Closed OK1810 closed 3 years ago
Do you have the bwt2pairs.bam
files ?
I never saw this index error ... I guess it means that it would expect for the bam.bai files, but usually we do not need them (and they are actually not created). Is it just a warning ? or does the script stop ?
The script would continue after the index error but stop when the [hic_qc] Error 1 appeared. We were able to "fix" the problem, although we are still uncertain of exactly what was causing the problem. We re-downloaded the .fasta files for our chromosome from NCBI and used that to build our index, etc. Although there doesn't appear to be any differences between this new .fasta file and the original .fasta file, this seemed to do the trick.
Our best guess right now is that the original .fasta file was corrupted in some way, but unfortunately we don't have a better explanation at the moment.
I would appreciate if you could give an idea on how to fix the issue that I came across: When running, all reads go to dump folder and therefore Terminal exit with the error:
From MergeSAM.log:
What has been tried:
Size of genome: 2465177
Thank you for taking the time to look into this case.