FASTQFILE=$PBS_O_WORKDIR/inputfiles_hic_mouse_pac.txt; export FASTQFILE
make --file /public/home/pengh/mytools//HiC-Pro_3.1.0/scripts/Makefile CONFIG_FILE=/hpdata/ws/mouse_hic/config-hicpro.txt CONFIG_SYS=/public/home/pengh/mytools//HiC-Pro_3.1.0/config-system.txt all_sub 2>&1
I tried running HiC-Pro with a total of 320 threads on ten nodes using Torque. According to the output pestat, all 10 nodes were indeed utilized, but only the first node is under high load. It seems that the remaining 9 nodes are not running any tasks.
PBS -l nodes=10:ppn=32,mem=60gb,walltime=
PBS -m ae
PBS -j eo
PBS -N HiCpro_hic_mouse_pac
PBS -q batch
PBS -t 1-7
cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR FASTQFILE=$PBS_O_WORKDIR/inputfiles_hic_mouse_pac.txt; export FASTQFILE make --file /public/home/pengh/mytools//HiC-Pro_3.1.0/scripts/Makefile CONFIG_FILE=/hpdata/ws/mouse_hic/config-hicpro.txt CONFIG_SYS=/public/home/pengh/mytools//HiC-Pro_3.1.0/config-system.txt all_sub 2>&1
I tried running HiC-Pro with a total of 320 threads on ten nodes using Torque. According to the output pestat, all 10 nodes were indeed utilized, but only the first node is under high load. It seems that the remaining 9 nodes are not running any tasks.