nschloe / tikzplotlib

:bar_chart: Save matplotlib figures as TikZ/PGFplots for smooth integration into LaTeX.
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tikzplotlib.save("test.tex") creates empty file #560

Open vanKey2022 opened 1 year ago

vanKey2022 commented 1 year ago


I have the problem, that the following code produces an empty tikz-file:

Might the reason be the polar plot itself?

`fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'}) ax.plot(theta, r1,label = 'MIC1') ax.plot(theta, r2,label = 'MIC2') ax.plot(theta, r3,label = 'MIC3') ax.set_rmin(50) ax.set_rmax(62) major_ticks = np.arange(50, 62, 2) minor_ticks = np.arange(50, 62, 1) ax.set_rticks(major_ticks) ax.set_rticks(minor_ticks, minor=True) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(np.pi/180. * np.linspace(0, 360, 36, endpoint=False)) ax.set_rlabel_position(22.5) ax.grid(True) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 1), loc='upper right') plt.show()


The content of test.tex will be: `% This file was created with tikzplotlib v0.10.1. \begin{tikzpicture}

\end{tikzpicture} `

Can someone help me out here? Kind regards

vanKey2022 commented 1 year ago

...it depends on the position of plt.show() ...but I have no clue how to get the tikz-polarplot anyway