nschum / auto-dictionary-mode

Emacs: automatic dictionary switcher for flyspell
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Adding support for Catalan #7

Closed wagafo closed 9 years ago

wagafo commented 9 years ago

Would it be possible to add support for the Catalan Language? I have the list of words, and I'm adding them manually now, but it would be good if it could get integrated so that I don't loose this customization with updates.

nschum commented 9 years ago

Of course. I'd gladly integrate that.

wagafo commented 9 years ago

Ok, great, here you have the list of Catalan words:

(adict-add-word hash <n> "més" "ara" "algú" "alguns" "abans" "benvolgut"
   "així" "any" "anys" "bo" "quasi" "cas" "senyor" "benvolguda"
   "com" "amb" "contra" "coses" "crec" "quan" "diem" "dir" "sisplau"
   "dieu" "des" "després" "diuen" "dius" "dic" "dir" "on" 
    "dia" "dies" "exemple" "ells" "llavors" "digues" "dic" "direm"
    "aquesta" "aquest" "això" "està" "estava" "estat" "aquestes"
   "aquests" "estigui" "estan" "forma" "ser" "general" "gent" "govern"
   "gran" "havia" "fa" "fem" "fan" "fer" "fas" "cap" "benvolguda"
   "feu" "faig" "fan" "fins" "hi" "fet" "home" "avui" "les"  "benvolguts"
   "els" "doncs" "major" "millor" "menys" "mentre" "mateix" "envia'm"
   "moment" "molt" "dóna" "món" "més" "mí" "res" "ens" "felicitacions"
   "nosaltres" "altra" "altres" "altre" "altres" "sembla" "reunió"
   "reunions" "actes" "acte" "extern" "externs" "externes"
   "part" "país" "però" "persones" "poc" "poder" "política" "perquè"
   "pot" "poden" "què" "sigui" "segons" "ser" "escrivint" "escrit"
   "sempre" "sinó" "sou" "som" "soc" "seu" "seus" "escriure" "escric"
   "sols" "també" "tant" "tenim" "tenir" "tinc" "tindre" "enhorabona"
   "teniu" "tenia" "temps" "té" "tenen" "tens" "temps" "tota" "totes"
   "tot" "tots" "treball" "tres" "una" "un" "uns" "vostè" "anem" "signat"
   "vegada" "veieu" "veuen" "veig" "veure" "ves" "ja" "jo")