nsf / gocode

An autocompletion daemon for the Go programming language
MIT License
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Struct autocompletion does not work anymore #480

Closed lloiser closed 7 years ago

lloiser commented 7 years ago

Given that gocode is checked out with commit: 1a78dd6c36d7f37cbb60073523c2e9ca3f6519fa (= current HEAD at the time of writing this)

And I have the following code

|_ foo.go

foo.go contains:

package lib

type Foo struct {
    Bar string

and main.go:

package main

import (

func main() {
    tmp := lib.Foo{


where # is my cursor.

Note: this only happens if the Foo struct is in another package.

When I try to autocomplete this (e.g. gocode autocomplete main.go 81)

Expected: I only get Bar because my cursor is inside the struct

2017/10/13 08:18:01 Number of candidates found: 1
2017/10/13 08:18:01 Candidates are:
2017/10/13 08:18:01   var Bar string
2017/10/13 08:18:01 =======================================================

Actual: I get all "global" candidates:

2017/10/13 08:17:11 Number of candidates found: 43
2017/10/13 08:17:11 Candidates are:
2017/10/13 08:17:11   const false 
2017/10/13 08:17:11   const iota 
2017/10/13 08:17:11   const nil 
2017/10/13 08:17:11   const true 
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func append([]type, ...type) []type
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func cap(container) int
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func close(channel)
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func complex(real, imag) complex
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func copy(dst, src)
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func delete(map[typeA]typeB, typeA)
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func imag(complex)
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func len(container) int
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func main()
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func make(type, len[, cap]) type
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func new(type) *type
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func panic(interface{})
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func print(...interface{})
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func println(...interface{})
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func real(complex)
2017/10/13 08:17:11   func recover() interface{}
2017/10/13 08:17:11   package fmt 
2017/10/13 08:17:11   package lib 
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type bool built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type byte built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type complex128 built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type complex64 built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type error interface
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type float32 built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type float64 built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type int built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type int16 built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type int32 built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type int64 built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type int8 built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type rune built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type string built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type uint built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type uint16 built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type uint32 built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type uint64 built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type uint8 built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   type uintptr built-in
2017/10/13 08:17:11   var tmp lib.Foo
2017/10/13 08:17:11 =======================================================


Checking out the parent commit c7fddb39ecbc9ebd1ebe7d2a3af473ed0fffffa1 returns the correct suggestions. So I assume that 1a78dd6c36d7f37cbb60073523c2e9ca3f6519fa has introduced a bug.

(source: https://github.com/joefitzgerald/go-plus/issues/598#issuecomment-336076119)

nsf commented 7 years ago

Should work now, sorry about that. Just pushed the commit.

lloiser commented 7 years ago

Thx for your quick fix, amazing! 🎉