test/srcdir to ~/test/in

Run FFmpeg: ./src/ffmpegfs -f ~/test/in ~/test/out --log_stderr --log_maxlevel=DEBUG -o allow_other,cachepath=~/test/cache,desttype=png

Now try to list:

$ ll ~/test/out/snowboard.mp4/000825.png ls: '/home/norbert/test/out/snowboard.mp4/000825.png' not accessible: No directory Fail.

Repeat with wildcard: $ ll ~/test/out/snowboard.mp4/000825.* -rw-rw-rw- 1 norbert norbert 864000 Apr 26 11:06 /home/norbert/test/out/snowboard.mp4/000825.png Success.

Now also possible without wildcard: $ ll ~/test/out/snowboard.mp4/000825.png -rw-rw-rw- 1 norbert norbert 864000 Apr 26 11:06 /home/norbert/test/out/snowboard.mp4/000825.png Success

Checking back in old Git revisions, this has never worked. Same procedure does work for HLS.