nseibert / ldap

LDAP Extension for TYPO3 CMS
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Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: NormanSeibert\Ldap\Domain\Repository\LdapServer\LdapServerRepository::initializeServer(): #30

Open FBuchholz opened 1 year ago

FBuchholz commented 1 year ago

Config is not working on Typo3 12.4

Error shown:

Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: NormanSeibert\Ldap\Domain\Repository\LdapServer\LdapServerRepository::initializeServer(): Return value must be of type NormanSeibert\Ldap\Domain\Model\LdapServer\LdapServer, null returned | TypeError thrown in file /var/www/website/vendor/normanseibert/ldap/Classes/Domain/Repository/LdapServer/LdapServerRepository.php in line 522. Requested URL: https:// domain-url /typo3/module/tools/ldap/Module/summary?token=--AnonymizedToken--

Used config from git example.

FBuchholz commented 10 months ago

Any Updates?