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HiC-Pro: An optimized and flexible pipeline for Hi-C data processing
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multiple enzymes ligation product #528

Open yinshiyi opened 2 years ago

yinshiyi commented 2 years ago

I am trying to analyze data that uses multiple REs. I learned that from ARIMA kit: ^GATC,G^ANTC ligation product of the ARIMA kit: GATCGATC,GANTGATC,GANTANTC,GATCANTC

What should these digest_genome.py -r G^ANTC ^GATC C^TNAG T^TAA -o bed.bed Fasta.fa Restriction site(s) GAATC,GACTC,GAGTC,GATTC,GATC,CTAAG,CTCAG,CTGAG,CTTAG,TTAA Offset(s) 1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1

What should my ligation product be? Thank you.

yinshiyi commented 2 years ago
--restriction_site 'G^ANTC ^GATC C^TNAG T^TAA' \

I attached my ideas, will update on results

yinshiyi commented 2 years ago

image The pipeline failed at mapped_2hic_fragments.py -f fragment.bed -r sa22224_S3HiC_R.5_bwt2pairs.bam --all no validated pairs are detected