nsidc / vagrant-vsphere

VMware vSphere provider for Vagrant
607 stars 166 forks source link

Can't run unit tests #161

Open icnocop opened 8 years ago

icnocop commented 8 years ago


Windows 7 x64 SP1 Ruby 2.0.0-p647 (x64) DevKit-mingw64-32-4.7.2-20130224-1151

  1. Added "C:\Ruby200\bin" to PATH
  2. Ran "C:\RubyDevKit-mingw64-32-4.7.2-20130224-1151-sfx\devkitvars.bat" to add dev kit in %PATH% -> Success

    Adding the DevKit to PATH...
  3. Ran "gem build vSphere.gemspec" -> Success

    WARNING:  no homepage specified
    Successfully built RubyGem
    Name: vagrant-vsphere
    Version: 1.5.0
    File: vagrant-vsphere-1.5.0.gem
  4. Ran "rake" --> Failure

    rake aborted!
    LoadError: cannot load such file -- bundler/setup
    C:/github/icnocop/vagrant-vsphere/Rakefile:2:in `<top (required)>'
    (See full trace by running task with --trace)
  5. Ran "gem install bundler" --> Success

    Fetching: bundler-1.10.6.gem (100%)
    Successfully installed bundler-1.10.6
    Parsing documentation for bundler-1.10.6
    Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.10.6
    1 gem installed
  6. Ran "rake" --> Failure

    The git source git://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant.git is not yet checked out. Pl
    ease run `bundle install` before trying to start your application
  7. Ran "bundle install" --> Failure

    Your Gemfile lists the gem vagrant-vsphere (>= 0) more than once.
    You should probably keep only one of them.
    While it's not a problem now, it could cause errors if you change the version of
    just one of them later.
    Updating git://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant.git
    Fetching gem metadata from http://rubygems.org/.............
    Fetching version metadata from http://rubygems.org/...
    Fetching dependency metadata from http://rubygems.org/..
    Resolving dependencies...
    Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "bundler":
    In Gemfile:
     vagrant (>= 0) x86-mingw32 depends on
       bundler (< 1.7.0, >= 1.5.2) x86-mingw32
    Current Bundler version:
     bundler (1.10.6)
    This Gemfile requires a different version of Bundler.
    Perhaps you need to update Bundler by running `gem install bundler`?
    Could not find gem 'bundler (< 1.7.0, >= 1.5.2) x86-mingw32', which is required
    by gem 'vagrant (>= 0) x86-mingw32', in any of the sources.

Any ideas?

Thank you.

mkuzmin commented 8 years ago
gem uninstall bundler
gem install bundler --version="~> 1.6.0"