nsidc / qgreenland

Source code for generating the QGreenland package hosted at https://qgreenland.org/
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[Dataset]: Potential vegetation layers #530

Open MattF-NSIDC opened 1 year ago

MattF-NSIDC commented 1 year ago

Dataset URL



@trey-stafford to populate

trey-stafford commented 1 year ago

Gerald Frost gave a presentation at the Mapping the Arctic conference in Nuuk about vegetation change in the Arctic. I have a few notes about potential sources of data, although I have no idea how accessible these data actually are! Here are my notes:

The conference is planning to publish a booklet of abstracts and slide decks (I think) from the conference soon, so we might get some additional ideas directly from the source once that's published.

trey-stafford commented 1 year ago

Link to Gerald's slides: https://dtu.events/aitc2023/download-zip?data=350458

trey-stafford commented 1 year ago

Potential dataset: Raster Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map

Dataset (GeoTiff) can be downloaded here: https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/c4xj5rv6kv/1 Relevant paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0034425719303165?via%3Dihub

This map shows land cover classes for various bioclimatic zones in the Arctic. Unfortunately it is not clear what the raster's data values map to. The metadata is limited and some of it seems to be stored in an ArcGIS proprietary format (.lyr). I'm guessing the symbology/legend is in the .lyr data. Planning to look at the paper more closely and also investigate if I can open the .lyr file in ArcGIS online.

I found v2 of the dataset, which includes a csv file that maps raster data values to vegetation categories here: https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/c4xj5rv6kv/2

Associated PR: https://github.com/nsidc/qgreenland/pull/592

trey-stafford commented 1 year ago

Potential dataset: Arctic Report Card 2022: Tundra Greenness

Unfortunately there does not appear to be a link to the data itself. Perhaps I can ask Gerald about this to see if it is accessible as a raster dataset (he's one of the authors on this report).

trey-stafford commented 1 year ago

There are some other potential layers we could consider from the original Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (CAVM) as well: https://www.arcticatlas.org/maps/catalog/index


Note these are all 'older' datasets (2003) and some data links seem to be broken (e.g., the coastline geotiff is link is broken)

trey-stafford commented 1 year ago

I emailed Gerald about the Tundra Greenness dataset and for any other suggestions he might have for QGreenland. Will update when/if I hear back!

trey-stafford commented 1 year ago

Gerald got back to us and indicated that a repository containing data on NDVI trends will be ready soon from ORNL-DAAC. This might not be available in time for v3, but perhaps a future release!

Gerald also mentioned that MODIS data that the NDVI trends are based on is already available. It is possible that we could write some code to fetch MODIS data, compute e.g., monthly NDVI, and then produce trends from that. This seems like a pretty big lift for us to accomplish right now though.

MattF-NSIDC commented 1 year ago

This doesn't look like it's going to fit in v3.